8: My Love is Forever

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Living with Prince has its perks for sure. For one, we could always see each other. No more sneaking the phone, no more only seeing each other at school, and definitely no more dates where my mother would ridicule him. By now, it was spring, and graduation was just a month away. And by then, I would only show up if Prince went to school. It was so cool to hear Prince, Andre, and his sister play music while I was drawing and on the weekends I was going out with Prince more often. Tonight, we were going to the roller rink which is something Prince had always been wanting to do. The best thing was that this time Andre wouldn't tag along because he was working at the record store until graduation.

"So, you got your skates, right?" I nodded and opened the box. "Of course I do. You bought them for me, goofy." I told him. Prince smirked and was looking around his room for anything else we might need. "I'm scared I'll fall. You know I hate falling." He sighed. "Yeah I know. Especially after last week where you almost fell off the washer while we were having sex." I blushed and hid my face. Prince grabbed his wallet before we left the house and got in his Datsun. "So, you promise you're going to teach me how to skate, right?" I asked. Prince nodded. "You got your ear muffs? It's loud in there." "I got them." I slapped them on my ears. "You swear you'll teach me, right?" "Yes, baby. I promise. Prince started driving us to the roller rink and he was listening to his music. It was nice to finally have a night out together and it was even nicer it was at a place he had been wanting to take me for a long time.

When we walked in, I saw how many people were there and I felt nervous immediately. I needed to muster up either way because this night was for Prince, and he wanted this. Prince took me to the bench where he slid off his platform boots to lace up his skates and I was slipping mine on. "Do you want me to tie them?" He offered. "No, I can do it. I'm different, not stupid." I said with a laugh. I held the other skate between my thighs to lace it up while Prince stood up on his. "Ready?" I was just slipping my other skate on. "Not, yet. Almost." I pulled the laces tight to make sure it would stay on my feet and fixed my ear muffs before taking Prince's hands. "Okay now skate towards me and push a little." Our fingers were locked as we started skating together towards the rink of kids which made me a little anxious. Prince let go of one of my hands but I shuffled my feet like he was and he was skating backwards in front of me.

"You okay? You got it?" He asked. I smiled looking down at my feet but he lifted my chin up with his finger. "Don't look down. When you look down you think about what you're doing." I could hear him through the kids, through the music, through everything and it was like we were the only ones in the roller rink. "I'm gonna let go of your hand okay?" I nodded as we were skating in a circle and he let go. I jolted at first but he grabbed my arm. "You're okay. You're skating just fine, Scarlet." I was still so nervous and afraid I'd fall, but Prince was holding me. I felt strong enough to skate on my own and followed him as he moved across the floor on his own and he was fast on his skates. He did 2 laps around the rink before I could ever do one and when he caught up with me he was a little out of breath.

"Damn, I love this song." He said to me as we were holding hands while skating. The crowd on the floor was getting thinner as most of everyone went to the back for arcade games. Prince and I stepped to the side so we could go to the pool table where are shoes were by. "You wanna play some pool?" He asked. I smiled softly. "I've never played. Is it fun?" "Yeah it is! C'mon, get your shoes on. I'll rack us up." I shook my head laughing as I changed out of my skates and back into my regular shoes before walking over to Prince who was moving around on his skates still.

"Okay, I'll break." He said. I smiled and watched him break before explaining the rules of the game. It wasn't like Chess which I taught him to play just last week. This game was pretty easy, and didn't require as much mental capacity. You just have to have luck. I was solids and he was stripes, but that didn't matter because he was really good at pool and I was a competitive person. Prince would skate around in a circle as I would make my shot and I often wonder if it was to try and distract me. It was soothing to be able to hear him through my ear muffs and it was nice to be in a public place that wasn't so loud.

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