Introductions and Information

177 1 8

(L/n) (Y/n) (chapters 1 & 2)
Aizawa-Yamada (Y/n)


4 (chapters 1, 2 & 3)
8 (first part of chapter 4)
9 (second part of chapter 4)

Date of Birth:






Place of Birth:
Hosu, Japan

Current Residence:
Hosu, Japan (chapter 1 & half of 2)
Mustafu, Japan

Medical Records:
Completely blind. Severe car accident at age 2. Airbags forcefully hit the infant's face, damaging the eyes. Despite the surgeon's efforts, the patient will be fully blind for life.

U.A. High School
Midnight Agency



Music Box

By humming/singing a song, targets will become affected. Different songs have different effects. A flat hum, one note held out, will cause pain similar to the feeling of a stab wound without actually causing physical damage. No songs cause physical damage, only the illusion of the feeling.

User will experience sore throats and dizzy spells. If the song stops, so do the effects. If the target experiences a shock (example: getting hit)or has something stopping their hearing, the effects will stop.

painting, soft things, dragonfruit, the forest, music, physical affection, familiar people and places, cats, her family, Daisuke, walking barefoot

blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, being touched without warning, unfamiliar places, crowds, loud noises, wearing shoes, her biological parents

About (Y/n):
Growing up blind, her other four senses are very sharp. She can tell who is coming towards her by their footsteps alone. She has very good hearing as well, able to figure out how someone is feeling by the pattern of their breathing. She has a seeing-eye dog named Daisuke (dye-sue-kay) who accompanies her everywhere. Daisuke is a black and white border collie. He was trained to both guide her and protect her. (Y/n) is not someone to go out of her way to talk to people unless she feels it necessary. She has bad social anxiety and prefers staying home over going out. She was a very outgoing child but became much more reserved growing up. She enjoys acoustic takes on indie songs along with sweet/calm originals. She is very reserved, often sticking to herself. On the battlefield, she is focused, calm, and alert. You could say her personality is very similar to Aizawa's, with a small sprinkle of Yamada's.

Fun Facts:
•She finds safety and comfort in the scent of people she trusts.
•She knows Braille.
•She hates strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries due to their texture.
•She avoids wearing shoes and socks whenever she can, even sometimes walking around the school just with her socks and no shoes. No one knows why, she just likes it.
•She's fine with being a "limelight" hero but plans to avoid large crowds and most media when she can.
•Though she doesn't particularly care if the media talks about her, she doesn't want to be the center of attention.
•She loves the feeling of silk and dry, rough paint. They are her favorite textures and they make her very happy.
•She often holds onto people and loves getting hugs. This comes from a lack of physical affection growing up(before her rescue).
•She has a brother/sister relationship with Bakugo.

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