At my question, Enoch looked around and glanced at me.

“I don’t think they even got near the beach where we woke up. It seems that wolf-type monsters hate water.”

At Enoch’s words, I nodded and recalled the contents of the novel.

Obviously, there are several types of monsters on this island besides wolf-type monsters.

Among the monsters, the most dangerous were those in the form of anacondas and those in the form of tarantulas.

As I recall, the anaconda-type monsters emit poison with their breath.

They usually live in swamps, but they are also often seen around rivers, so I remembered that the main characters were very careful when going out to the river.

‘Wait…… the river?’

“Why didn’t I think of that before?”

Looking back, the hut we built was also near the river, so it wasn’t a place where we could feel very safe.

Enoch asked me what was going on, “Why?”

“Nothing. The sun is starting to set. Shall we go back?”

At my words, Enoch looked at my face with a puzzled look and then nodded.

Still, there’s one thing that’s fortunate, though, that when the sun is up, monsters don’t appear.

……or is that more dangerous?

“What is this?”

On the way back to the hut, Enoch found an empty box among the bushes.

It looked like a military item, but upon closer inspection, it was a supply box.

“Huh……? I think someone has already opened it. Was it someone in Archbishop Ruzef’s party?”

At my question, Enoch rested his chin on his hand, stared at the empty box, and then nodded.

“I think so. For now, it seems that the only people on this island are them and us.”

I didn’t know there would be a supply box. On the box was written ‘Integrated Logistics Support’ in Korean.

When I saw that, I revived the hypothesis that this island might be a remote island in Korea.

“The sun is setting already. Let’s go back quickly.”

No matter how much I looked into the empty box, there was nothing special. Enoch and I walked again and headed to the hut.

However, upon arriving at the hut, we witnessed a surprising sight.

“……what the hell is that?”

Enoch muttered in disbelief.

I was also at a loss for words when I saw the long anaconda monster by the river in front of the hut.

Dozens of harpoons were stuck in the weakly wriggling anaconda’s body.

Archbishop Ruzef, apparently fainted, was lying in front of the hut, and Kayden, full of wounds, put one foot on the anaconda’s head and put a harpoon down.

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