Chapt 2️⃣

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It's been a few days now and I was beginning to think Spock might be feeling in control, now. I'd been making a record of his progress. The only concerning bit was his diet. But I didn't worry too much as Vulcans can actually survive weeks without food and drink, but then again he was also half-human.


Nightmares: none

Panic Attacks: 2

Hours slept: 10hrs

Activities Together: 5

Food eaten: 0

Beverages: 0


Panic Attacks: 1

Nightmares: none

Hours slept: 9.5hrs

Activities Together: 7

Food eaten: 0



Nightmares: none

Panic Attacks: 0

Hours slept: 12.75

Activities Together:

Nightmares: none

Panic Attacks:0

Hours slept: 12hrs

Activities Together: 2

Food eaten: 0

Beverages: 0

But by the fifth night, Spock suddenly jolted the bed which woke me up. Because it was dark, I couldn't see anything, but I could feel Spock wasn't in bed, 'Spock?' I called gently, no response. I got up 'computer lights on 10 per cent.'

I find Spock in the corner of the room, with his legs tucked under his chin. I knelt by his side, 'Another bad dream?' He nodded, of course, I couldn't see his face, but I could hear some sniffling sounds emanating from him, which indicates that he was sobbing.

'awh, honey,' I comforted hIm for a bit, caressing his back and cuddling him with his nose nuzzled into my neck, I then brought him into a kiss, since we're dating now from after we confessed we loved each other, he then brought his hands slowly to my face, and I could feel all the feelings and sensations he was feeling. I slowly stood us both up and then reached down to his legs and scooped him up and carried him back to the bed, then I carefully sat down on the side, and slowly moved my legs up and leaned my back against the wall, Still cradling a shaky Spock, I began stroking his hair, 'Jim? You will not be informing my father about my condition? Because I don't want the Vulcans to know about it.'

'It will be put in your medical files but they will be kept confidential, so don't worry.'
He then began staring at me with a dreamy, longing and vacant expression

'I don't deserve you' he mumbled

'What do you mean. You don't deserve me,' I said sounding shocked

'I just don't, I think you deserve better,'

'Absolute rubbish, I think it's you who doesn't deserve me, you're the best, I can't think of anyone better than you, sweetheart. You don't know how lucky I am.'

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