Extra 2.2

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A while later, everyone had finally gathered inside the dining room, seated along long tables that created an angular U-shape, leaving space for the dance floor and giving view to the small stage in front. Though, at the moment, the dance floor was occupied by a table full of cake and desserts, a large wedding cake in the middle of it.
Minho and Jisung were standing behind the table, getting ready to cut the cake. They both held the big knife with one hand. Jisung was blushing because everyone was curiously looking at them. This wasn’t like the wedding ceremony where he could only focus on Minho and ignore everyone else, they were clearly all in front of him and staring at him.
The wedding cake was all white, decorated with little chocolate flakes and two figurines out of marzipan who were embracing each other on top. The figurines obviously represented Minho and Jisung, and the creator had actually done a great job to make them look like their real life models. This cake was a present from Chan and Changbin, so it had been a surprise how it would look. Jisung had to admit he loved it, and he would definitely keep the figurines somewhere safe.
Before they could finally cut the cake and try it, though, tradition wanted it so that they would hold a little speech first. Thankfully Minho had volunteered to do that, so all Jisung had to do was nod and smile.
“Once again, thank you all for coming”, he began, still beaming from happiness. “We’re so grateful you all accepted our invitation to this wedding and we hope you felt welcomed and comfortable the whole time. You all witnessing this ceremony made this day even more special to us. So yeah, thank you. And, one more thing, if there is anything you need, please don’t hesitate to come up to us or the best men. Then, I’m sure you must be hungry, so we’ll cut the cake now.”
Everyone clapped politely while their friends did their best job to brighten up the mood by cheering loudly.
Minho put his hand above Jisung’s so they wouldn’t mess up the cutting, and then they started pressing the knife down, carefully cutting the cake into several pieces. When they were finally done, Minho got a plate and heaved one piece on it, getting a fork for him and Jisung.
Jisung had to admit that he loved what was about to come, no matter if people were watching them or not. He just simply loved Minho feeding him, or feeding Minho. He was that cheesy.
He was the first one to take the fork and cut off a small piece for an expectantly waiting Minho, putting it in his open mouth. Unfortunately, the cake was very creamy, and Jisung’s hands were always shaky, so now his husband’s cheeks were covered in cream, and, more tragically, one lapel of his suit had also gotten a little bit of it.
He couldn’t help but laugh at the sight, though. Minho always looked neat and clean, so seeing him covered in white whipped cream just seemed ridiculously funny.
“Oops”, he said, laughingly wiped the cream off his husband’s face and put it in his own mouth instead. Minho still didn’t move, looking at him accusingly.
Jisung could hear Hyunjin giggle in the background and shortly considered throwing his fork at him. But then he wouldn’t get any cake, so that seemed like a bad idea.
Instead, he got a tissue and started wiping at Minho’s lapel to remove the cream, still laughing. Unfortunately, he couldn’t completely remove the stain.
“I can’t believe you did this to me”, Minho murmured, faking enragement.
Jisung just giggled. “Sorry”, he said sheepishly.
“I hope you accidentally get cream all over your pretty shirt”, the other replied and reached for the fork. Jisung screeched in excitement and decided to get some distance between them, hiding behind a pillar to save his beautiful outfit.
Everyone laughed at the situation while Minho started chasing Jisung with the plate in hand. At least the ice was broken now. Jisung was starting to have way too much fun running away from his husband who couldn’t quite follow him while at the same time balancing the plate in his hand without dropping the cake.
“Oh, c’mon, Jisung, we all want our cake”, Seungmin finally whined when he’d had enough of watching the couple run around in front of him.
Jisung stopped, still staying a few meters away from Minho, and raised his hand to stop him.
“Promise you won’t touch my shirt.”
“I promise.” Minho grinned.
Jisung looked at him warily, but decided to let him come closer.
Minho got a small piece of cake on the fork and held it out to Jisung who quickly let it disappear into his mouth. It had a creamy chocolate filling. He contently licked away the rests of the cake inside his mouth, enjoying the taste. His friends really knew what he liked.
He felt a piece of cream on his lip, but before he could remove it, Minho leaned forward and softly kissed it away. Jisung giggled happily.
“That was my compensation”, the other claimed.
“If that’s the kind of compensation you want, I can give you more of it”, Jisung said quietly, smiling at him suggestively.
“Please! Cake!”, Jiwoo interrupted before Minho could reply anything.
“Okay, the cake is good. You can eat it now”, Minho announced joyfully, and the butlers swarmed out to get everyone’s wishes on what cake they wanted.
