44 - the album*

169 5 0

February 2016

Harry Styles

Okay I know I shouldn't have gone behind Haley's back and gotten her that appointment. I knew that was really stupid, but she just ignored it and I was worried. Terribly worried that something was wrong with my girl.

She had decided to give me the silent treatment, we were now on a private jet heading to Omaha, Nebraska. We were flying with Stevie, Jenna and the band. Her show wasn't until tomorrow and I couldn't stand this to be fair.

She had gone in to the back room to take a nap and I was sitting out here with Jenna across from me and Stevie sitting next to her.

"So how did it go?" Stevie asked and I sighed and shrugged my shoulders.
"Fine, they examined her, made her get an MRI and then did some blood work, results should be back in a few days" I said and she nodded her head.

"I'm guessing she didn't take it very well since you're not in there with her" Stevie said and looked up at me over the screen of her laptop.
"She says she's not mad, but she hasn't spoken to me since we left the clinic" I said and she smirked and leaned back.

"She's clearly mad, probably cause you went behind her back" Jenna said and I groaned and rubbed my hands over my face.
"I know" I mumbled.

I couldn't take this fucking silence anymore, it's been a little to long. She hasn't said a word to me and it's been hours since we left vegas.
I stood to my feet and took the few strides over to the door that shielded her from the rest of us and carefully slid it open and saw her sit on the bed facing the airplane window.

"Haley... I know you're mad at me, but I'm really done with this silent treatment now" I said and leaned against the wall at the edge of the bed.
She didn't turn her head or respond to what I just said.

"Baby please, I know it was stupid but I only made you go because I'm worried about you" I tried and her head snapped towards me.

"It's the fact that you went behind my back, talked to my manager to get me a doctors appointment.. you could've just asked me to go and I would've, not force me to go" she snapped and I well I guess this wasn't what I was prepared for but at least she's talking to me now.

"I know that, and I'm sorry for going behind your back.. I really am" I said and looked at her.
"I shouldn't have done it, but you wouldn't go I've asked you to make an appointment for months but you wouldn't do it" I said and she sighed and held her hands on her knees as she looked at me.

"You've asked me twice, I'm on tour Harry I've got a billion things to think about.. and getting diagnosed with some shit joint illness wasn't on that to do list" she said and I nodded my head knowing this wasn't really about me making the appointment. She was scared.
I could see it in her eyes, she was scared that there would be something wrong with her and she'd have to cancel the tour.

"Is that what this is about? Are you scared?" I asked and she sighed and I saw her lip quiver.
"What the fuck do you think?" She said and I sighed and crawled up on the bed behind her and put my legs on each side of her.

"I understand that you're scared my love, but if there would be something they can probably fix it.. and if there would be something wrong, it's better they found out now than in six months" I said and she buried her head in her hands.

"And then I'd have to cancel the tour and I would have thousands of fans across the globe disappointed in me, everyone would hate me for it" she sobbed in to her hands and I sighed as I put my arms around her pulling her against me. She curled up in to a ball leaning against my chest. My hands going in circles on her back and I pressed kisses to her hair.
"No one would hate you silly girl, your health comes first... and if the tests would show something we will take it from there, I've got you pretty girl.. I've always got you" I said and she whimpered and buried her face in to my chest.

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