6: Soft & Wet

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Today was my eighteenth birthday, and I was laying in bed early in the morning. The sun hadn't even risen yet, and I knew today would be absolutely fun. I'd be spending my birthday with Prince and even better he said he had a surprise for me tonight. I rolled over onto my side and closed my eyes before hearing a knock at my window. I picked my head up to see Prince smiling at me and giving a small wave. I stood up with the biggest grin on my face and slid open my window so Prince could quietly come in. He was freezing from the cold as he was shutting my window and I noticed he had a thicker jacket on as he turned around to face me.

"Happy birthday, Scarlet." I smiled. "Thank you. I haven't seen you since New Year's night and I've missed you already." Prince pulled me closer placing soft kisses on my neck. One of my hands held his Afro as he kissed and I moaned softly at the notion. "I'm sorry, baby. I've been getting the band back together and I've been working on that report for English." My eyes got wide as I pulled away from him. "Shit! I forgot about that." I started to worry. "Hey, don't worry. Just copy mine. It probably needs to be looked over anyway. You know you like checking my spelling anyway." I nodded. "Okay. I haven't even started on mine." I sat on my bed and he reached inside his jacket to hand me a long square box. "I saved up to get you some things for your birthday. This is one of them." I smiled as he sat next to me. "Aww, you didn't have to get me anything, baby." I started opening it and noticed it was a tin pencil box. "Ohhh." I opened it and saw there were sketching pencils inside which made my heart flutter.

"I know you told me you wanted to do some pencil and charcoal sketches, so I saved up and bought you that kit. I hope you like it." I smiled really big and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. "I love it. It's perfect." I was over the moon excited that we'd be spending time together today. It made me so excited for my birthday. "So, where do you wanna go for breakfast? I'm buying." I looked up at him as he was standing and walking around in my room. "Um. I don't really eat breakfast. B-But we can go out for lunch later?" I reached out to take his hand and pull it close. "Well...we have to go to my mother's by five. So I wouldn't get too full on lunch." I stood to place my pencils on my desk. "Do you wanna go see a movie? We can go to that new theater they have where it's a building." I laughed. "If you want to, baby." I said to him. I could sense his irritation which made me worry.

"It's your birthday. What do you wanna do?" "I-I told you. I just want to spend the day with you." Prince frowned. "So, you really don't want to go anywhere...at all? You just want to go somewhere and sit with me?" I nodded. "Yes, Prince. We don't have to go somewhere together to be happy. We can just...be together." Prince sat down next to me. "You really are very content with just staying in for your birthday aren't you?" I nodded and leaned over to kiss his cheek. "You did tell me on the phone we were going somewhere tonight that I would really like and I'm a little nervous about it." Prince seemed confused about it at first, but suddenly realized what it was. "Oh yeah. I gotta get some stuff together for that, too."
It seems like he had my birthday planned which was really new to me, as my mother would usually buy a cake and a few decorations and that was it.

Prince and I laid in my bed for a couple of hours just cuddling and talking while I laid on his chest. "So, what does your mother want to do?" I asked him. "I can't say, but it's really sweet. That's also where your other present is. I would've brought it, but I don't think it could fit in my car." A car...that's what I really wanted. I wanted my license more than anything in the world and to have my own car would make me happy. "Hey..." I said as I looked up at him. "Hmm?" "Do you think you could teach me how to drive today?" He smirked. "Your mom would kill me." "My mom is busy. We can go to the backroads and drive. C'mon." I sat up. "It is my birthday after all, Prince." He smirked. "Alright, fine. Get dressed and we'll go."

I was a little nervous about letting Scarlet drive my car, but we'd be going down the backroads. What's the worst that could happen? Scarlet got in my Datsun beside me and was grinning ear to ear. "Where are we going?" "Suburbs of Minneapolis. There's some roads by themselves and then there's roads without a soul on them. I was driving us to the suburbs and we were listening to music on a low volume which I was starting to get used to now. Scarlet was so excited and honestly I was starting to get excited, too. We made it to the backroads and I slid my seat as back as it could go with my feet still touching the pedals. "Okay, on my lap." I said to her.

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