Chapter 26: Help from Beyond

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Harry's senses where dead to the world around him. He couldn't smell or hear anything around him. Worried that perhaps his ears and nose had been cut off, he cautiously opened his eyes. He closed them quickly at the brightness of the area around him. He raised his hand to defend his eyes, pleased to feel that his limbs worked fine.

"Ah, you have awoken." A dark and curious voice filled Harry's ears. He opened his eyes again, shielding the bright light from his sensitive pupils. The man hovering above him looked strangely like Sirius. When his eyes adjusted he focused in on Sirius and his ragged looking self.

"Sirius?" Harry asked, completely dumbfounded by what happened. The only explanation was that he died instead of transporting himself into the cup.

"Yes, Harry. It's me, or well my soul." Sirius said, helping Harry sit up on the steel table. Harry finally looked around the room, his eyes adjusted to the light. It appeared to be a surgical supply room. "Don't be afraid if you feel different." Sirius said again as Harry adjusted to his surroundings.

"What do you mean, feel different?" Harry asked, swinging his feet over the table.

"We want you to survive this war even though you weren't meant to. I've seen the future and did what I could to prevent it." Sirius said.

Harry picked up a different tone than he normally would while talking to Sirius. "What is it?" Harry asked, concerned with what was going on.

"You are meant to die because of your condition. I took the necessary action to prevent that." Sirius continued, avoiding the details. Harry stood from the table and grabbed Sirius's arms to help steady himself from his weak knees.

"What did you do?" Harry asked worried over his weakened state. He saw the flesh of his forearms and pulled his hands back to examine it closer. A long scar traveled the length from his wrist to the inside of his elbow, on both arms.

"Your wands have been surgically inserted into your arms, the core's magically attached to your blood. A doctor's way of providing wandless magic." Sirius said.

Harry looked down to his bare chest and traced another faint scar, that ran from his sternum to the middle of his abs. "What is this?" He asked.

"You can't die unless your heart is destroyed." Sirius said, holding Harry steady by his shoulders.

"Did you remove my heart?" Harry asked. Sirius laughed and shook his head no. He lead the pale boy to the other room where a long white bearded man relaxed on a plush couch.

"Dumbledore?" Harry asked shocked to see the old man sitting there with a smile plastered onto his aged face.

"Good to see you awake Harry." Dumbledore said, patting the seat next to him. Harry stumbled to the couch and collapsed in the seat beside his mentor.

"I don't understand." Harry managed to get out. He had to be dead to see these two in the same room as him. He felt Sirius warmth, could smell the smoke from Dumbledore's pipe. Even the couch felt real, and the cold against his chest.

"I'm sorry about the confusion. You are indeed inside the cup, however the plane of existence can be entered by the dead. A limbo if you will." Dumbledore said.

"So I did die?" Harry asked.

"No. You traveled here, body and all." Dumbledore said, smiling to Harry as he explained.

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