Chapter 14: Training Begins

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Harry was enjoying the peace and quiet of his room until it was disturbed by a knock at the door. He sighed and leaned back in his chair, "Come in." He called. A fluff of pink hair poked through the crack at the door.

"Just me Harry. I wanted to talk to you about your plans." Tonks said. Harry nodded and motioned her in. She closed the door behind her and leaned against the wall. "I agree with your plan, and Remus and I have got everything planned. However, I'm worried about you. We need to learn your limitations if you have any. We couldn't have you go running off with another one of your half-cocked plans thinking you could do something when you can't." She said.

Harry chuckled. She sounded like the same old Tonks he remembered. Yet he did agree with her on this one. "Sure thing. Tomorrow, before we begin, we can run through one of our old training exercises." He said looking up at her from his seat. She smiled softly at him, relieved that he agreed. He always was a pain to get him to do something he normally didn't want to. He was right earlier, he had changed.

"I'll see you in the morning then." She said. Harry nodded and stood to close the door behind her. He looked at the clock. Morning would come soon enough, so he stripped down to his boxers and crawled into to bed. Finally, a good night's rest after so long.

"How is the plan coming?" Voldemort said, sitting at his throne. He seemed to be in a better mood than before. A figure bowed at his feet.

"Very well, My Lord. My inside source has given me much information. Soon Potter will leave his beloved house and I will strike." The figure said his greasy hair hiding his face.

Voldemort's head raised in thought at the man.

"Well well, I haven't been aware of you for so long. It's nice to see you checking up. However, I'm afraid I'm going to have to kick you out." Voldemort said his evil smile once again on his snake like face.

Harry woke up with on hell of a headache. He rubbed his scar and rolled out of bed, stumbling to the bathroom. He hadn't had a vision of Voldemort in a long time. He'd need to work on keeping his thoughts to himself if he and Voldemort were still connected as strong as ever. It could be bad if his defenses were down and Voldemort found out he was a werewolf, and that he was in love with Hermione.

Hermione. He groaned, splashing cold water on his face. They hadn't gotten a chance to finish their conversation, which in part he was grateful for. He had told her his feelings, something he wasn't ready to risk. What was going to happen now? She'd just broken up with Ron and he was confessing his love for her. He had great timing.

He looked over at the clock. The group would be waiting for him in the training room, he was running late. He groaned again and changed into sweats and a t-shirt. His clothes were tight on him. His muscle tone had grown and he hadn't even noticed. He shrugged, just meant he'd have to go buy some new clothes. He adjusted his wand holsters as he made his way down the hall.

The door was open so Harry walked right in, not even checking if Tonks had set a trap for him. Which, knowing her, she did. He wasn't wrong as a sword came swinging towards him. He rolled underneath and positioned himself in defense. Tonks stood two feet away with a long sword in her hand. "Still have good reflexes. So next let's test your strength." She said, straightening and returning the sword on the weapon rack.

He stood from his crouch and noticed Hermione, Ron, and the others by the wall watching. They obviously wanted to know what he could do now. He smiled softly and followed where Tonks motioned. It was then he noticed Remus in the doorway watching.

Harry Potter and the Blood Risen Moon (Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant