1: For You

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💜 Hi, my name is Drew Sebastian Matthews...and I'd like to tell you a true story about a lost kid that was reborn. All of the pictures in this story (including the cover) were colorized by princeincolor on Instagram 💜

"His name is Prince." I told my mother. We were sitting at the dinner table during dinner. "Prince? What a strange name. You said he's your friend?" She asked. I smiled proudly. "Yeah. He said hi to me today, too." My mother laughed. "That's not how making friends works, Scarlett. I could go to the grocery store now and say hi to someone, that doesn't mean we're friends." I was confused. "But...he's nice to me. Isn't that what friends do?" I asked her. She sighed and her smile dropped. By now I was catching on that that didn't mean good things. "Scarlett, if you want to be friends with this boy you need to say more than just hi to him. What does he like?" I shrugged. "I'm not sure. He plays basketball. He hangs around the band room a lot."

My mother took my plate and sighed before going to the kitchen to wash the dishes. "Scarlet, I know you're not good at this, but your doctor wants you to try and get out of the house more. He wants you to-" "I know what he wants me to do. Why doesn't he go make friends and get out of his house more?" I was getting upset and immediately went to biting my nails. "Scarlett, don't you start. I'll get the bandaids." I wasn't a baby. I can take care of myself. My mother took my hand away from my mouth to wrap my finger tips in bandages so I wouldn't bite my nails. "You've been doing good at not biting them." She was holding my hands watching me. I was angry.

"Scarlet..." It was the way she said my name and it made me look at her. "Promise you'll go out and make some friends. Have fun. Go to a dance or go see a movie with some people. I...I want you to be normal." I stood up. "I am normal! It's everyone around me that's weird!" My hands were shaking as I was fighting the urge to bite my nails. My mother hugged me but I didn't want to be hugged by someone who was making me angry. "Until we find out what's wrong with you, we have to make sure you act normal in public. You don't want to go back to the hospital do you?" She asked sternly. The hospital. I had heard about this in conversations between my doctor and my mother. If I didn't improve I'd be going there, and I didn't want that at all.

I shook my head. "No...I'm sorry." I said softly. She kissed my forehead. "Go wash up and get ready for bed. We'll talk about this tomorrow." She said. I nodded and walked to my room. My heart was racing with fear. I didn't deserve to be in that hospital, but my mother insisted I did. I couldn't take the thought of being locked away. I'm the normal one here...everyone around me is just crazy. I took my bath before going to sit on my bed. I could see my scabbed fingertips from biting them until they bled. I reached over my footboard to slip my hand into my backpack and grab my school notebook. I opened it to the most recent sketch I drew which was a picture of Prince from the side in class. I sighed putting my hand on my cheek. He wasn't the weird one either.

"Yo, Prince wake the fuck up it's school time." I got hit in the head with a pillow right as I was waking up. "Ow! Damn, Andre! I'm awake." Andre laughed before hitting me again as I was sitting up. "Dammit, Andre! Cut it out before I beat your ass!" I threw the pillow at him rubbing my eyes. I wasn't in the mood this morning because I knew today would be hell. "What's wrong with you? Don't you wanna stop by Twin Town and get your guitar today?" I shook my head. "You know your mother won't let me get that guitar because my grades in English are slipping." Andre sat on my bed. "C'mon. We'll do that trick we did where we turned your D to a B on your report card." I shook my head standing up. "It's not going to work again." I said as I went to my makeshift closet in Andre's parents' basement.

"Prince, you gotta relax. Who knows? Maybe Mr. D'Angelo will let you slide. I mean you are the basketball team's pride and joy." I grumbled grabbing a turtleneck before walking upstairs. "You finally saved up all that money to get that guitar and now you wanna wimp out? Okay, then let's blow the money on something else. Maybe an amp for my bass? Amps are-" "Andre." I said sternly as we were walking to the bathroom. "What?" "Go get the car warm. I'll be out in a minute." I said. Andre groaned and left me alone so I could get ready for school.

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