Part 5️⃣

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We soon were on the planet. It was slightly bigger than the Trellia. It was also more wintery than beachy; icy blue and white, but too had a ring around it. We decided to not inform the planet of our arrival, since we were on a rescue mission. We can't just go: "Oh hello we've just come here on a rescue mission, to retrieve the trellian you kidnapped."

I got ready to beam down with six security officers and Carol Marcus and Uhura. I was going to have to call down a Medical Officer, cause by what the Trellians have said the Tralexians were quite threatening wait, hold on How big are the Tralexians? Because if they're like a similar size to the Trellians; What is there to worry about? But I still had to reluctantly call a Medical Officer, if the Trellian Brwaanik was hurt. I made a com call and ordered for the most redundant medical officer at The Med Bay, to come down on the planet.

But as I was on my way to The Transporter Room, I heard a familiar voice

'Jim, wait!'

I swung round, 'Bones?!'

He ran up beside me. 'Hi Jim,' He beamed

'What are you doing here?' I hissed

'I am the Medical Officer who will be coming down with you,'

'I was expecting a more unneeded officer to come, you're needed at Sick Bay!'

'Mbenga and Chapel will do fine without me for a while.'

I still felt uncertain.

'Admit it, you didn't really want any other officer. You need me!' He teased.

He wouldn't stop saying: admit it!

Until I finally groaned and exclaimed 'Fine! Yes!'

'Yes, what?' He said smugly, a Cheshire cat smile crawling on his face.


'I Need You,'  I said through my teeth, with a little attitude.

He then patted my back

Before I could ask him about Spock, he asked

'So, what have I missed?'

'We beamed down on a planet inhabited by a lilliput people-sized aliens, the Trellians. And one of the leader's sons got kidnapped by their rival planet, and were going to retrieve him- are you literally drinking from a flask right now?!'

Where did that flask even come from?!

'Don't judge me! I'm thirsty, I haven't had a chance for a drink all day!' Bones protested
'So, how's Spock?' I asked, Bones abruptly began speed walking up to the beaming pad, which was quite unusual, as normally we'd have to drag him there kicking and screaming, which concerned me even more. Was he deliberately avoiding my question??? Had something gone wrong with Spock???

I got pretty hesitant of maybe making a quick dash to the Med Bay. But a thought came to me. Spock wouldn't want me to abandon an important vital mission for him. He wouldn't abandon a vital mission for me, no matter how much he wanted to. He'd blush at the thought. "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few...or the one".

'Sir?' I snapped out of my thoughts noticing everyone was already on the transporter pads--staring at me. I nodded stepping on a pad.

Bones did eventually tell me when we got down onto the planet.

'The Vulcans advised us to remove the mask, but he hasn't woken up yet,'

'Oh,'  I said concerned. I think I know why Bones waited until we were off the ship to answer my question. Because he must have known that I'd want to abandon the mission and leave to see Spock.

A Spirk Story ❤️💚Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora