Chapter Two

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Cactus didn't need to hear another word. He dug his claws into Jetstream's neck and she screamed out in pain. He twisted his claws and then pulled.

Ember watched in horror and shock as Cactus pulled up and started ripping out chunks of Jetstream's neck until she died. Kicking aside the corpse, Cactus turned to Crimson, grinning.

Ember quickly looked away.

She and Crimson were never on the best of terms, but there were moments where the two had really cared for each other. When Crimson snuck Ember out to go hunting. When Ember surprised Crimson on his birthday with his favorite food that she and the servants had cooked.

When Crimson and Ember were lying beneath the stars talking about their future... Crimson had told Ember about his one true love. He had told her about running away with Jetstream.

But those dreams would now never be realized.

Instead of watching the fight, Ember's eyes locked onto Sun, who was watching with glee. She was leaning forward slightly, allowing herself a small smile.

Next to her was Sparrow. Also watching the fight. Sparrow looked less intrigued than Sun, more... amused.

Amused at all of this death and destruction.

Ember saw a flash of blood in the corner of her eye, followed by the cheers and hoots of the audience. And there Crimson lay, his body burnt to a crisp, his neck bleeding, his jaw dislocated.

The one talon he had left was outstretched, reaching toward's Jetstream in his final moments.

And Cactus, standing above the two, his scales caked in blood. Whether is was his own or Jetstream's or Crimson's was unknown probably a mix of all three. The blood, mixed together, made Cactus look much less like a SandWing, but instead a SkyWing.

He looked right up at the queen, made eye contact and smiled.

"Stay true to your word, Queen Sun of the SkyWings, or your fate will match those of your son's."

Sun laughed at this, as though it were all a joke. As though he had just said the funniest thing in the world. "Of course. Guards, take him to a guest room and get him cleaned up. And someone do pickup what's left of Crimson and his girlfriend.

"We need the arena to look good for the next fight!"

Falcon and another guard flew down to Cactus, and unclipped his wings. Escorting him over to the palace.

About an half an hour after the fight, Queen Sun called Cactus into the throne room.

Cactus newly bathed and fed, glared at Sun. "I thought we made a deal. I killed those to imbeciles, now let me go."

"I have a deal for you, Cactus." Sun said, cocking her head, "What if you become my Champion? I will pay you say... ten gold pieces per fight. Or, of course, you could leave my kingdom safe and unharmed and go back to the Kingdom of Sand."

After a very long pause, Cactus finally spoke, slowly at first, "Well. There's nothing for me back in the Kingdom of Sand." And then he started speaking a little faster, "Say twenty gold piece's and you have a deal."

"Cactus, darling, how much you're paid only depends on how entertaining the fight even is! I'm saying ten gold peices as a minimum, not a max. For example, that show you put on today was rather impressive. I'd say that's worth about..." Sun thought for a moment, "Thirty."

Ember's eyebrows shot upward and she turned towards Sun.

"Wonderful." Cactus bowed deeply, "You have a deal, your Majesty."

"Red, escort Cactus to his room." Sun said, addressing the servants standing at the door, "If he asks for anything, give it to him. Food, water, scrolls, weapons, whatever. If he requires a bedfellow, provide that as well." She smiled at Cactus' surprise, 

"However, make sure at one guard is on him at all times. Let's say... Valley- notify them that they'll need to leave their post- It's only precautions, darling. You won't be under surveillance once you prove to me that you don't need it."

Cactus shrugged, then nodded, "Very well, Queen Sun." Then, he followed Red out of the throne room.

"Interesting choices, your majesty."  Sparrow said, "Are you sure that we can trust this... Cactus?"

"Absolutely not, but at least he will make for a good fight," Sun frowned, "So many dragons these days- their full of fluff and 'good feelings'. There's not enough violence in the world."

"I guess that is true." Sparrow said, dropping the subject, and walking away, to talk to Falcon and Crow about who-knows-what.

"May I be excused, you majesty?" Ember said, standing up, completely unnerved and shocked from the events of the fight. "I have some business to attend to."

"Oh? And what business is this? Are you going to go off galavanting with a lower class as well?"

"No! Of course not!" Ember put on her best haughty-princess face, "Some servants messed up my meal when I asked them to get me a snack. I must go put them back in their place."

"Very well, Ember. You're excused." Sun said, and just as Ember reached the door, the queen seemed to remember something, "And tell one of the servants to get me a drink. Something sweet with a little salt."

"Very well." Ember closed the door, and exhaled. A servant who had been passing by stopped and stared at her.

"It's that bad, huh?"

"It's always that bad." Suddenly Ember realized something. "You're the servant who my mother yelled at for helping that other servant!"

He laughed, "I doubt that narrows that down at all. But, yes that's me. I'm Griffin. Bluff and I- Bluff's the one who was polishing the floors- usually stick together. We find it's easier to survive this place when there's someone else to lean on."

"Yeah..." Ember said, "Yeah..."

"I need to get back to work, see you around!" Griffin quickly scurried away.

Ember watched him leave, and then got up and walked down another hallway. She made a little detour to the kitchens to put in the Queen's order, and then flew out a window and over to her rooms.


Tornado came back that night. She flew in through Ember's window, her eyes full of tears. Ember wrapped her sister in her wings and held her as she cried.

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