Chapter 4

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After storming past Changbin, Jisung left the ballroom and made his way outside. He was so upset that he almost felt like crying.

Changbin was one of the people he trusted the most. He hadn't even told his brother about this affair, so why would he tell Minho? He'd been all nice and joking while dancing with him when he knew that he had told a random guy one of his biggest secrets.

And Lee Minho, that horrible guy. They didn't even know each other yet he talked to him as if he had a right to tell him what to do. Why would he care so much about what he did with his life? It wasn't like he was the one who was pushed into a marriage he didn't want.

Jisung wouldn't have admitted it, but maybe part of the reason he was so upset was because deep inside he knew Minho was right. He hated all these people he had to talk to and he hated being all nice and pretentious, and even more he hated the thought of getting married, but he couldn't find the courage to oppose his parents' wishes.

When he reached the garden, he sat down at a well and huffed.

It was impossible anyways. That guy thought just because he was lucky to have openminded parents, everyone could just go their own way like him, but it wasn't like that. People like Jisung would never have a different option.

He just sat there for the next hour or so until a butler came and let him know his parents were about to leave and looking for him.

It was already late, so for once there was barely any traffic and Jisung looked out the window, watching the street lights go by.

Just when he was starting to calm down after this eventful day, his brother broke the silence. "I saw you talking to Lee Minho on the balcony before."

Their parents' heads snapped towards Jisung and he wanted to sink into the cushion of his car seat. Why did his brother always have to mention the things he knew would get him in trouble?

"I wasn't talking to him", he mumbled. "He just happened to be there, too."

"Be careful with this man", his father warned. "There's nothing good coming from him. Just look at how he talked this afternoon. No respect for his elders."

"I can't wait to see his business go down", his brother mocked. "He's acting all high and mighty but I doubt it's gonna last long. Just imagine being friends with someone like this. I don't understand Changbin at all."

"Changbin said you know Minho, too", Jisung threw in. "He said you played together at his swimming pool when you were younger."

"So what if I did, that was long ago." His brother threw him a disgusted look. "You seem to have a lot of interest in this guy."

Jisung was about to protest, but his father interrupted him.

"Jisung, I'm being serious. Don't even try to get close to this man. What he's doing is destroying all of our businesses. I don't want to see you being friends or anything with someone like that."

"But, Dad, I really didn't talk to him!", Jisung complained. "I walked onto the balcony and he was there. When he didn't leave me alone, I left!" He felt like he was being accused unfairly. "Besides, didn't you say that nothing can destroy your business? Everyone at the party said the same, that renewable energy can never replace fossil fuels."

His father's face went dark.

"Kids, let's talk about something else", their mother interfered. "We all know Jisung would never talk to someone like that. But, sweetie, I saw you dancing with Go Taeyeon. Did you two get along well?"

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