Chapter 20: Man or Wolf (Part 2)

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When Hermione finally realized that Harry was carrying her off she started to protest against his strong arms. "Put me down Harry. What's going on?" He stopped, and gently set her feet on the floor.

"I'm going to get something to eat, then we're leaving." He said taking her hand and leading her further down the hall towards the kitchen. She shook her head and pulled her hand from his grasp.

"Harry, what was that back there? You could have hurt someone! Besides, you should be resting." She said. Harry turned back to her, a growl coming from deep within his chest. It scared her enough to back up against the wall.

"They were trying to separate you from me. I will never let that happen. You are safe, as long as you're with me." He said, stepping closer.

She finally noticed his eyes. The normal green was gone, and replaced with a pale yellow. It sent shivers down her spine. He wasn't her Harry anymore. "I don't feel very safe." She said.

He stopped dead in his tracks and shook his head. What was he doing? He was acting like he was stalking his prey, Hermione being the prey. He needed to get control, and fast, before he hurt someone else.

Hermione watched him closely. He was acting like he was fighting himself, the way he was rubbing his forehead and squeezing his eyes shut. When he did open them again and look at her, there was more green. Harry must have gotten back some control.

"Hermione, I'm sorry. Something's wrong with me. I can't seem to stay in control, I want to act more like an animal." He said. She reached out and touched his arm, and she saw him physically relax. As if her touch brought him peace.

"It's okay Harry. It's obvious you need to avoid a lot of people right now. Lets just get you someplace quiet, where you can relax." She said softly, rubbing his arm.

His body tensed and he looked down the hallway, a look of confusion, then anger, on his face. "What is it?" She asked.

"I can hear them. They're still in the great hall, but I hear them." He said, focusing. He growled and continued down the hall till he reached the painting of the fruit basket. He rubbed the pear and the door swung open.

"Master Harry Potter and Mistress. Granger. We is pleased to see you in the kitchen once more. What can we get for you?" A house elf greeted them, his arms full of dishes. Hermione offered to help but he refused.

"I need meat, enough for a few days. Along with some food for Hermione. Were going away and need supplies for a week or so." Harry said. The house elf nodded then hustled further into the kitchen.

Before Hermione could ask what was going on he turned to her and again he sent shivers down her spine. "I overheard them talking about sedating me and locking me up. I can't let them do that. I can't let them take you away from me." He said running his hand through his hair making it even more messier than it was.

Hermione stayed quiet and thought about what was going on. Why was Harry so concerned about them being separated? Until she started to put the pieces together. He fought off Draco and Ron when they got near her, and now he was getting them away from here because he didn't want them apart. Harry was acting more wolf than man at the moment. Had he chosen his mate?

The house elf returned with two backpacks full of stuff. "Here Master Potter is a week worth of supplies and food for you and Mistress Granger. Safe travels to you both." Harry grabbed the backpacks and handed one to Hermione while he placed the other on his back.

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