Chapter 8: Home with No Memory

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"Curse Potter." Voldemort yelled in frustration at his loss. Many of his followers had died today thanks to the recently returned Harry Potter. He had just appeared in the middle of the street and ended his attack, thus saving all his enemies. Now what was he to do. Not to mention he was feeling a bit weak. Had Potter destroyed one of his soul fragments? No, he couldn't have. No one knew about them and the one who had was now dead. Of course he might have told Potter before his death. After all Potter had been with him the night of his death. It would be safer to assume he had. In that case he had to stop Potter, but how?

Harry had carried Hermione back into the house, laying her down on the couch. Tonks and Remus tended to her as Harry joined Ron outside to help with the wounded. Within minutes they had everyone transported to the Hospital Wing at Hogwarts. The only safe medical center for those against Voldemort. Since the school had been shut down, Hogwarts had been transformed into Operation D.A. A facility to train and protect those within Dumbledore's army.

Harry once again went inside, this time with Ron. Hermione had awaken as they were taking care of the injured. "It really was him?" She asked as he rounded the corner. Tonks nodded toward Harry as he stood in the entrance way of the living room. She jumped from the couch and ran to hug him. He side-stepped her attempt. "Harry?"

"So that is my name?" He asked looking at the group of strange people he vaguely remembered to be friends of his and wizards and witches. Except for the tall man standing next to the lady with pink hair. He had a familiar scent about him.

"Yes, your Harry Potter. One of our closest friends and ally in the war." The fiery red head said to his right. He had caught his name earlier, Ron, he believed.

"So this is the world I came from. No better than the world I was sent to." Harry replied looking about the room. Cots lined the floor and the walls were run down. This house was old and in poor condition. Why would he be sent back here? Surely this wasn't his home? Of course considering his previous living conditions this was much better. He actually had a roof over his head and four walls around him.

"Where did you go?" The pink haired one asked. Everyone nodded then offered him a seat to take on the couch. How it fit in the room he didn't know.

"I have been living in the amulet for the past twenty years. After gaining the trust of the locals I was led to Voldemort's castle and then killed him. Once my mission was complete I was sent here." Harry replied. A few looked at him in shock, sadness, and fear.

"You killed Voldemort that was inside the amulet?" Remus asked. Harry replied trusting this rugged looking man.

"Yes. Now I am here to kill his soul fragment in this world." Harry stated. Hermione finally spoke up.

"Of course. Voldemort tied his soul to objects of great importance, thus allowing him to live forever or come back from the dead. Harry must have done something to be transported inside the amulet and then let out once he killed it. Now Voldemort is weaker, and can be killed once we destroy the others. Question is where are they." She said allowing others to catch on to what was going on.

"Wait a second." A blonde stepped into the room. At once Harry felt a hatred for the man and growled. The blonde raised his hands in defense. Remus looked at Harry with acknowledgement. "You said twenty years. You don't look any older."

Harry nodded, "My soul aged, not my body. I was in a spiritual dimension. I don't know if my body was really there or just my soul."

"Harry, may I have a word with you?" The rugged man asked. Harry nodded and followed him to the basement. He thought it was werid to be led to the basement but his question was soon answered. "For privacy." Harry nodded and took at seat near a desk toward the back. "Harry, is there something about you that you would like to tell us?" He asked taking the other seat by the desk.

"Who are you. You seem familiar and your scent I recognize just now officially." He stated leaning back in the chair getting comfortable.

"I am Remus, a friend of your late parents. I may seem familiar being as that I am a werewolf, just as you are." He said also leaning back in his seat. He folded his hands in front of him and stared intently at Harry.

"Yes I am a werewolf. However I am different than you. I can smell it." Harry replied catching Remus's curiosity as to what had happened to him.

"How do you mean?" He asked.

"I am no longer swayed by the moon as you still are. I was able to fight off the beast and remain myself when others transform. In just I can change when I please." He answered.

Remus sat in shock, unable to grasp what Harry had said. He could fight off the transformation and call it at will. His will power was stronger than even Dumbledore's. Imagine his physical strength as well to be able to do such unthinkable things in this world. "Well in that case I suggest we keep this knowledge a secret. If the public got a hold of this knowledge the press would have a field day not to mention you would become a social outcast. You don't need that right now." Remus said.

Harry nodded in agreement. "Very well. In that case I must get to know everyone else again. But I must learn who are my friends and who are my enemy."

Remus nodded as well understanding his predicament. "Hermione is a close friend. Some would say you two were in love but were to blind to realize it. Ron is your other best friend, he is currently dating Hermione. Your also friends with Ginny, Ron's sister. She's dating Draco Malfoy. An old enemy of yours. He saved Ginny from his father back when she was captured by Death Eaters. Tonks is another ally. She and I thought you everything you know about combat. Those are the only ones here at the moment. Another friend is Neville but he is helping at the hospital wing."

Harry stood and made his way upstairs. Best to see everyone and get all things in the open. "Should I tell them I'm a werewolf?" He asked reaching the bottom of the stairs.

"That is up to you. However I'd only tell Hermione. She always was one to keep a secret and help with anything and everything." Remus answered.

Harry nodded and went upstairs.

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