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It had been a couple of months since Team Rei's Hold On performance and Shoto had finally woke up. He had been put on a suicide and self-harm watch and even though he relapsed once or twice, he was ok for the most part.

After asking Fuyumi, he had joined their band as their main musician and occasional singer. While Natsuo wrote most of their songs, Shoto occasionally butted in and write his own. When he did, they were usually about quite dark topics and at first, his siblings refused to sing his songs, not because they were bad, but because of the fear, he would relapse.

Eventually, Shoto started showing signs that he truly was ok. It was then that they finally agreed to his song suggestions.

The thing about his songs was that they were all true stories. Like their hit song My R. It was one of the band's most popular songs but it had all happened to Shoto during middle school.

Anyway, one day Shoto requested this song to Fuyumi. After a bit of convincing, she agreed.

"Hey everyone. How are you all tonight? Thanks for attending our very special concert. As you all know, occasionally Shoto is the one who writes some of our songs. One of these songs is our biggest hit My R. Now, Shoto had just written another song. This song, its- uh, its a completely true story. Um, before that though, we will be having a meet and greet after this concert. Am I just stalling this song by telling you this now, yes, yes I am? "

A couple of people chuckled at her honesty.

Natsuo picked up for her.
"This will be the second meet and greet we will be having since we formed this band. The first was to get to know us and this time its to get to know Shoto. We will be answering ask of your questions. Just be careful not to overwhelm him. "

"Just because he has recovered, for the most part, it does not mean that years of trauma have been reversed. " Touya added.

Shoto smiled softly at the love and care that he was getting from his siblings. When he was younger, he was rarely allowed to even see his siblings. He grew up isolated, the only one he saw even occasionally being Touya.

Now though, they never let him out of their sight. Others might have found this annoying, but Shoto loved it. It reminded him that people cared about him. It made him feel happy and safe, two feelings that he has been starved from for a large majority of his life.

When he first joined the band he had been a little scared that no one would like him and that all of the group's fans would abandon them because of him. Fortunately, though, his fears ended up being short-lived since it turned out that the group only gained more #Team Rei-ers once the half n half male joined. Most of these new fans ended up being UA students who still looked up to him, even though he had (willingly) left.

"Ok. We will talk about the meet and greet a little later. For now, let's get started on our performance. This is Lovely by Team Rei. " Natsuo finished the mini introduction looking over at Shoto to start.

The dual quirk wielding boy nodded, bending down to pick up his violin. He then put it to his chin and started playing. The sound that came out shocked everyone because of the sheer talent that he possessed with the instrument. That and the amount of expression that was shown. It almost made up for the lack of emotion he showed on an everyday basis.

Fuyumi then took a deep breath and started to sing.

Thought I found a way
Touya! Touya, look! I found a place where we can hide from father!
Thought I found a way out
See, we can stay here away from father.
Shoto echoed out Fuyumi's lyric softly, adding an eerie feel to the song

Omg, good job yumi
But you never go away
Why is it, that three of my children are in a pathetically dirty inn?
(never go away)
So I guess I gotta stay now
You should be glad that I even let you mistakes go to school. Do not extend my hospitality.

Natsuo then took over, fuyumi singing with him softly, perhaps to add a higher note to his deep-ish voice.

Oh, I hope someday I'll make it out of here
Bring me with you Touya, please
Even if it takes all night or a hundred years
Touya! You're running away again, this is the third time
Need a place to hide, but I can't find one near
Please don't do this Touya, there's nowhere that you can go to
Wanna feel alive, outside I can't fight my fear
Without you... I'm broken. I need you Touya

Fuyumi took over again, her voice airy. 

Isn't it lovely? All alone
This is what you have done to us father. Are you happy now?
Heart made of glass, my mind of stone
I've given up on forgiving you father. I've tried and tried to but I can't.

Shoto then started singing softly in harmony with her.

Tear me to pieces, skin to bone
Please, no more training father. It hurts
Hello, welcome home

Natsuo picked up for her.

Walking out of time
Look, I know I should be here but in just looking around
Looking for a better place
Anywhere is safe than here, with him
(looking for a better place)
It's not safe here yumi, you know that right
Something's on my mind
Maybe I shouldn't have left. Poor sho
Always in my headspace
He's been through so much...

As Natsuo trailed off, Touya started the chorus, Fuyumi singing softly, violin in the back

But I know someday I'll make it out of here
I'll escape one day. I promise
Even if it takes all night or a hundred years
Even if it takes years. I'll do it
Need a place to hide, but I can't find one near
The nearest hotel is miles away
Wanna feel alive outside I can't fight my fear
When I'm with him... I may as well be dead

Once again Fuyumi some up for the post-chorus, this time with shoto aiding her

Isn't it lovely? All alone
The beauty only hides the pain within
Heart made of glass, my mind of stone
I can only handle so much
Tear me to pieces, skin to bone
I know enough to say that this is no longer training. In fact it probably never was.
Hello. Welcome home
When pain is all you've ever known and you become safe... You find yourself yearning for hurt

For a couple of seconds, there was a violin solo with shoto singing softly to match

Whoa, yeah
Yeah, ah
Whoa, whoa
Hello, welcome home

I probably won't use this writing style again as it is a bit of a hassle and I don't ready enjoy the result
1232 words
Song- Lovely by Billie Eilish and Khalid
Request-no one
AU- band au

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