“Wanna finish that at our seat?” Minho nodded at the cake.
“Yes. Please.” Jisung breathed out in relief when he could finally remove himself from the eyes of all the people. He really needed to get Minho alone, though, to give him more of his compensation.

While they were eating cake, and everyone’s conversations finally started to become more lively, they also received a few presents. Jisung’s parents gifted them a huge vase, Changbin’s parents another one (they both looked pretty, though, so he wasn't gonna complain), Jiwoo gave them a wrapped gift box that he claimed they couldn’t open before they were alone, and the staff gifted them a big card with a sweet congratulations message and signatures from all of their staff in all their houses on it. That was probably the best thing for Jisung.
They also got a few other presents from the other guests, mostly interior decor. Chan and Changbin had gifted them the cake, and Jisung’s friends had told him they had prepared something for their speech.
The atmosphere was nice. Everyone seemed in a good mood today. Jisung’s father even talked to one of Minho’s colleagues about his business, something he would usually never do.
Jisung was mostly focused on Minho, though they were encircled by Jiwoo and Changbin on either side of them, which meant it was impossible not to take part in their conversation. Not that he would have complained about joking around with them.
When everyone had had enough of the cake, the table with the desserts was rolled away and it was time for the speeches.
Jisung’s friends were the first ones to take the stage. They were exchanging nervous looks and discussing something quietly, seemingly getting in position for whatever they were about to do. They had told him that this speech was gonna be his present and that he would really love it, so Jisung was really curious about what they were gonna do.
A butler gave each of them a microphone and the four looked at each other one more time before turning to the audience and starting to sing something that automatically made Jisung’s hands move in front of his mouth in excitement.
A toast to the groom”, Hyunjin started, his pitch flawless.
To the groom, to the groom, to the groom”, Jeongin and Seungmin repeated, pointing at Jisung who was close to screaming from joy. He couldn’t believe they were singing Hamilton for him.
To the other groom”, Felix sang, the other two echoing him again and pointing at Minho now, who seemed a lot more confused about the situation.
From your brothers”, they all sang together.
Had they just called themselves his brothers? He was literally gonna cry.
-Who are always by your side”, Hyunjin and Felix continued. “To your union.”
To the union, to the revolution!
And the hope that you provide.
Minho leaned over to Jisung. “What revolution?”, he asked amusedly.
Jisung just shrugged. Who cared?
And may you always-
Be satisfied.”
Jisung only realized that he had tears in his eyes when his friends stopped singing. He quickly joined the applause that had started around them, despite Jisung and his friends probably being the only ones who knew what was going on. This was definitely his best present today. He loved Hamilton.
Minho had been applauding with the others, but now leaned over again to whisper into Jisung’s ear: “It’s been a while since we watched Hamilton, but isn’t Satisfied – not a happy song? Like doesn’t she sing that at her sister’s wedding because she’s actually in love with the groom?”
Jisung gave him an enraged look. He was not gonna ruin this for him. “So what? That part is clearly fitting for a wedding, I don’t know what'syourproblem.”
Minho laughed. “Just asking.” He patted Jisung’s shoulder reassuringly.
“Maybe they’re trying to tell you that they’re actually all in love with you”, he then said sheepishly.
Jisung snorted. “Try saying that to Hyunjin if you want him to puke in your face.”
“I’d rather not.” Minho chuckled.
“Thank you, thank you.” Hyunjin kept bowing to the audience, clearly enjoying the attention.
Seungmin seemed to be the only one who was hating his life right now. Jisung had to laugh at the thought of his friends convincing the younger to join them in singing a musical song. Which made it even more special that his friend had decided to do this just for him.
“Jisung used to torment us about how this needs to be sung at his wedding, so we decided to do him the favor”, Jeongin spoke into his microphone when the applause was starting to die down.
Jisung shot finger hearts at his friends to show his gratefulness. He really had pestered his friends about this a lot, but that was when he was sixteen and even he hadn’t remembered that anymore until just now. He must have really annoyed his friends with it if they still remembered.
“This was more a gift to Jisung, so Minho, you have a free wish now”, Felix joked. Minho gave him a thumbs up, grinning mischievously.
“We really meant everything we sang though”, Seungmin added. “Well, apart from the revolution, I guess, but go start a revolution if you feel like it, I don’t care.” He chuckled. “But we once again want to congratulate you on your marriage, and we hope you’ll forever be as happy together as you are now. Though we’re not very worried about that.”
The other three nodded.
“We’ve also prepared a speech as Jisung’s oldest friends”, Jeongin announced. “Seungmin, maybe you want to start?”
