10: Baby

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"Okay, Scarlet. It's almost over. I need you to push." My doctor said. Prince was beside me with flat ironed hair and holding my hand tight. "You're doing good, baby." He said softly by my ear as I was screaming. It was a lot to take in. It seemed like everything went by so fast, not to mention the baby decided to come three weeks early. I stopped pushing to catch my breath and a nurse was wiping my forehead. "You're doing fine, baby. Everything is going just perfect. Keep pushing." Prince was encouraging the best way he could. "Okay, we're past the head. One more big push." The doctor said. I turned my head closing my eyes before pushing and gripped Prince's hand as tight as I could. "It's a boy!" The doctor shouted. I was confused. I didn't hear crying.

"Is he okay?" Prince asked. My heart began to race with panic before the doctor put something in the baby's mouth and sucked something out and then it cried. I sighed with relief and my head fell back. "Oh thank you. Thank you, God." Prince laughed a little and let go of my hand before they put the baby on my chest after cutting the cord. I looked down to see how tiny he was and was trying to calm him down with my shaking hands and Prince was so eager to see him. I rubbed his back gently. "He's so tiny." I said to the nurse that was putting a special blanket over him. "He will be." Prince was stroking his curly hair and laughing before pulling his mask down to kiss my cheek. "I was a small baby, too." Prince said.

"We have to take him to get his weight and measurements. We'll bring him straight back." I nodded letting the nurses take him and the doctors were cleaning everything up before moving me to a different room. Prince had told everyone in the waiting room, including his father, his mother, his sister, and one of his brothers how I was doing before going to Bernadette, Eddie, and Andre's dad. When he was done he laid next to me to make sure I was okay. I played with his shoulder length straightened hair and kissed his forehead. My body's adrenaline was so high I couldn't sleep at all and I was eager to meet our son.

"We have to name him." I said to Prince. He yawned and closed his eyes nuzzling his cheek into my chest. "Jimi." I laughed. "No...we are not naming him Jimi." I said. I laid back to think and that's when the nurse came in. "Here he is. All cleaned up."Prince sat up to take him and I smiled and reached over with my shaking hand to stroke the baby's blue hand. "Will he need to stay overnight?" The nurse shook her head. "He's completely healthy. He will be hungry for his mother's milk soon, and he's just a few ounces underweight but he'll be just fine by next week." I smiled and carefully sat up as she was leaving.

I was gazing at the life Prince and I created and I couldn't believe he was here with us. "I'm worried." I said to him. He looked at me as he held the baby in his arms. "Worried? Trust me, me too. I'm scared I'll drop him or-" "No...not that type of worried...I'm worried about him." The baby shifted in his father's arms and I smiled. "Why? Because we're young?" I didn't think of it that way, but...that was now a worry. "It's more that I'm worried he'll be...like me." Prince smiled big. "No, baby. He's gonna be smart. He's gotta have your brains for sure. Poor kid can't have mine." I frowned looking at him. "Can I hold him?" I asked Prince. He laughed again. "Of course you can, baby. You gave birth to him." I laid back so Prince could lay him on my chest and I began to think about my birth mother and how she was probably in my situation. She thought that I was normal until I got a little older and then she gave me away.

I was deep in thought as I was holding my baby boy on my chest thinking about how I would never give him up. Not like the way my birth mother did. "Baby, are you crying?" I came out of my trance to see Prince staring at me and Bernadette coming into the room. I felt a hot tear hit my cheek and Prince stroked the side of my head. "What's wrong, baby?" I shook my head and used one of my hands to wipe my tears away. Prince kissed my lips. "I'm sorry." I said. Bernadette smiled. "Babies can bring happiness. Even if it's a delayed response." I laughed a little just holding Sebastian. My eyes got wide and Prince sat beside me. "Sebastian." I said to him. He cocked an eyebrow. "Sebastian? What do you mean, baby." I smiled. "That'll be his name. His name will be Drew." Prince smiled. "Okay. Sebastian it is. I'll go tell the nurse. Bernadette, will you-" "Go on, baby. I'll sit right here with her." Prince smiled and kissed her cheek before he left.

My heart was racing as everything began to kick in at once and my brain began to attach thoughts to thoughts. "Are you feeling okay, Scarlet?" Bernadette felt of my head and I nodded. "I feel fine. Just thinking is all." This baby will be loved. This baby will be UNCONDITIONALLY loved. I looked down to see his eyes open briefly before he began to suck in his sleep. If he was like me, then I'd help him. I'd know what to do and what to do when he would be thinking so much and attaching thoughts to thoughts like I do.

"He's beautiful, Scarlet. He has Prince's long fingers." I smiled and heard the door open to see Prince with Andre. I smiled big and like clockwork as soon as he heard his father's voice he began to cry. The noise was loud but I patted his back and Prince jumped into action. "Yo, he's so small." Andre said. Prince fixed Sebastian's hat and I sat up to kiss Sebastian's forehead and with Prince's soothing voice and my kiss he calmed down. "See, you two are getting the hang of it already. I'm so proud of you two." I smiled and Prince grinned as he looked at his new son.

The next day we came home to our apartment in Minneapolis that we were sharing with Andre. Sebastian was going to sleep in our room and Andre would sleep on the couch. "Finally home, buddy." Prince said as I slowly walked in holding the baby. I walked to our room to lay his sleeping figure down in his crib and I smiled so big. Prince came up behind me to kiss my forehead. "Feeling better?" He asked. I nodded. "Loads. You have no idea." I said as I was watching our son. "I'm glad...I was worried about you for a little while. Letting all those bad thoughts get to your head isn't good." I nodded. "You know what my doctor said...Asperger's can make your mind wonder. Especially if a sudden change happens." Prince hugged me and I hugged him. "I'm so proud of you." He whispered. I felt tears coming, but I wouldn't cry. "I'm just...I'm happy it all worked out. Now Sebastian can live the life that I never had." Prince stroked my hair. "And he will, baby. He will."

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