Part 4️⃣

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The Vulcan Healers soon arrived. There were two doctors and four nurses.

'Captain,' Sarek began 'These are the best Vulcan Doctors and Nurses in Shikhars Dhreth.'

I knew that Dhreth was a monastery on Vulcan, which is a place for Healing souls, and I knew the best Vulcan Healers resided there. The two doctors were called Sirok and Iria, and the nurses were V'las, L'nel, T'Pan, Sev, T'Kin, and Tos. I rose my hand in a Vulcan salute🖖 and welcomed them. I introduced them to the medical staff and introduced the medical staff to the Vulcans. Then I sent them on their way to the Med Bay. I didn't follow. I went back down to the bridge. I had a feeling that if Spock was awake things would get difficult with me in the room. But I knew he was in good hands. It was a good thing anyway. Because as soon as I entered the bridge; I noticed The Enterprise was approaching a yellowly orange and indigo ringed planet.

'Captain, ve vere just about to call you.' Stated Chekov.

'Dr Marcus, Status report,' I ordered

'It's an M class planet, sir. And I've detected 75,000,000,000 life forms. The planet itself; is mostly sand and water,

'So, it is like a beachy planet,' I say amazed

'In a way yes, the climate there is about 30.2 degrees,'

'Okay, Uhura see if you can make contact?'

'Yes, Captain,' she replied.

She soon made communication with the leaders of the planet.

Zarinah and her sister Xentria.

Zarinah had indigo coloured hair, tied with a shimmery gold headband and turquoise coloured skin. Her sister-Xentria had baby blue skin and navy-blue hair. They appeared to be very friendly, they allowed us to visit their planet and were looking forward to meeting us. The people who came down on the planet with me were:  Dr Marcus, Uhura, and lieutenant Rigby the cultural observer. I would usually bring Dr McCoy. But I think he would be needed at med bay. We beamed down to the planet. At first, we didn't see anyone at all, we didn't even see any civilizations, just an orange sandy beach and a turquoise sea. I looked at Dr Marcus;

'Readings show that there right here, Captain,' she says looking perplexed.

'Captain look!!' blurted Rigby pointing at the ground. We all looked, and my eyes widened as I looked at the floor. There were these little plum-sized versions of the people we spoke to. I crouched down, one of the tiny aliens stepped forward.

'I am Prwa'la, the protector of the Trellians. Are you the crew of the ship Enterprise?'

'Yes, we are,'

'So, which one of you is Captan Jams Tibbyrus Kik?'

'I am Captain James Tiberius Kirk,'

'You look quite young to be a Leader,' she said with disbelief.

'How young?' I asked amused


I wrinkled my nose,

Marcus tapped my shoulder,

'Captain, it appears these beings live up to 10 years. To them 4 is like a young adult, early 20s,' she hissed.

'Ahh okay, I nodded, thank you,' I said at Prwala

Just then the two co-leaders' sisters stepped forward; 'We welcome you Enterprise to our planet. Please, we ask of you to dine with us.'

'Err, sure,'
I replied awkwardly, I wasn't exactly sure how this was going to work, as their foods were probably the size of raisins, but I didn't want to be rude. We were taken to a hill by a building that looks like a doll's house. And even though I kept my eyes peeled on not standing on anything or anyone. I think I sat on something pointy.

I was quite correct, about the food being too small, as some of us have accidentally eaten the containers. 'Leader Kik, is it?' asked Zarinah

'Actually, it's Kirk,' I corrected

'Interesting, anyway Leader Kirk, what brings you to our planet?'
I explained to her about Starfleet and what we do, and that we come in peace to seek out new life and new civilizations. Zarinah looked quite interested. But Xentria made me feel uncomfortable because I swear she was checking me out, and not in a fun way. Then she whispered to her sister, which made me feel even more uneasy, then Zarinah quickly checked me out and then nodded at her sister.

'Leader Kirk, may we speak to you in private?'

'erm okay, sure,'
I don't know why I was so tense, they seemed quite friendly beings and I don't think they'd be able to hurt me anyway. (Even though I have seen Gulliver's Travels.) And I seriously doubt they'd want to make out with me even though this is usually how my one-night stands and make-out seshes usually happen- OMG, they're the size of Sylvanian families, why and how could they make out with me?!

Suddenly a shadow fell upon the two sisters. 'Leader Kirk, we ask of you for assistance,' said Zarinah gravelly

'Oh okay, what for?' I asked incredulously

'There is a planet near ours, which share the same moons with us,' she began,

'That's actually possible?!' I blurted amazed.

'Clearly, but we wish it was not,' muttered Xentria

'You see, Leader Kirk'- I raised my hand, 'Just Kirk would be fine,' I insisted,

'Alright, Kirk.' Zarinah acknowledged

'You see that planet has been a threat to us ever since they discovered technology, 8,413 years ago,'
she went on

'How have you guys stayed so positive minded?'

'We must for the sake of our people. We must keep them happy, to keep them going. Wouldn't you do the same for your people, Kirk?' I nodded slowly, thinking of one person in particular.

'So, what do you need my assistance with?'

Zarinah bit her purple lip and gave her sister a glance, whose cheeks had gone a deep blue.

'One of our people got abducted by the Tralexians,'

'My pregnant son, Brwaanik!' blurted Xentria.

My eyes widened, '
Wait what? Sorry if I'm offending you here. But did you say your son is pregnant?'

'Yes, don't your people reproduce?'

'Yeah, we do. It's just it is the females, who give birth.'

They looked quite astounded.

Also, the other thing which surprised me was Xentria looked about 29 in human years, yet she already had a pregnant child!

Just then Prwala came running towards us.

'Did you? Have you told him?' She asked breathlessly.

'Yes, Prwala. We told him,' Zarinah replied reassuringly.

Then she turned back to me.
'Prwala is Brwaanik's spouse.'

I was not going to ask how their whole reproductive system worked.

'Yes, don't worry!' I heaved, getting up
'My crew and I will get him back safely.'

' Thank you, Kirk,' the sisters replied.
'Yes, thank you so much!' added Prwala

I ordered to beamed aboard and called for the others to be beamed aboard too.

'Right, everyone we're going on a rescue mission.' I announced, clapping my hands together.

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