First night's sleep

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I wanted to breastfeed my baby as soon as I could because seeing ehr sweet face suckling her bottle in my bed made my heart swell. I wanted to get her in her new cot as well but her sad little eyes clung to me when I went to lay her down so I assumed she wanted to spend her first night with mummy. I had no qualms. I wanted to hold her. 
"Is that nice, baby girl?" I cooed, tucking some hair behind her ear. she blinked slowly at me, as if in a trance and I smiled. She was my favourite baby. 

It didn't take her long to fall asleep. I climbed out of bed and got in the shower then brushed my teeth. When I got back into my bedroom, I expected her to be flat out like usual but instead, she was sat up in my bed. I pouted. 
"Why you awake bubba?" I asked. I was naked but I went over to her anyway and encouraged her to lay down. 
"Mama," she mumbled, reaching at me and grabbing my boobs. I chuckled and shook my head, prying them out of her hands and tucking the covers over her arms. 
"It's sleepy time," I whispered. I began to sing softly and she watched me, as she did before, eyes heavy and slowly blinking. I ran my fingers over her hair and let my voice lull her to sleep. This time, she was out faster than with the bottle. I slid into bed with her and didn't bother with a t-shirt- we'd slept naked on multiple occasions. I got my phone and scrolled through tumblr, smiling at the other littles I followed on there. 

Eventually, I got tired and fell asleep. I wasn't sure when. 
However, I was sure that at around 4am, I was woken up by my princess sucking my nipple, grinding in her nappy against my leg and moaning loudly. Wow baby, great sublty. 
I grabbed her, fully awake and led her on her back. I giggled and got on top of her- looking her up and down. She giggled loudly. 
"You're quite the cheeky one," I giggled back. She smiled and went to kiss me. 
We had hot, wet sex and it was worth every minute waking upa t 4 am for 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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