24 - album finished

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March 2016
Malibu, California

Haley Winston

"You look out the window, while I look at you, sayin' I don't know. Would be like saying that the sky ain't blue, and boots weren't made to sit by the door.
Since you don't wanna stay anymore"

I sang in to the microphone in the recording both. This was the last song to be recorded end sent out to be mixed and mastered for my album.
It felt good. Like a weight lifting of my chest, I was done. As soon as I got this one back from the mixing and mastering I was playing it for Rob which had me even more nervous.

"you can have your space, cowboy

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"you can have your space, cowboy.
I ain't gonna fence you in, go on ride away, in your Silverado. Guess I'll see you 'round again.
I know my place ain't here with you, sunsets fade, and love does too, When a horse wants to run
There ain't no sense in closing the gate. You can have your space, cowboy"

"And there we go!!" Max shouted and clapped his hands.
"And here's the album!" Ben joined in and clapped his hands.
"Well almost" I said and took my headphones of and walked out of the booth. Max gave me a high five as I saw Stevie film it with her phone and I gave the camera thumbs up.

"Uh Haley, you've got a visitor" my new assistant Jenna said and I gave her a smile as I excused myself from the room.
"Who is it?" I asked and looked over at her. Jenna was nice and since she started working for me we've started to hang out as well. She's a good friend, really funny and very straight forwards which I like.

"I think it's best you see for yourself" she said and I gave her a nod as I climbed the stairs up to the main area of my house.
"Is it Harry? If it is I'm gonna slap the life out of him, I've barley heard from him since he left for London" I complained and that was true. I've barley heard from him, a simple text now and then to respond to the ones I've been sending. I don't know what's up with him, we were fine just before he left. I've kept telling myself that maybe he's just busy. I know he's writing on his album and spending as much time with his mum and stepdad as he possibly can.

Gemma have been texting me as well asking when I'm coming to London, but she haven't mentioned Harry once.
"it's not" Jenna said and gave me an apologetic look knowing how frustrated I was with him at the moment. I don't know why I was frustrated with him to be honest.

Since I wanted space. I wanted him to be on his own for a bit and I needed some time to think. I turned the corner and saw Malcom stand in my kitchen.
"Hey Townes" he smiled and the corners of my lips turned up as I broke in to a wide grin.

"Hey" I said and he smiled back at me. He looked good. Better than the last time I saw him at least. He promised me he would come visit after all the stuff with Pete but I guess it took some time. I knew he couldn't, and I also knew he'd probably been to rehab or something. He looked alive again.

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