“Yes.” Seungmin cleared his throat. “I’ve known Jisung basically since I was a baby. Of course, I don’t remember anything from back then. My first memory I have with him is when we were five and he pushed me off the swing in the park.”
That made everyone laugh. Jisung scoffed. Of course that would be the first thing he remembered.
“After that he cried so much that the nanny couldn’t even bear to scold him.”
Jeongin nodded as if he remembered similar situations.
“They only remember the bad things about me, don’t they?”, Jisung whispered to Minho.
“But I also remember that later he came to me by himself to apologize, and he even gave me a whole bar of chocolate because he felt so bad.”
“And Jisung loves his chocolate!”, Hyunjin added.
“What I’m trying to say is: Jisung has always known how to get what he wanted, but if there’s one thing you could always be sure about, that was that he would always realize all by himself when he made a mistake and he would always own up to it. I’ve never had one fight with him where he didn’t apologize to me later or where he wasn’t the first one to try to make up.
Not just that, he has always been there for me. We had very different childhoods, and I think he didn’t understand a lot of things I went through, but he was always there to listen and he always tried to understand. He is definitely one of the few people that I can confidently say I would tell anything.”
Jisung felt his chest get warm when he saw the other three nod in agreement.
At this point, Jeongin took over. “We’re not gonna bore you all with our individual experiences growing up with Jisung. They were pretty much the same anyways. But I think we can all agree that he was always a reliable, helpful and kind friend.” He warmly smiled at Jisung.
“I’ll just fast forward to our teenage years. I think we all did things we weren’t supposed to do back then”, he threw a cautious look at Jisung’s parents as if worried they would tell on him towards his parents, “but Jisung surely did the most.”
Minho grinned at Jisung suggestively, who rolled his eyes. When would he finally get rid of this story?
“I’m not saying that to expose him. I just want to add onto what Hyunjin said at the ceremony earlier. Jisung always seemed like he was looking for something. He never seemed completely happy with anything. And we all could never put our finger on what it was. So we were half worried, half annoyed about having to cover for all his shenanigans. It was really hard to understand what he was trying to do at times. Like, why did he have to do all these things and risk getting himself in trouble? Don’t look at me like that, Jisung, I’m not planning on talking about anything you did!”
“Not that he did anything bad, he didn’t kill anyone or anything”, Hyunjin quickly explained to the audience.
“No, just my patience”, Seungmin huffed and Jisung had to laugh.
“Yeah, anyways, let’s talk about the party where he met Minho for the first time”, Felix interrupted.
“Right, this is my part”, Hyunjin jumped in. “Can I just say, I knew it? I knew it! Felix, Seungmin and Innie can confirm. When I saw Jisung storm away from the balcony after talking to Minho, I said to the others I swear he’s gonna end up marrying this man, and he did! Unfortunately I didn’t actually make a bet”, he added regretfully.
Jisung had to snort. The worst was that Hyunjin was probably right and all his friends had known from the moment he started getting so offended by Minho’s words what was the reason for it. Meanwhile it had taken him over a year to realize.
“But yeah, like, Minho has always been Jisung’s ultimate type”, Hyunjin continued, “even though he didn’t want to admit it at first. Also the way he got so easily annoyed by his teasing and kept complaining about him. Like, it was so obvious he liked him, I don’t even know why he tried to hide it for so long. You fool!” He looked right into Jisung’s eyes who felt like he was just being insulted unprovokedly at this point.
Minho giggled but stopped when Jisung glared at him.
“Anyways, we were already planning your wedding – in which I would have been the best man, by the way, and we would have celebrated in Hawaii – when you suddenly came around the corner and said you were gonna marry someone else. This is a happy day, though, so let’s skip this part.
Since none of us were really there during the time you and Minho were in Jeju and back when you just got together, I’m gonna skip that part, too, but let’s just say that none of us were surprised that this happened.” He tilted his head a bit. “Oh, well, surprised, yes, because it was very sudden, but like, it was pretty easy to arrange ourselves with this fact. We mostly spent our time missing you. And being sad we missed your wedding. Well, that was before we knew it wasn’t a real wedding. I honestly feel like I’m not telling you anything interesting so let me pass over to Felix, now.”
Felix smiled. “The first time we saw you two together, as a couple, was at mine and Seungmin’s second wedding anniversary. I had been worried about meeting you, that you would be mad at us, but I was also very curious about seeing you together with Minho. I mean, like Hyunjin said, we always thought you’d fit together well, but it was a different thing to see you two actually being together. Minho seemed so different from everything we were used to, so I expected you to be different, too. But you really weren’t. I mean, you were happier, more confident… but not a different person. If anything you were more like yourself than you had ever been.
