Chapter 21

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-Demon Queen's Chambers-

Tzuyu buries her head deeper into Sana's neck, A Hiccup erupting from her mouth. "Sana, How could you be so cruel?" She sobbed. Sana could feel her lips jutting out into a pout.

The Latter tried to keep calm when Tzuyu raised her head with the said pout in tow, Her glassy eyes made her look more like a Sad puppy if you deduct the droopy Dragon tail behind her.

"Y-You made me wait for so long...I was so Anxious for answers!" She sniffled, Still pressing her body against Sana on the mattress. If she didn't look so precious at that Moment, The mage would think she was being taken advantage of.

Not that she minds.

'Ah, I see. She was stressed.' Sana thought, Trying not to stare anywhere she wasn't supposed to.

The Mage suddenly sniffed, Smelling the alcohol from her Breath, Her eyes widening. 'Stress and Drunk!? Gosh, She reeks of alcohol.' Sana sighed internally, Glancing at the Two tigers that were still in the room.

"Maybe you can Scold her for us, Ms. Sana." The white one sighed, Clicking his large tongue. "No matter how many times we tell her to take it easy on the Wine, She never listens!"

His Orange companion nodded enthusiastically, Completely agreeing with him. "Yeah! She has been drinking non-stop before you came."

"We'll leave you two alone so take care of our Queen!" Before Sana can answer, they were gone like lightning, closing the door behind them.

Sana rose a brow at this information, Her eyes widened too. "What?!" Tzuyu harshly slammed her forehead on Sana's chest to shut her up since her head was throbbing. The girl groaned at the Pain.

The Queen only smirked smugly up at Sana, another hiccup coming from her. "There's nothing wrong with drinking as long as I've fulfilled my Duties!" She slurred.

Sana scoffed softly, Silently boosting her Strength so she can Push the Woman away and Tear the Rope that was still restraining her wrists.

"But too much is bad for you!" She scolded right after she sat up, Tzuyu was still clinging on to her, Her legs still straddling Sana. The Mage through nothing of it, Using her newfound strength to Rip the Rope to shreds.

The Queen went down Sana's lap, Watching her get off the Bed and Walking to where all the Stacks of Wine bottles were.

Tzuyu kept silent, Only letting a few drunken giggles flow through as she stared at Sana opening her Inventory and taking each and every one of them and stuffing them in. "I'm confiscating these." She stated blankly.

"Hehe. You're so Silly!" Tzuyu chuckled, The Mage would've thought she was mocking her Laugh if she wasn't drunk. When Sana finished taking them all, She saw the woman lean against the Headboard, Her head resting on her palm.

"What are you, My wife?" Tzuyu cooed playfully, Crossing her leg above the other, not fully aware of how Affected Sana was by that.

The Mage's eyes widened as she felt quite attacked. She clutched her chest, A Red hue erupting on her face when she imagined what it was like being the Queen's wife.

'Forget Queen Tzu's Dragon form! Her Drunken state is much more Dangerous.' She coughed, Feeling all the Heat going to her Face. Then she felt something dripping down, right above her upper lip. Blood.

'Weird way to Propose but Okay.'

'It's been quite long since my nose has Bled.' She let out a Shaky sigh, Wiping her nose with the Sleeve of her Cloak Needing to keep her Composure. 'It would be either bleeding because she Punched me or just herself in general.'

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