Chapter 11

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In his whole life, Jisung had never felt so relieved. Who would have thought that just seeing Minho's face could make him feel so much better?

"C'mon", the other gently said, taking his arm to help him out the car. Jisung was still in trance, simply clinging onto Minho as the other led him away from the car and inside the tiny terminal building. He sat down with him on a sofa at the wall, looking at him with care.

"Are you okay?", he softly asked, running his fingers over Jisung's emaciated facial features carefully.

Jisung just buried his face in the other's neck, clinging onto him as if he never wanted to let him go. Minho could only feel his nod against his shoulder.

"Did he hurt you? Changbin said he didn't let you out..."

Jisung let the other thread his fingers through his hair and run his other hand over his back soothingly for a while before he moved away a bit to say: "He locked me up in there, he set guards up. And- and he took my phone, so I couldn't contact you." Even though it was still hard to speak, he felt the words spilling out of him. "I'm so sorry for not telling you the truth, and I'm sorry for going back, I should have known it was a bad idea, I-"

"It's okay", Minho said reassuringly, pulling him back against his chest. "I had a bad feeling when you left, I...", his voice broke, "I should not have ignored it."

Jisung started crying against Minho's shoulder, his fingers clawed into the other's shirt. All the fear and frustration he had gone through the past two weeks rushed out of him, now that he was finally in a safe space. Minho just let him cry for a while, providing as much comfort as he could.

When Jisung had started calming down a bit, he gently moved the younger away from him so he could look at him, his hands still on his shoulders to show him he was still there. His expression got serious as he looked directly into Jisung's eyes.

"Jisung, I brought you here because Changbin told me you were back at your house, and that you weren't allowed to go out and he couldn't contact you. I thought you wouldn't want to stay there so I arranged this so I could take you away. But I can only do that if you say you want to. If you'd rather want to stay, I'll have to let you go."

Jisung wiped some tears off the corner of his eye, feeling relieved. This was what he had secretly hoped for the whole time.

"Of course I'll go with you." He sniffed. "But where are we going?"

Minho smiled. "We're going to my vacation home in Jeju. I thought it would be safer for you to stay there for a while."

Jisung hadn't smiled in a while, it felt weird. But how could he not when looking at the most comforting face that had ever entered his life?

"Thank you."

"No. Don't thank me. I've been worried about you all this time." He could feel in the way Minho held onto his shoulders that he meant it.

He pulled him into another tight hug. "From now on you'll never have to be scared, okay?"

Jisung closed his eyes and nodded. That sounded nice.

When the older gently moved him away again, Jisung gave him a disappointed look. "I just need to tell the crew to get ready, okay?" He smiled reassuringly and got up. "And I'll get something to eat for you, too, you look like you haven't eaten in days."

Right. Eating. He had originally left the house to eat.

Suddenly he got scared, grabbing onto Minho's arm before he could leave. "What if they find me here before we leave?" His face was distorted by fear, making him look even more like a skeleton.

Gone With You || Minsung FFNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