The moment I watched you two walk in, I knew this was it. Like, I don’t know, you had this aura… I just felt like you were perfect for each other. And I was amazed that whole night at how sweet Minho treated Jisung. I had never expected him to be this way. And Jisung was the same. I mean I’ve never seen him so happy before. The whole night it felt like all your actions were perfectly harmonized, like you were always aware what the other was doing without having to look at him, and you always seemed to know how to react to what the other person did.
And that was just six months into your relationship. I’ve witnessed your relationship evolve over the past six months, and I can tell that every day your love gets stronger. And whenever I meet you guys, I wonder, how is this possible? You were already so close at or first meeting, I don’t even know how it can still get better.
I think I’ve never met a couple that was this good at communicating, that was this good at peacefully solving fights – and I would claim that I have a very well-functioning relationship myself.” Seungmin nodded. “I’m just always amazed at the way you guys act around each other, and I think that if destiny exists, then you two were definitely made for each other.”
Jisung smiled to himself, thinking about how he had thought the same a lot of times.
Felix looked at the others expectantly, waiting for someone to continue.
“Um, yeah, that was a really messy speech”, Hyunjin said. “Sorry. But we are four people and we were all busy helping to organize this wedding so it was hard to come together and write something coherent. But we hope you still liked it. And to Minho and Jisung: We love you, we’re happy for you, we wish you the best.” He made a heart with his hands, making the two addressed ones laugh.
Jisung was the first one to enthusiastically clap his hands for his friends’ cute speech. He really loved what they said about him and Minho. And to hear from Felix, 1/2 of the ultimate dream couple, that he admired their relationship was definitely something to celebrate.
The next ones to hold their speech were Chan and Changbin.
“We’re sorry to disappoint you, but we’re not gonna sing a song for you”, Changbin declared right away.
“Sing Can’t Help Falling In Love With You”, Minho shouted, ignoring Changbin’s words.
Jisung had to laugh at just the thought of it.
Changbin gave Minho a stern look. “My dear, I would be careful. I know almost all your secrets, and I have a microphone.”
Minho shrugged unbotheredly.
“Yeah, anyways, we’ll spare your ears”, Chan said. “But don’t worry, we’ve prepared two long speeches for you. So if you’d like to leave, do it now.”
The audience laughed.
“I’m gonna start”, Changbin stated. He started walking up and down the stage as if he was holding a TED Talk.
“I’ve known Minho since… always, probably?” He looked at Minho for confirmation, who nodded.
“We spent a lot of time together, even as kids. We played together, we had water fights, played tag, hid from our parents at the golf club… He was definitely my best friend from day one, and I know I could trust him with my life. He always supported me with whatever I did, no matter if he agreed with me or not. But he’s also great at giving advice, and, sometimes at least, a good listener.”
“Sometimes.” Minho scoffed.
“Now to Jisung. I’ve known him for almost as long as Minho. I saw him grow up from a tiny joyful toddler into a kind, thoughtful adult – though in between lay a lot of years where he was just a spoiled brat.”
Jisung chuckled. Changbin wasn’t wrong about that.
“I still remember how he had a crush on me when he was eight, and he would follow me around everywhere. That was the moment I decided I needed to take care of him. Ever since then he has always been like a little brother to me.”
Jisung buried his face in his hands. How did Changbin even know that?
“You had a crush on Changbin?”, Minho whispered.
“Didn’t I tell you that?”
“Only as a child.”
“That’s bad taste.”
Jisung slapped Minho’s arm and looked at him scoldingly.
“When Jisung got older, I worried a lot about him. I just hoped he would be happy. You know, he’s definitely the kind of person that would sacrifice his happiness for someone else, and I knew he wasn’t happy with what was expected of him.
And I also knew that Jisung was exactly Minho’s type. So I convinced Minho to come to that party with me, telling him that Jisung would be perfect for him. I really hoped you two would fall in love with each other and, like, somehow overcome the opposition of your parents and get together or something.
But of course, Minho can’t talk normally to people and decided to scare off Jisung at first. And then this idiot didn’t want to admit that he liked Jisung. Till then Jisung was already married, so I had to give up on my hopes.”
He sighed exasperatedly. “Instead I had to deal with a Minho that constantly asked about Jisung but still claimed he had no actual interest in him. Like the way I died inside when you turned up at Seungmin and Felix’ wedding party…” He facepalmed. “And after that it only got worse.
