I hardily drew the hut on the ground with my finger.

Enoch and Kayden opened their eyes wide like scholars burning with a passion for learning and listened to my lectures.

“Put up support like ribs on each side of the long wooden pole that acts as a roof. Then put twigs on the finished roof and cover it with fallen leaves. Do you understand?”

“Isn’t it difficult?”

“It’s easy!”

At my words, Enoch and Kayden nodded almost at the same time. I smiled at them and added one thing.

“I think it would be better to build it a little higher from the ground. We have to watch out for ants and scorpions.”

“Well, then we can make it like the temporary shelter we built on the beach. A floor made of pebbles, branches, moss, and fallen leaves.”

At Enoch’s words, I nodded vigorously.

“That would be good.”

I roughly put the bag that Kayden had made on the ground and looked around.

“I think we need a sharper weapon to cut down the wood.”

At Enoch’s murmur, I approached a cliff full of rocks and found a big stone.

“What? What are you going to do?” Just tell me and I’ll do it for you, Margaret. Don’t do things like this.”

I ignored Kayden’s words and slammed the big stone against the others.

After repeating this three or four times, I picked thin and sharp ones from among the broken stones and handed them to Enoch.

“I’ll make a few more. I think I can make an ax out of some stones.”

Two men looked at me with strange faces. Kayden asked me with a serious face,

“Be honest. You can really say it now. You are not Margaret, are you? How on earth does the young lady of the duke family know about this?”

Of course, I did not answer him and went into the bushes to find a wooden pole.

Enoch was making a blade by rubbing the sharp stone I made on the rock.

Kayden followed me and kept asking questions.

“Does the Duke of Floné provide education like this? Margaret, what do you not know?”

Kayden asked me with a really curious face. It is said that wizards are crazy about exploration. Looking at Kayden, it doesn’t seem wrong.

I saw a long wooden pole broken and said to Kayden, “I think it would be good to use it as a pole for the hut. Help me.”

Then he smiled and pushed me slightly.

“I’ll do it!”

Kayden squatted down, lifted the wooden pole on his left shoulder, and stood up. Are wizards really that good at using their power?

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