14 - medicine*

302 8 1

August 2015
Cleveland, Ohio

Harry Styles

"Great show tonight boys" Paul said as we got of stage. It was the first time we had a concert in Cleveland and it was great like every other night.
"Harry you coming out with us tonight?" Louis asked and I shrugged and took my phone from the table to check if Haley had gotten back to me yet. Since I left Pennsylvania in April I haven't seen her, we've spoken on the phone a few times. She's been busy with Pete, and to get her album ready.
I sent a demo to one of the producers that she's working with that I know but told him he could not say it was from me. I had a friend of mine sing on it so she would never know it came from me.
I missed her to be honest, my golden angel. I like her more than I planned and I hate the fact that she's with that Pete guy. I'm just hoping he's treating her right. I've been keeping tabs on her whereabouts and last time I saw one of the updating accounts on Instagram her and Pete was on a vacation in the Bahamas. Pictures of her and Pete was circulating around the internet, everyone wondering who he is and how they met.
I have been writing songs about her, to many songs to be honest. Or maybe a few but there is so much lyrics that are about her in my journal.

Everything I write seem to end up being about her. I could tell she was happy with Pete which bothered me, cause I wanted her to be happy with me. But I get to see her in a few days in Philly, hopefully without Pete. I also invited her family to the show knowing Cameron would be beyond excited. I sent them a invitation through text to her mother and she told me she was beyond excited.
"Harry c'mon are you coming or not?" Louis asked and I sighed and nodded my head.

"Alright, yes I'm coming" I said and got of the couch and took a quick shower before changing my clothes and followed the boys back to the car.

The nightclub was packed but Liam had made sure the VIP section was booked and drinks were coming in regularly.
"So what's up with you? You've been moping around for weeks" Niall said in to my ear as the music was to loud to speak at a normal tone.
"Nothing?" I said and shrugged my shoulders.

"It's about Haley isn't it?" He said and I sighed and rolled my eyes. "No, not everything is about her" I said and he chuckled and shook his head.
"Whatever you say" he said and I shook my head and pushed his shoulder.

"Have you talked to her? Is she coming to the Philly show?" He asked and I nodded my head.
"Yeah, her family is coming as well.. and her best friend Theresa" I said and Niall nodded his head.
"Alright then, I'm excited to see her.. she's a lot of fun you know" he said and I chuckled and nodded my head.
"Yeah, wish I could be more like her" I said and he laughed at that and shook his head.

"Why don't you just get laid tonight, take your mind of her for a second" he said and I sighed and looked at the girls someone had let in to the VIP section.
"Niall.. I don't really feel like going home with a random bird every night" I said and he rose his brows at me and handed me a shot from the tray at the table. I've been trying to think about something else, I've brought a few ladies back to my hotel everyone having the same looks. The looks that reminded me of Haley, long dark hair, short frames and brown or hazel eyes. But no one helped me stop thinking about her. I almost said her name to one of them the morning after.. but I opened my eyes at just the right time to realize that it wasn't her.

"We'll see how you feel after a few of these, cheers mate" he said and I took the glass from his fingers and put it to my lips and let the liquid run down my throat.

And oh how he was right. At two am I stumbled down the halls of the hotel with a brunette hanging on my arm. She had long dark waves and green eyes, she reminded me of Haley except she was taller and thinner. And fuck she wasn't her.
After we finished I politely asked her to leave with the excuse we had to be on the road early tomorrow and she understood and thanked me for a lovely night.
And when I looked at the time it was four am and I felt nothing but anxiety. I was still drunk, really fucking drunk. I'm not even sure how my dick was still working to be honest.
I kept picturing Haley underneath me under the entire act, I felt like an ass. I couldn't even think about the girl who had been laying underneath me for the past hour, all I could think about was Haley.
But I knew that I couldn't have her, and right now the little bit of love I got from her was enough.

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