Extra 1.1

539 19 1

(I'm sorry if this is long...)

“You know, when I said I wanted you to get a job I didn’t mean for you to spend all your time writing and not giving any attention to me.”
Jisung looked up at his pouting husband and laughed. “We just had dinner together, baby.”
“Yeah, and why are you not spending your evening with me?” Minho’s pout didn’t subside.
Jisung giggled at his husband’s silliness. “We literally spent the whole day together.”
Minho threw himself on the sofa next to Jisung and whined: “But I wanna spend the rest of the day with you, too. It’s Sunday.”
Jisung put his arm around Minho’s neck and ruffled his hair. “When did you become such a child?”
Minho rested his head against Jisung’s shoulder, enjoying the affection, then looked up and grinned mischievously. “Ever since I fell in love with you.”
Jisung rolled his eyes. “I can say for a fact that that’s not the case.”
He gave the man a kiss on the head, then gently pushed him away. “Now leave. I need to finish this chapter by tomorrow.”
Minho still hadn’t given up on pouting. “Who said that?”
“My editor.”
His husband decided to go full on whiny child mode and started trampling on the floor with his feet. “So what if she says that? I don’t care.”
Jisung looked at him amusedly. “What’s gotten into you today?”
Minho rested his head on Jisung’s shoulder again and clung onto his waist. “I just wanna spend time with you.”
“Okay?” Jisung raised his brows.
It wasn’t unusual of the older to act childish to get attention, but he was definitely being a bit too insistent today.
Minho played with Jisung’s shirt before answering. “I just might not be here for a while.”
Jisung looked down at him, mostly surprised. “Why?”
“Well, there’s this huge expo for renewable energy in San Francisco next week. It’ll go on for two weeks and it’s kinda important. You know, for making connections and gather new information, that kind of stuff. I can’t really get out of it.”
Minho had to go on business trips every once in a while, and Jisung didn’t always come with him because, well, he was fine with being without him for a few days. Sure, he missed him, but it wasn’t like Minho wouldn’t come back. And being on your own every once in a while isn’t so bad.
But Minho hadn’t had to go on such a long business trip before, which is why this was new.
“I’ll come with you. I don’t have anything to do.”
Minho gaped at him. “Are you sure? It’s in Francisco.”
Jisung shrugged, though Minho knew him well enough to see through the calm façade. “Yeah, why not? It’s been a while since I’ve been there. And I really wanna see your house in San Francisco again.”
It had been about six months since he and Minho confessed, making it nine months since he’d last been to his hometown. They’d decided to stay in New York because it was very convenient and the apartment was nice. It was also the only place Minho owned that they didn’t have any bad memories in.
Minho looked at him carefully, playing with Jisung’s hair. “You’re not scared about meeting your family anymore?”
“I mean, it’s been so long since back then. I think I’m kinda over being scared of them. I think I should go visit them and talk it out with them.”
Minho nodded understandingly. Then–
Jisung laughed when he realized what had made Minho make that sound. “You don’t have to come with me if you don’t want to. I’d be glad to have you by my side but I’ll be fine without you.”
“No. I should go with you. Introduce myself to your parents as your husband and – Okay, maybe not.” He shuddered at the thought, making Jisung giggle.
“Well, you can still think about it. But it’s settled. I’ll go with you.”
Minho gently ran his fingers though Jisung’s hair. “You can still chicken out at any time. I won’t be mad.”
“I know.”
Jisung might have to take Minho up on that offer. He tried to act tough but he wasn’t so sure if he could really deal with meeting his family and old friends again. His parents had never replied to the letter he had sent them back then in Jeju, but his mom had acknowledged a card that let them know about his new address in New York in case anything ever happened, so he was sure they weren’t straight up thinking of cutting him off forever. Which was why he thought it was a good idea to make the first step and actually show himself to them so they could see he was doing well now and there was nothing to worry about.
But that didn’t mean he wasn’t scared of facing them again after such a long time.
Of course that wasn’t the only issue with going back to San Francisco. Back when he had lived there, everyone had spread the worst rumors about him, and that was before he decided to flee with and marry the exact guy everyone thought he had an affair with. But both Minho and Changbin had been to the city several times since then, and it seemed that no one was really talking exceptionally bad about him anymore. As if the whole matter had been settled once he had gotten married to Minho. Now he was just the husband of the guy that ruined everyone’s fossil fuels business, but he could live with that.
Talking about Minho’s business, it was doing great, much to Jisung’s dislike. That was because it meant he had less time he could spend with his husband as the other was constantly in meetings or working on papers. Okay, it wasn’t that bad, they still had a lot of time together, but Jisung would have liked to have more – obviously.
Minho never asked Jisung to go to any business meetings with him like his ex-husband had, and so he didn’t. He did accompany him to events like expos sometimes, though, so it would be nice to see what the one in San Francisco would be like. Those weren’t as restricted as a dinner, and he had the chance to leave if he didn’t want to talk someone. He also learned a lot about more ecological practices there, and of course Minho also spent a lot of time telling him about renewable energy, so he was definitely more educated than he used to be.

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