Chapter 10: Dealing with the Mystery Men

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Harry awoke with a jolt. Something was wrong, but he couldn't place his finger on it. Something that someone had said yesterday, before he had caught Ron in the act. What was it? He pushed the feeling aside as he watched Hermione sleep. She looked like an angel. Pure and simple. How no one could be faithful to her was a mystery in his book. He wanted to rip Ron's insides out.

That was it. He jumped up and headed downstairs to find Tonks. He didn't have to look far since she was in the living room with Remus. "Harry what's wrong?" Remus asked as Harry barged into the room.

"You said that Draco's father tried to rape Ginny did you not?" Harry asked . They looked confused about his curiosity. After all this happened a year ago.

"Yes, it was Draco's father. Why?" Tonks asked peaked by his urgency to know her answer.

"I saw Malfoy die the night I was taken. He was killed by the werewolf. His insides ripped out." Harry said.

They were dumbfounded by his response. Which only lead to more questions. "If he's dead then who was it Ron and Draco fought off? Even better does Draco know?" Remus said. Of course with Draco's peck able timing he walked into the room right as Remus finished his question.

At his 'I know you were talking about me' look, Harry filled him in on their conversation. Draco sat in the only available seat and sat in silence. He didn't know his father was killed a year ago. None of them knew, Harry hadn't mentioned it. Someone was pretending to be Malfoy, but why and who?

They all sat and brainstormed on any solutions. The perfect person to help was upstairs resting, and none of them wanted to bother her. As they were sprouting out ideas Ron joined them. Harry stood and growled low in his throat when Ron entered the room. Remus also stood ready to pull Harry back if he attacked. Ron backed into the wall completely terrified of his old best friend. He didn't know what had happened to Harry, but it hadn't done wonders for his personality.

Harry sat back down after staring at Ron to see what he would do or say. Ron was smart and stayed quiet. Almost an hour had pasted and all they had come up with was polyjuice potion which couldn't have worked. None of the items needed would have been available after his death. However perhaps someone like Tonks was a follower of Voldemort.

In theory it fit. Voldemort wouldn't want anyone to know about the Horcrux's so when Malfoy was killed guarding one, Voldemort had someone pretend to be him. It fit in the belief that not even his followers knew about Voldemort's special items. If they did then they all would have a few out in the world.

Harry sighed in frustration and offered Draco his regrets of losing his father. Even if said father was a sadistic soul-less monster. He was still his father. Draco nodded then disappeared to his room. Tonks and Remus also dismissed themselves for bed. Tonight was long and tomorrow the order would be gathering to talk game plan.

Ron and Harry looked at each at having been left alone in the living room. "Harry, I'm sorry." Ron spoke as Harry sat there looking at him.

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to." Harry stated. Ron looked at his feet. Harry knew he felt bad, but perhaps only because he got caught.

"I know what your thinking." Ron said watching Harry's amused questioning look. "Your thinking about why am I feeling so awful about all this, and that maybe its because I was stupid enough to cheat."

Harry nodded and waited for him to continue with his excuse that he was about to explain.

"You see Harry. I never liked Hermione. I only wanted her because you liked her. I hated living in your shadow so I did something about it. I wooed you girl. Then for a year I got to live in a Harry free world. I was the hero, the one people turned to, the one Hermione ran to for comfort. I was the next bloody Harry Potter. I didn't want that life. I thought I did, but I didn't. I got it because I stepped up and saved my sister. Fought Voldemort and lead the D.A. against his followers. It's a tough and lonely job. You and Hermione were meant to be together. She never gave up on you. Even when I did."

Harry just sat quietly as Ron went on and on. He really didn't care what he had to say. Ron had blown all the respect Harry had for him. This speech just proved what bad judgment he had. Now that he was older and had seen an evil world. He couldn't understand why he had been friends with someone like Ron. Till he remembered. Ron was a good person at heart once he got passed the fame and fortune. He could be a good person, and that was why Harry was friends with him.

"Listen Ron, the past is the past. I don't care anymore. But I do care about the way you treated Hermione. Until she forgives you, you and I are on rocky ground. I wont be taking my eyes off you. Once a cheater always a cheater. I have to watch out for any girl your with. I wont let you hurt anyone else." Harry said.

Ron looked upset as Harry stood. "Just work this out with Hermione, but give her some time. You cut her deep." With that Harry went back upstairs to watch over his angel. She still slept peacefully in her bed. He'd only been gone for a few hours but it felt like days. So much could happen in so little time. A lot had been discovered and dealt with. Tomorrow the order was coming. Harry needed to sleep but Hermione was on his bed.

With no where else he curled up on the floor next to his bed and wrapped up in a blanket. Not long after he was out cold.

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