Part 3️⃣

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Warning⚠️: this part contains a seizure.

For another couple of days, he was doing well, eating alright, had no nightmares and was altogether quite calm. I think the massages were helping quite a lot too.

I even got some massaging tools and lotions to use on him, which he loved. He became more relaxed and loosened up more.

But one day something went seriously wrong.

At 01:46, I woke up, hearing little whining and moaning sounds.

'No, No, Please, No,'

I could also feel him trembling.

I leaned over, stroking his hair

'Shh, you're okay, you're safe, it's alright, I'm here.'

I cooed in his ear, holding his hand in a fist to his chest. (he'd once punched me in the face when he got startled, which he then got upset for harming me, and I had to keep insisting to him, that I was okay. But as soon as I got him to sleep, {by injecting him with a hypo, to make him sleepy} I had to go to MB)

His breathing then evened, and he stopped fidgeting. I kissed him on the cheek, then went back to sleep.

But that was not the only thing that happened that day. This afternoon he began acting weirdly. Like while eating lunch he was sitting very stiffly and was also staring blankly into space.

After he finished his lunch, he sat there for a few minutes staring blankly into space, after I took his bowl off him.

'Spock, are you okay?'

He then stood up and replied quietly

'Feel strange,'

He then wandered across the room, as if he'd never seen it before.

'Spock, what's wrong?' I was getting slightly worried about him now.

He was looking lost and confused, and his legs were trembling, and his knees were knocked.

He replied weakly

'I do not know,'

A few seconds later,

I almost screamed; Spock collapsed to the floor; 'SPOCK?!'

I rushed over to him,

And kneeled beside him, resting his head on my knees.

'Spock? Spock?! Spock?!'

'Spock, are you alright?'

He eventually opened his eyes.

'W-What's going on?' he murmured feebly

'You passed out, sweetheart,'

He looked quite pale. And he was now drooling! This was not good.

I tried talking to him some more, but he wasn't responding. He was having some form of staring spell; not looking with it, and his hands were jerking.

I had to get help.

I got out my communicator:

'Bones, get down here now!'

'What is it, Jim?' he said in his usual gravelly voice,

'I can't explain, it's Spock. Just get down here!'

'Alright, I'm on my way!'

Seconds later

Bones rushed into my room.

'What happened?'

'He was acting weirdly at lunch, then he walked over here absentmindedly, and passed out, and now he's being unresponsive.'

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