Arc 1: Chapter 9: Sleeping Snow

Start from the beginning

"This is quite unorthodox, Minister. I'm sure you are aware of the efforts that have been made to catch the culprit?" McGonagall protested formally. Umbridge's seemingly innocent yet devious grin only grew.

"And yet, you haven't given a single solid name! How can the Minister have any faith that another student won't go missing?" she spoke in her annoyingly fake high pitched voice. 

"Now, now. We do not want any trouble from the Ministry, indeed. We understand your terms." Dumbledore replied humbly. Fudge and Umbridge gave a mutual puff to their chest as Bones watched in slight horror. 

"If that is in order then we should be off." Bones stepped forward in an attempt to defuse the situation. 

"Wait. Let me talk to him alone." I spat. He looked disgusted at my existence but knew he had no choice against it as his plans for Crystal Lake had been flawed. 

"We will be outside if you need anything." Dumbledore whispered. It was just Fudge and me.

"You want to tell me what this is all about?" I snapped. The anger in my face was illuminated by the burning fireplace. He didn't seem intimidated in the slightest.

"Hogwarts has had five students vanish and not one person or thing has been held accountable for it. Parents must protect their children. Hogwarts must close unless-"

"Oh right, because you protected me so well during my entire life. I was so safe with you around! Funny, I seem to recall events differently." The scars on my hands began to burn. 

"You always did hold a grudge, Cassandra. You never learn to move on. Our relationship could have been much different had you given your dear father a chance."

"Bullshit! You're the one who never gave me a chance! Hell, I know the only reason you're here is to spite me for exposing you, and Umbridge wanted to see my face when Bones delivered the news! Tell me. Tell me exactly what I ever did to you to make you hate me so much? I've been spending my entire life trying to figure it out and I'm dying to know."

"Because you were pathetic, Cassandra! You were a shameful child who would live up to doing nothing special. You're weak, influenced by your emotions and an embarrassment to me. Tell me, can you cast that Patronus Charm yet? It's been, what, thirteen years and still nothing? Wizards half your age are casting them now. I tried to love you, Cassandra, but you are simply unloveable. You were good for my appearance but you have gone and soiled the small use I had left for you." 

I wanted to vomit. It was one thing to suspect it for years but to hear it straight from the man himself was a different feeling entirely. 

"The truth hurts, does it not? Is this what you wanted?" he gloated.

I refused to answer. I won't give him that satisfaction...

"No fight left, it seems." he taunted and walked out of the door.  

I didn't want to cry; I had been doing far too much of it lately. Though it was justified trauma, he was right, I did let my emotions influence me... What if that was it?


Exiting through a different route to not be seen, I made my way to my room and began to analyse the board once more.

Jessica Marin...

Rayer Terrell...

Christina Becket...

Lionel MacKenna...

Genny Roberts...

I thought deeply about the missing link. The dream I had last night flashed back in my mind. There was a connection. 

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