🔥🦅Big Boy Hotwings🦅🔥

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"All right listen up you brats. Today, you will be having a guest. Honestly, the mic just wanted to have a pro hero game night and this was the only way that nezu would agree. So, Hawks is going to teach your lesson today." Aizawa announced zipping himself into his sleeping bag.

The room erupted into excited murmurs.

"Oi, shut up. I'm not done yet. Hawks, get yo butt in here. I'm tired and I want to sleep. But someone here doesn't have a teaching diploma so apparently, I have to stay awake to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid."

Immediately the murmurs died down. It was clear that everyone was planning on convincing hawks to let them have a free day.

Different people in the class had different reactions to their substitute teacher.

People like Kirishima and Denki were beyond excited with the former muttering about how manly the winged hero was.

Midoriya had a similar reaction, mumbling to anyone who would listen (read no one) about how he could learn more about Hawks' quirk.

Others like Lida and Momo were slightly annoyed that their learning was being interrupted.

And then there was Tokoyami and Todoroki who were very annoyed that the golden-eyed hero was attending their class. They were both scared that they would-be victims to the Hawks' embarrassing antics.

The duel haired boy glanced over at the bird-headed teen. The latter checked the closed door and held in a groan.

It's not that they hated the hero, is just that they were both close to the hero and they knew for a fact that he would use this chance to show off his blackmail in them.

Strangely, the door stayed closed.

"Hawks, get your butt in here now."

At that the winged hero stepped in dramatically, his crimson wings trailing behind him.

A couple of people gasped while others murmured about the hero.

"Ayo, hey 1A. Nice to see y'all." He announced with his signature smile. "Aizawa been giving you all breaks or what?"

A couple of people like momo and Lida just nodded politely while some like Denki and Kirishima shook their heads profusely, still hoping for a free day. It was more likely for hawks to agree than Aizawa to agree, so they would take any chance that they could.

Aizawa was about to say something when Hawks' phone rang. The ravenette glared at the winged hero, annoyed at how much he was disrupting the lesson.

Hawks gave the class an apologetic look as he checked his phone. As soon as he saw the contact he brightened up.

"Uh, sorry Eraserhead. I need to take this."

"Is it the commission?" Aizawa asked.

"Uh no but it's-" Aizawa cut him off again.


"Um no but it's-"

"Then its not important enough that you should interrupt my lesson. You either leave it or answer and put it on speaker for us. Your choice." Aizawa said with a tone of formality, teacher voice on. 

"F-fine. Um yeah." He answered, a tinge of red painting his cheeks.

The blood drained from todoroki's face as He realized who was calling.
'God damn it he cursed

After a moment of hesitation Hawks answered the phone, putting it onto speaker.

"What is it Touya? Remember, I told you that I was visiting sho's school today. This better is important." He asked.

Midoriya glanced over at Todoroki, who had his head buried in his arms, at sho. Since when were they so close?

"Huh, oh right. Are you supposed to be teaching orrr?" The person on the phone asked.

Uhh, I have to leave it at this sorry. Is bad but I can't find it in me to continue. I did it through the course of like 2 weeks and I deleted it like 4 times. IM sorry it's so bad

644 words
Request-your_favorite_waifu (I'm pretty sure)
Theme-crack maybe
AU- no idea

Again sorry is so bad

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