👦👧Keira and Kato 👧 👦

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irrelevant but hilarious and 100% true

Todoroki placed a gentle hand on Keira's shoulder. It was her first day at kindergarten (don't mind me being Australian) and she was understandably nervous.

"I-am scared papa. What if- what if they think I'm ugly or that my quirk is weird or-" todoroki cut her off.

"Don't worry baby. You'll be fine, k. And if they even try to hurt you, then I'll tell their mummy and daddy, okay? I love you so much, Keira. I'm going to be right here. Are you okay with that?" The peppermint boy asked the young girl.

Todoroki wasn't the girl's actual father. But as soon as he found the 5-year-old and her six-month-old baby brother in an alleyway hiding from the rains, he had immediately took the two in. It was a little hard, considering the fact that he was only 16 and still in high school. Because of this, todoroki often had to send both Keira and Kato to good sister fuyumi or Touya at the league.

Adjusting to having two new children was difficult, especially since the two had been through a lot. From an abusive mother to living in an alleyway. Despite this he found himself falling into a rhythm quickly.

That is until today. Keira's first day at kindy. Because he's such a good dad, he had promised Keira that he would be there to send her off and pick her up. But because he had his school to attend, Todoroki ended up having to send the purple-haired girl to before and after school care, which she had agreed to luckily.

The thing is normally he would normally send kato over to either Yumi or Touya's but they were both currently unavailable.

Yumi and her class were currently on a class trip and won't return till Friday. Natsuo was obviously at med school and Touya had explained that one of the villains was sick and it would be dangerous to leave a six-month-old child in the same room as a sick villain. 

Because of this, Todoroki was completely stuck on who could babysit kato. The only friends that Todoroki had attended UA and he didn't have the heart to ask one of his friends' parents.

Actually, that was incorrect. The first part, that is. He did have other friends. It's just that they live in different parts of the world. America, France, Britain, Britain again as well as a different part of Japan (look at the ships in my bio and guess who these friends are. If you can guess the ones there I love you). They were all extremely close to him mentally, but physically they were miles away.

Anyways, the only reason that his sleep-deprived brain could formulate was to bring the young child with him to UA. It took some hassling from his equally sleep-deprived teacher, but eventually, the underground hero caved in, with the promise that Kato would stay quiet.

What felt like hours of thinking to him turned out to only have been a couple of seconds in the real world. He looked down at Keira, her green eyes sparkling.

"Go on now baby. Don't be shy and make friends. You're gonna do great. "He encouraged her, making shooing gestures, pushing her towards the school gently.

Keira smiled fiercely and hugged Todoroki's legs tightly, causing Todoroki to almost lose his grip on Kato's stroller in which the young boy was sleeping.

Todoroki smiled one of his rare smiles and nudged her towards the direction of the school.

Keira nodded and with a quick goodbye to both her dad and kato, she strolled over to the school. 

Todoroki let out a sigh of relief as Keira's figure became smaller as she walked through the gates. He jumped when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

On instinct, he spun around and got ready to put the person into a headlock. Just before he did though, he realized who it is.

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