Chapter 18: Eerie Glow of Death

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Harry landed in Hogsmade, on the outskirts of the town. He stuck to the shadows as he moved from store to store, inching his way up to the shrieking shack. No one was on the street, or in the shops. The place looked completely abandoned except for the pub that somehow managed to stay in business.

He reached the fence that led up to the shack. He ducked behind a tree and thought for a moment. Why the shrieking shack? Unless they wanted to know the secret entrance to the Hogwarts grounds. Of course they would either get it out of Draco or lure him to the rescue who would then use the entrance and reveal it to the bad guys.

In that case what were his options? Go in through the front door and likely get blown away as he walks in? Or use the secret path and just kill the bad guys before they can tell? However you had to count in Draco, as soon as he showed himself they could, or would, kill him.

He didn't like the situation, and couldn't see the best option. Either way, someone was going to get hurt. He'd just have to do what he was known for. Bust in with no plan of action. He focused for a moment and drew his wand.

He shrunk his broom and placed it safely in his pocket. Once set he placed an invisibility spell on himself and began to sneak up the path to the front door. Hopefully they were unaware of his presence. He reached the door safely and sniffed the air.

He smelt at least 2 humans and a strong whiff of blood. He could safely assume it was Draco. He may not be on good terms with the Slytherin, but he was one of them and wouldn't wish any form of torture on him.

He tried the handle, which turned with ease. The old rotten door swung open, remarkably silent. The darkness greeted him, a disadvantage if he was still human. His eyes adjusted to the darkness as he stepped over the threshold. His sense went on immediate alert, just as a stunning spell hit him in the back.

He fell to the ground, his body frozen in time. His head hit the edge of a chest, rattling his brain and knocking him into the abyss of unconsciousness.

When he awoke, his body was screaming in agony. His arms were pinned above him, his chest stripped bare. The room was dark until his eyes focused. Something sticky clung to his face, and the scent of blood heavy in the air. His blood and someone else's.

"So the famous Harry Potter awakens from his little nap." A female voice penetrated the silence of the old shack. Its singsong voice belonged to a familiar follower of Voldemort.

Harry chest rumbled from a suppressed growl as Bellatrix Lestrange emerged from the shadows. "Aw poor little Harry. Sorry about the current position, but I wanted you in a good one for my fun."

He looked up to see his hands gathered together and chained, hanging from the ceiling. She bounced around him in absolute glee, causing Harry a bit of sickness. Whatever she was up to was going to be bad for him unless he could break himself free.

He pulled at the chains in an attempt to break free. At least until something sharp tore across his back. He winced in pain as he felt his skin tear apart. He heard the recoil of leather as it slapped the floor. "Naughty boy, trying to get free. I'll have to whip you." She said pulling back and unleashing another violent lash across his back. His blood dripped to the wooden floor from the gashes in his flesh.

Across the room Harry finally noticed Draco. He was tied to a chair, his mouth gagged. He watched helplessly as Harry was repeatedly beaten by the mad woman.

Harry's head rolled to the side as she finished with a piece of glass. Harry's body was covered in gashes, slashes, burns, and punctures. "Poor Harry's gotten blood on the floor. That'll stain little Harry."

He'd come to the conclusion that Voldemort had gone one too far with her. She seemed to be out of her senses with the way she was talking and laughing like a mad woman. He eased his breathing as she circled him, running her long sharp nails into open wounds.

He held back his cries of pain as she continued her assault. If only he could get free, he could knock her out long enough to free Draco. Next time he'd go in with a plan...and a shield. He chuckled remembering when Tonks and Hermione both told him he was going to get in trouble if he continued with his half-cocked rescue plans.

"What is little Potter laughing about? Hmmm?" She asked digging her nails into a nasty whip slash across his back. Harry jerked in pain, letting a small grunt escape him. No one noticed as Draco worked his way free of his bonds.

Bellatrix pulled her wand. "You wont be laughing for long, wee little Potter." She said aiming at him. Draco worked quickly with his legs and was freed from his bonds. He was too late as Bellatrix cursed Harry. "Sectumsempra!" Harry's chest split and blood spewed from the wound, spraying the ground before him. Draco tackled her to the ground and wrestled away her wand. With no time to spare he stunned her and created a portkey, sending her to the street where the order would find her.

He quickly freed Harry and did his best to stop the bleeding but the wound was too deep. Harry jerked then spasmed. Draco grabbed his shoulders trying to shake him out of it. He didn't need Harry hurting himself anymore.

"Hey how did you get free?"

Draco looked up to see Marcus standing in the doorway. He reached for Bellatrix's wand but Marcus was faster. Draco was stunned and Harry was still violently kicking in spasms. Marcus walked over but Harry fell still. "Bloody git, ruined my floor." He said, noticing all the blood.

Harry's eyes snapped open, his pupils an eerie glow of yellow. Marcus back was turned to him as he rose to his feet. Something snapped within him, he was no longer the Harry Potter the world once knew. He smelt meat, fresh and salty. His fingers cracked nails sharp as knifes. His skin shifted and tiny hairs protruded from the surface of his skin. His teeth became fangs, his body thick with muscles. He crouched and growled gathering the attention of Marcus.

Marcus turned and screamed as Harry pounced. Blood splattered the walls; the sounds of Marcus screams filled the old dusty rooms of the shack.

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