Then you guys got closer in New York, and I swear at that point Minho was so unbearable that I was this close to just kidnapping Jisung so you could be together just so I could live in peace, for real.” He crouched his index finger and thumb, leaving only a small space between them to show what he meant by this.
“You see, Minho was never a very emotional person. Of course, as his best friend I knew what was on his mind most of the time. We always talked about everything. But even I have barely ever seen Minho cry. He was the type of child that would scratch his knee and just move on. Even when he was sad he barely ever cried, and the older he got the less he did.
God, even when he cut ties with his parents and started to build his own business, with no place to live at and all his money invested in something he didn’t even know would work out, I didn’t see him cry even once. He barely even showed that he was sad.
It also wasn’t the first time I’ve seen Minho be in love. But with Jisung it was different. I’ve seriously never seen Minho show that many emotions. To this day I sometimes wonder if this guy is my best friend or just a bad copy when I see them together. And I know, this is exactly what I wanted when I made Minho talk to Jisung, but even I am surprised. Like, Jisung has changed Minho so much. Or, let’s say it in a different way. I’ve seen him bring out different sides of him.
Not just the crying, of course – though he really cried about Jisung a lot, especially later in Jeju, it was pathetic – but also just the way he shows him affection. I never thought Minho would be an affectionate person. Maybe he isn’t even. But he sure is with Jisung. It’s crazy.
And then there’s the part where he would literally do anything for Jisung, without even thinking before doing it. Like, you could drop Jisung in hot lava and Minho would jump behind him just to try and save him.
And, of course, for Jisung it’s very similar. Jisung has always been an emotional person, though, but I’ve definitely never seen him cling onto someone as much as Minho. He always seemed a bit distant. But with Minho, from the very beginning it seemed like he trusted him with his life. All this clinging probably made Minho’s life really hard at first, but now that they’re together anyways, I’m sure he loves it.”
Minho nodded in agreement and Jisung smiled happily.
“So all in all, I guess I can say that my plans worked out, just not as I expected. And I’m so happy to see you two together, even though you are disgusting at times. But I guess I set myself up for this.”
“Yes, you did”, Minho murmured.
“Anyways, I hope you two will always stay grateful that I brought you together because you should. In return, I’ll also be grateful to have you in my life.” He smiled at them warmly and Jisung felt his heart melt inside his chest. Changbin was not very good at saying cheesy things, so he never really got to hear them usually.
After the applause had died down, Chan stepped forward.
“I haven’t known Minho since childhood – and when I believe what Changbin told me I’m actually glad about that. Apparently he was a really mischievous child.”
“I swear our friends all hate us”, Minho muttered under his breath and Jisung had to agree.
“But when I met him at an expo in Australia at just nineteen years old, he was a smart guy that seemed very mature for his age. At the same time he seemed a lot more insecure than he is now. He was expected to take over his father’s business and I could see that he didn’t really like the idea. He was raised to become a business man, and you could see his discipline, but there was something in him that seemed to want to resist. When I told him about my business with renewable energy sources, he was immediately interested and he kept asking me questions about it. We met up a few times and I told him a lot of things. Then he suddenly told me he wanted to start a business with renewable energy, too.
I was really surprised because he had told me before that his parents were really strict and would never accept it if he didn’t follow their plans for him. But I could see how much he wanted it, and so I offered to help him. I think he was always looking for more independence from his family, and then of course, like I said, Minho is a smart guy so he knew I was right when I told him the facts. This is something I really admire about Minho. When he is determined to do something, he doesn’t give up, even when he has to go through hardships.
And he had to go through a lot of hardships. First, his parents cutting ties with him, and pretty much everyone else he knew. And then starting a new business isn’t easy, either. Especially if you’re rivaling with a state-funded industry with a powerful lobby. He faced a lot of opposition up to straight out threats. He also didn’t have much money since he invested it all in the company. There were many occasions when I thought he would surely give up, and I would have understood him if he did, but I think he never even thought of it. He just kept going until he had finally gained a foothold in the industry and started being successful. And from then on, his business skyrocketed.
But even that is only thanks to his tireless efforts to grow his business. I know he barely slept for almost two years until he finally felt like he had settled down enough. And even today he still works hard and never rests on his laurels. And I think that’s also because he really loves what he does. You can see it when you hear how he talks about his work.”
Jisung looked at his husband, feeling proud. Minho was looking down, clearly being embarrassed by all the praise.
