Chapter 10

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There was one thing you should know about Jisung. He had been dependent on others all his life. He had never had to work or live by himself.

That being said, there was no other option for him. He returned exactly where he came from.

When he entered the house, Taeyeon was already waiting for him on the sofa.

"Where have you been?!" His expression was somewhere between anger and disbelief.

Jisung put his bag down, trying to act calm. He could get this through with if he only kept his composure.

"I thought you'd be at work right now."

"Where the hell have you been??!"

Jisung sat down next to him on the sofa, though with some distance between them, still calm.

"At a motel in L.A." He had decided that that was the most believable excuse. Taeyeon would have asked for him at all hotels in San Francisco, maybe New York, but he probably wouldn't have gotten as far as L.A. yet.

"Why the fuck would you do that?" Jisung flinched. Taeyeon never cursed, unless he was really angry.

He took a deep breath, trying not to let his own anger wash over him, and looked at his husband. "You know why."

Taeyeon shook his head, looking annoyed. "Jisung, you can't just leave every time we have a fight. You know I don't do that because I want to hurt you."

"But you did."

"You're being unreasonable." Taeyeon sounded frustrated. "Sometimes you'll have to do things you don't like. Do you think I like everyone I work with?"

"That's not the point, Taeyeon, and you know that. You never asked me what I wanted, ever. You always expect me to do everything you want without complaining. But I'm not gonna let you do that anymore. You will respect me from now on." He put finality in his last words.

If he couldn't escape Taeyeon, he would at least work harder for his wishes to be respected, that's the decision he had made at Minho's house. What he didn't expect was for Taeyeon to just completely ignore his demand.

The other got up and shook his head. "You're not in your right mind right now. I'll let your parents know you're back and safe. I've already talked about this with them. You'll stay at home for a while until you get better. You won't have to do anything, I will tell others that you're sick and have to rest for a while."

Jisung looked at him in shock. "You're locking me up??"

The other smiled gently. "Only until you've gotten better. It's not good for you to be outside when you're in this state. I just want to protect you."

Jisung started shaking his head in denial, his whole body was trembling. This couldn't be happening. He hadn't expected for this to happen.

"Please give me your phone." Taeyeon reached out his hand to him.

"My phone??" Jisung's voice was shrill, he quickly scrambled for his phone in the pocket of his jacket, trying to keep it safe.

"Yes. Your phone. Don't worry, I won't look at it. I don't know your code anyways. But I don't know what contacts you have that made you this way. I want to make sure you don't do anything stupid."

Jisung was so overwhelmed by his emotions that he just lost control over himself. He got up, taking a few steps away from his husband, still trembling, hiding his phone behind his back. He wouldn't let himself be treated like this.

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