👧Little miss perfect👧

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Momo's first instinct was to scream. Her second was to get todoroki.

She tore up the stairs, reaching the fifth floor grabbing the door handle to Todoroki's room and slamming it open. The ravenette suppressed a shriek as she found the room empty, a clean traditional dorm awaiting her. While the neutral colours were used to calm her, they only stroked the hysteric feeling in her at the moment.

Momo's next thought was to go to Asui, Todorokis's other best friend and one of the only people he might be with. Before that, though, she ran down the corridor to Sero's room, figuring that he might be at the elder boys' dorm and that it would be hella annoying if she were to run a;l the way to the girls' side of the dorms only to find that he was still in the boys'.

Momo grabbed the door handle to ser's dorm and threw it open.

"Sero, sero, have you seen Sh-Todoroki? I- I need to tal- Todoroki! Come here we need to talk. Sorry sero but I need to take Todoroki! Bye!"

Grabbing Todoroki's arm, she stomped out, a bewildered peppermint in her hand and a shocked raven behind her. Slowly, Sero got up from his hammock that had overturned, dispensing him on the floor earlier in her sudden arrival. Carefully he grabbed the manga todoroki had been reading, smoothing the crease that had formed when the dual quirk user had dropped it.

'Well then.' he thought, as he got back into his hammock, 'at least I'm not the one that has to deal with an angry Yoayourozu'. And with that, he went back to reading.

What? Manga awaited no one.


As soon as Momo reached her dorm on the same floor, she let go of Todoroki and collapsed onto her way to an oversized and just comfortable enough bed. To his credit, todoroki didn't seem put off in the slightest, instead just following the ravenette onto the bed and inching up so momo could lift her head from where it was buried in her bed and instead place it on todoroki's lap, resting it on his thighs.

"What's wrong?" todoroki asked, gingerly stroking her glossy black hair that he freed from its ponytail.

Momo only went red, her cheeks heating up at the memory. Instead of just spilling everything as todoroki normally did, she decided to give the dense boy a bit of context.

"I- you know how I am. You know how im supposed to be, right?" todoroki didn't stop his careful brushing of her but did raise his eyebrow.

The creation heroine groaned, turning around on her back so that she could face todoroki.

"I- im so, so lucky. I know that. I- I have a strong quirk, nice friends a nice family. I- the least I could do is-is be normal, right?" the younger teen frowned but didn't interrupt. "I have so so much. Straight hair, straight A's, and I'm pretty straightforward. I've a straight path, I don't cut corners. I make a point to be on time. You know?" she asked, feeling some of the hysteric energy that had dissipated earlier trickle back in.

Todoroki nodded and inched back even more so he could lean against the headrest and pillows. He had a feeling that she needed to get this off her chest and he figured it'd be best if you just listen.

"Vice representative of the most chaotic class of yuuei. I don't go ham at parties. I'm the responsible one after all. But..."

"But?" todoroki gently prompted.

"I just- I have the perfect life, right? Yeah, I was adopted, but my family is amazing. I barely miss my birth parents and I have no reason to. I've basically done nothing my whole life. I have everything on a silver platter. The least I can do for- for everyone is just- just be normal right? Make friends, get a boyfriend, go to work and get money to support myself. Have a couple kids to carry on the Yoayourozu name and just be the perfect kid my parents want.

"But then- then why does my heart flutter every time I talk to Kyo-Jirou? Why do I want to impress her and trust her with my life? Im-im not supposed to feel like that to another girl...am I?"

Todoroki was silent thinking about his words. After a moment he spoke. "So you have feelings for her," he said bluntly. Momo flinched at the statement.

"No, no I'm not allowed to have feelings for her. It-its wrong, right?" todoroki decided not to comment on how many times she had said something and then asked for his opinion in this one conversation and instead corrected her.

"That's not true Momo. you're allowed to have feelings for anyone. Remember, it's like Denki and Shinso. They're in the same sex relationship but there's nothing wrong with them is there?"

"No!" she exclaimed. "If they want to be in a relationship it's fine but... ma and dad wouldn't approve if their only daughter was into girls. It- doesn't work like that. they - they would hate me. Never accept."

"What does it matter if they do or don't accept? You're still you and your daughter. They will always love you regardless of your romantic preference."

"I- but what if they decide that they don't. What if they disown me for being les-homosexual? Then what?"

"Then you leave. If they are going to forget 14- no 15 years of raising you just because of your sexuality then do they really matter?"

"I- I guess. Thank you Shoto though I am wondering, how come you knew exactly what to say?" she asked, getting up from the heterochromatic teen's lap.

She watched as a soft pink began to creep up his cheeks.

"Natsu-nii said all of this to me when I accidentally came out to him as an aro/ace."

Momo smirked in a way that she would never let anyone but todoroki see.

"Oh and here I was thinking you thought all that up for me. Never mind I guess."

Todoroki frowned at her gentle teasing but his soft look gave him away.

Yeah, they were going to be fine. And at least now he had some updates for Mina on the MomoJiro situation!

1054 words


Song- Little Miss Perfect by Taylor Louderman and Write Out Loud

Theme- angst I think

Request- none

AU- none really 

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