“I know some people think that Minho only got this successful because he has rich parents or because renewable energy is the latest craze or whatever. And that might be partially true, but that can’t be the whole truth because a lot of people try what Minho did and they don’t succeed. I for one really admire his determination. I’m not sure if I would have ever dared to start my business if I had faced as much opposition as him.
Apart from that, Minho has always been a great friend to me. I’m older than him so usually I’m the one to give him advice, but he always listens when I have problems and helps wherever he can. We live far away from each other so I don’t always get to see him, but I still feel like we have a really strong bond. Maybe it’s because I was with him during some of his hardest times, but it really never feels like we were far apart.
And I know Minho won’t like me saying that because, like Changbin said, Jisung is the only one he shows affection to or openly accepts it from, but I’m gonna say it anyways: I’m so glad to call you my friend. I’d give you the world, man.”
Jisung could see Minho was fighting the urge to cover his face with his hands in embarrassment, but he also couldn’t hide the small smile that was appearing on his face.
“Isn’t this the part where he should say no homo?”, he whispered, making Minho laugh.
“I only got to know Jisung through Minho, so unfortunately I can’t say I have a long history with him. But I really liked him from the first day I met him, and not just because I knew Minho was head over heels in love with him. He is one of my favorite people in the whole world, and I mean it. I’ve never met anyone that was this kind and loving in my whole life.
The first time we met, I was visiting Minho in Jeju and Minho had told me that Jisung was really shy and anxious in front of people after everything that had happened to him, so I didn’t expect him to be so openhearted when I met him. He was really sweet and friendly and super interested in everything I told him. He’s just the kind of person you can’t help but like from the first moment. So I get why Minho is in love with him.”
Jisung smiled giddily at the words.
“Where’s the no homo now?”, Minho grumbled.
“Like I said, back then I knew already that Minho was in love with Jisung, and I have to say it was so funny to watch them. Like Changbin said, Minho acts completely different with Jisung. I had never seen him like this. And back then they weren’t even together.
He kept doing things for him and he looked at him as if Jisung was the most precious thing on Earth. So like basically the same way he’s looking at him right now.”
He pointed at the two, making Jisung throw him an angry look for making everybody stare at them.
“It was hard to understand how Jisung didn’t realize that Minho was in love with him. Especially because he didn’t act any different from Minho. They were literally like a couple but they didn’t see it.
Maybe that’s also what led me to telling them they were really cute together at some point. Like, I know Minho won’t believe me but I really didn’t do it on purpose. It just slipped because after spending hours with you my brain was absolutely convinced that you were a couple. And I can’t really blame it for that.
But, to be fair, if this hadn’t slipped I probably would have said something to you before I left. Because it was just pathetic watching you guys be so in love with each other and not get your shit together.”
Jisung had to admit that that was fair. They really had needed some help back then.
“Still, even after that, Minho kept coming to me and whining about how he was in an unrequited love with Jisung, like, seriously, what is wrong with you?!” Chan looked like he was just letting go of all his frustration from back then which made the whole thing more funny than offensive.
“You would have thought you two would have kissed and then talked it out and then been happy together but no, I guess you just can’t live your life without a little drama, huh?!”
Jisung and Minho laughed at their friend’s meltdown. He was right after all, they had been stupid, really.
“But okay, at least you ended up having a lot of very necessary fights and talks and confessions because of it so I’m gonna accept that it had to be the way it was. I was just happy when you two finally ended up together because it was a pain to have to go through all of Minho’s breakdowns.”
Jisung chuckled lightly. After all these speeches everyone would think Minho was actually some emotional bundle of tears, and he could imagine how much his husband hated the thought.
Chan finally seemed to have calmed down a bit and a soft smile was covering his face.
“But I’m really happy to see you two together. Like Felix said, it always seems like all your actions are harmonized, somehow you just seem perfect for each other. Not in a destined-for-each-other kind of way but in a you’ve-gone-through-a-lot-of-things-together-and-learned-how-to-really-be-mindful-of-each-other kind of way. It’s really beautiful to watch you two together. So I’m really happy that you got married today because I know it means a lot to you.
And as Minho’s friend, I just have to say I’m so happy he has Jisung. Because I always knew he was lonely, but he never seemed like he was planning on settling down with someone ever. And there was only so much I could do to try and make up for the things I knew he needed. But I have to say I didn’t expect Minho to fall in love with the son of a petrol owner out of all people after everything he had been through. I know even he was surprised when he started to feel this way, or maybe he still is.”
Minho nodded.
