"And you received the delivery with this lingerie?" He frowned.

"Of course not! The delivery man arrived before I change into this little garment" she pouted, "I'm wearing this because of you"

He smirked "I feel honored. But then you fell asleep?" he tease "It's not even eight o'clock right now"

"Sorry, I feel a little bit tired when I got home earlier. After ordering pizza, I took a quick shower, and then ate, and then I fell asleep, and then you came" Chaeyoung explain.

Jungkook laughed softly, "Alright. I'll go wash up, you stay here or do you want me to carry you to the bedroom?"

"No, I'll wait here. I'll accompany you to eat your dinner later"

"Okay," He's just about to stand up before Chaeyoung pulled his loosen tie, make him jerk closer to her face and then she kiss him, "Be quick" she whispered against his lips.

"Yes ma'am" he grinned and kiss her head before he leave her there for shower.

A moment later, when he returned to the living room. He found his wife had fallen asleep, again.

Jungkook just shook his head. But then he frowned and quickly check her forehead with the back of his hand, then to his own forehead, it's normal. Maybe she just really tired, he thought. And so he decide to move her to the bed.


The next day, Chaeyoung was sulking. It seems more likely that the sulking is because Jungkook didn't wake her up when she fell asleep for the second time last night. And worst, she was thinking that he's not interested when she wears lingerie.
If only she knew how much he restrained himself from his need last night.

When he explained that he didn't want to disturbed her sleep because she looked tired, she cried. He doesn't know why she'd feel hurt and irritated by something trivial like that. This kinda new though, she never act like this before.

"You still mad at me Chipmunk?" He asked as he drove them to Taehyung's place. They're going to meet up their friends and having dinner together.

"No" she reply short, her eyes staring out the window in the passenger seat.

"Then why those pretty lips still pouting? You want me to kiss you?"

Chaeyoung bit her lips, and doesn't say anything.

"I wonder what would those lucious lips taste today, strawberry? Cherry?" He continue.

Her cheeks blushing now. "Stop it"

Jungkook suddenly pulls over, and her eyes widened "What are you doing? I didn't say to stop the ca-" She can't even finish her word as he unfasten his seat belt and then cupped her face, kissing her like starving man. One hand slid down to her inner thigh under her dress, and she gasp. "Jungkook, wait-" but he capture her lips again in passionate kiss, totally unaware of their surrounding.

"Strawberry" he state as he pulled away.

"You crazy. Are you pulled over just want to know about that? I didn't tell you to stop the car" she said again.

"Yes and yes I know" he answer as he fasten his seat belt.

Chaeyoung shook her head but she was smiling as she avert her gaze outside the window.


"I know it's kinda super late, but here's to our new couple Jungkook and Chaeyoung" Taehyung raised his glass and nodded at the two, "Welcome to marriage life." He grinned and sip his drink. Everyone cheers.
Meanwhile Chaeyoung raised her glass of mango juice.

She actually feel a sudden discomfort since she walked in to the backyard, but she doesn't know why or what. That's why she choose to drink juice instead. It make her feel better.

"Chae here, have a taste before we have the main course. I know you will like it" Lisa put a little plate of dumpling in front of her. As soon as the smell reach her nose Chaeyoung feel dizzy. Cold sweat appear on her forehead as her face drained of color. She can't hold it anymore, she cover her mouth.

Jungkook who's been watching her since they arrived, muttered something, shoving back from the table, he intent on coming around the table to help her but chaeyoung holding her hands out to stop him as she shot out of her seat. Without a word, she turned and raced from the table, running inside the house to the bathroom where she slammed inside.

A few minutes later her body came back to itself, she wash up her mouth and then she slumped onto the toilet seat, her limbs all jellified. She felt exhausted. Chaeyoung closed her eyes, wondering how the hell she got sick like this when she hasn't even shoved anything to eat.

At the sound of the door opening, her eyes cracked open too, and she watched as a concerned Jungkook stepped inside and closed the door. He came closer, dropping slowly to his haunches so they were at eye level.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he pushed the strand covering her face and tucked it behind her ear. Instead of answering, she burst into tears.

Jungkook pulled her into his arms, "Sshh, it's okay Chae, don't cry. Are you hurt anywhere?"

She shook her head on his shoulder "I don't know what happened to me. I think I just want to go home and sleep" she sniff.


"But I really don't want to go back out there."

"I understand" he pulled away and stood up "Wait in the living room, I'll tell the guys that we're going home"

Chaeyoung nodded.

"What happened? Is she okay?" Jin asked as soon as Jungkook back in the table.

"She's okay, just.. need to rest, I think." Jungkook said as he collect Chaeyoung's phone on the table. Jimin, Lisa and Jennie exchanged looks. "I'm sorry, we have to leave early" he added looking at his friends who their eyes are all on him now.

"That's fine. Just make sure you guys eat when you're home" Jisoo said.

"We will. Good night all," he nodded and left.

"She's pregnant, I'm sure." Lisa state when Jungkook already out of sight "You guys wanna bet with me?" She asked.

But before everyone answer her, a napkin landed on her head first.



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