“Jisung definitely has done wonders to Minho. I think he now finally has a home, and I’ll forever be grateful to Jisung that he gave him that.”
Jisung blinked away a few tears.
Minho smiled at him lovingly and took his hand. “I’m so grateful, too”, he whispered.
“You know I’m grateful for you, too”, Jisung replied, holding onto Minho’s hand.
After congratulating them one more time, Chan and Changbin left the stage. The next ones to speak were Jisung’s parents. Well, just his mother, but at least his father was standing next to her.
She delivered a long talk, reminiscing Jisung’s childhood, partially embarrassing him and partially making him amused with how innocent she still thought he had always been. She also talked a lot about her impressions on Minho, a lot of sweet little things Jisung didn’t think she would have noticed about his husband, Minho’s face lighting up more and more the more compliments he got from the woman.
Changbin’s parents followed, though it was again only his mother who spoke. They told a lot of stories from Minho’s childhood. Jisung found it cute, but his husband had his face buried in his arms from embarrassment most of the time. It was endearing.
Jiwoo also made an appearance, mostly to bash Jisung and basically voice out a love confession for Minho. Older brothers really are a great thing.
Finally, the speeches were all done and dinner was served. Jisung and Minho had changed seats to sit next to Jisung’s friends, sharing funny memories of their past while eating. Jisung felt really comfortable, his head leaned against Minho’s shoulder and the other’s arm around his body, surrounded by his family and friends who all seemed to get along for once today.
When everyone had finished dinner, couples started entering the dance floor. Minho and Jisung were positioned in the middle, waiting for the first song to start so they could start the first dance. Minho smiled down at Jisung who only had eyes for him. He had no idea what was happening around them.
Then, Lover by Taylor Swift started playing and Minho started moving, inevitably pulling Jisung with him. Jisung’s arms tightened around Minho’s neck, trying to be as close to him as possible. They were still looking at each other, feeling like they were the only people on the dance floor. Or even the whole world, really.
Dancing with Minho always felt special. He knew how to swing you around in a way that made you forget your name. But he also was so gentle that you felt like you would melt away.
Right now Jisung was sure his feet weren’t even touching the ground. He was probably floating on air, and Minho was carrying him. He looked into those shimmering eyes, eyes that he would hopefully be allowed to look into for the rest of his life, and he wanted to drink all the love that swam in them.
“You’re so beautiful”, Minho whispered in his ear.
“You are more”, Jisung replied, gently threading his fingers through Minho’s hair once. “And you are mine.”
Minho smiled. “I am”, he said firmly.

They had been dancing non-stop for almost two hours when Minho suddenly stopped and asked him to go outside with him. Jisung didn’t know what was happening, but he let Minho gently drag him outside by his hand.
He led him to the small garden on the other side of the house. It was already dark outside and Jisung felt himself shiver at the cold.
“Sit down.” Minho motioned him to sit on a big stone.
Jisung was still confused but did as told. He looked up at the sky where the first stars started sparkling. It was quiet out here. After all the noise inside it felt relaxing.
He realized this was his first moment alone with Minho ever since this morning. But before he could say something, Minho started speaking.
“I didn’t give you my present yet.”
Jisung was looking up at him in surprise. They had agreed not to give each other presents.
“You’re my present”, he replied, more out of habit.
Minho smiled. “Yeah, but there’s something else I have for you.”
“What is it?” Jisung got curious now, looking at his husband in anticipation.
Minho was cramming for something in the pocket of his jacket while stepping behind Jisung.
“I know we said we didn’t want new rings”, he said quietly, “but I wanted to get you something just for this wedding.”
Jisung felt something cold touch his neck and drop onto his collarbones. When he looked down, he found a thin silver necklace with a small round pendant, also in silver, holding a small blue gem in the middle of an iridescent white one. It was shimmering in the faint light of the street lantern.
He automatically put his hand on it. “Minho! It’s beautiful.”
Minho closed the clasp of the necklace before returning back to where Jisung could see him. He squatted in front of him and took his hands.
“It’s a sapphire and an opal. Your birthstone is a sapphire and opal is mine. I chose it to remind you that I’m always around you, even when I’m not physically.”
Jisung smiled happily. He had the best husband in the whole world.
“I’ll always wear it. Thank you.”
“I’m glad you like it.” Minho lifted his body up a bit to place a soft kiss on Jisung’s lips.
“Do you know this is the first time we’re alone since this morning?” Jisung wrapped his arms around Minho’s neck to pull him closer, his legs doing the same movement.
“I know”, Minho said before kissing him again. “Want to stay here for a while?”
“Maybe forever.” Jisung sighed contently when Minho started planting light kisses along his neck, his hand gently holding the pendant.
After a while, it got so cold that Jisung couldn’t control the shivering anymore. Minho noticed and immediately pulled away.
“Wanna go inside?”
“Yeah. There’s something I need to give to you anyways.” Jisung was still clinging onto Minho while getting up to steal some of his warmth.
Minho pulled him closer to his body so he could cover them both with his jacket and they started walking back to the entrance.
“What do you need to give me? You said it yourself, no presents.”
“Yeah, well, I guess we’re both liars.” Jisung grinned.
Minho kissed Jisung’s cheek before they entered the house. Everyone was still dancing and talking, he wasn’t sure if they had even noticed they were gone. Jisung quickly pulled Minho away from the dining room and up the stairs, hoping no one would spot them before they were up. He had been planning on giving Minho his present tonight, but since the other had already given him his…
Upstairs, all the lights were out, and Jisung didn’t bother trying to turn them on. The light coming from the hall was enough, and it was fun to sneak around as if they were doing something forbidden.
The door to his dressing room was still open. He threw a look inside. Had it really been only a few hours since he had gotten ready in there, almost hyperventilating?
He grabbed the handle of the door next to it, still holding Minho’s arm. His hand searched for the light switch on the wall.
As soon as he found it, he had to squint at the light that was flooding the large bedroom now. He lead Minho to his bedside table and motioned his husband to sit down, doing the same. Minho was waiting patiently while he was cramming through his drawer. He had put the present at the very back on purpose, just in case Minho would open the drawer.
“Ah! There.” He finally pulled out a rectangle object wrapped in silver satin, proudly handing it over to an expectant Minho.
The other looked down on it, gently moving his fingers along the cloth for a few seconds. “What is it?”, he asked as if he wasn’t able to unwrap the present himself.
“Open it”, Jisung demanded softly.
Minho did as told, slowly, as if he wanted to take in the moment. When he was faced with the object inside, his eyes widened.
It was a small book in a light blue case. His fingers brushed along it as he read what was printed on the cover.
For Minho. That was it.
Minho gave Jisung a questioning look before slowly opening the book, revealing handwritten pages, decorated with small doodles.
“It’s a collection of poems I wrote about you”, Jisung explained while his husband’s mouth widened, looking at the first page. “Those are all the things I wrote about you ever since I first met you, up until just recently. Actually, even before I knew you. The first few are some I wrote when I was younger, about the partner I wished to have. I felt like they matched with you very well, that’s why I added them.”
“I didn’t even know you write poems”, Minho said, looking baffled.
Jisung shrugged embarrassedly. “I do, whenever I feel like it or when I’m bored. But I just write them in my notes app and I never showed them to anyone. I wasn’t gonna show you these either, but while reading through them when I was writing my vows, I felt like you should see them.”
Minho looked at the book as if it was the most precious thing in the world while flipping through the pages.
“It’s still not finished, there’s many empty pages”, Jisung explained. “I will fill them over time, so you have to keep the book somewhere where I can take it.”
“You are the most wonderful person I have ever met”, Minho said, looking at Jisung as if he had just invented a cure for cancer. “That is the best thing anyone has ever done for me.”
“I didn’t even do it for you originally, I did it for myself. But if this makes you happy, then I know I’ve written them for a good reason.”
“I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
“You deserve everything in the world, Minho. And because of you I feel like I deserve the world, too.”
“Then I know I’ve done at least one good thing in my life.”
“You’ve done more than one good thing. In fact, at least for me, you are all the good things in life. I never want to live without you again.”
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
Minho and Jisung didn’t return to their wedding party that night. They just stayed in the bed, looking at the ceiling while hugging each other, feeling grateful for being together. Occasionally, one of them leaned over to plant a kiss on the other’s cheek.
They stayed like this until they both fell asleep soundly, sparing no thoughts to their guests who had to end the party by themselves.

Among the cold stars gracing the night sky
Shining sternly and icy
There is one that is shimmering so brightly
My eyes keep squinting at the light
And nobody can ever tell me why
I always have to look at you
My hands can’t stop reaching for you
But I know you are my shining light
And nothing has ever felt this right
I’ll climb up there and get you
Just wait for me, my love
And then we’ll be together
From now until forever

In case you didn't know what Jisung’s friends were singing in their speech, first of all, I'm disappointed, second of all, watch this:

Hope you enjoyed Minsung's wedding.  <3 See you tomorrow for a last extra chapter.

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