Chapter Sixteen

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*This chapter contains a lot of baby/little talk*

Monday Morning
Dominick's POV

I wake up to my alarm and get ready for the day. I text Brody and Andrew and let them know Garrett is going to work with me today so I can show him around and discuss his job duties with him. We will have a trial run this summer and if he likes it he will be hired on for full time. I text my baby to make sure he is up and getting ready since it's already 6:30.

Dominick: Are you getting ready baby boy?
Baby boy: Yes daddy, almost done. Also Brody and Andrew said it's fine if I go with you.
Dominick: I know baby, I already talked to them.
Baby boy: Okay, see you soon.
Dominick: Eat some breakfast, I will be there soon.

He doesn't respond and I finish my morning routine. I head out to go pick up my little one. He seems really excited about today.

Dominick: Are you ready?
Garrett: Yes I'm excited!
Dominick: Good, did you eat?
Garrett: I had some yogurt and fruit.
Dominick: Good job. You look nice by the way.
Garrett: Thank you, so do you!
Dominick: Thanks baby boy. Once we get inside I will introduce you to some people. My sister is the receptionist/secretary for the top floor, so we will meet her first. Everyone else you can meet later on.
Garrett: Sounds good, I'm excited to meet your sister.
Dominick: She will be excited to meet you too.

We park and head inside. My sister sees us first and runs over.

Kimberly: Dominick!! Who is this cutie???
Dominick: This is Garrett, he is my boyfriend and little. Say hey to Kimberly, Garrett.
Garrett: Hi Kimberly.
Kimberly: Hi! You are adorable!
Dominick: Garrett wants to be my personal assistant soon so I'm going to show him around.
Kimberly: Sounds good, let me know if you need anything. It's nice to meet you Garrett!
Dominick: Thanks sis!
Garrett: Nice to meet you!

Garrett's POV

After meeting Dominick's little sister we head to what I assume is his office. He already had a little side desk set up for me. How sweet. Thinking back to his sister it's easy to tell they are related. Kimberly is tall like her brother, probably around 5'9 or so and has long blond hair. She seems to be pretty athletic as well. I like her loud personality, she seems like a fun person.

Garett: I like your sister, she seems nice.
Dominick: I'm glad baby, she is great. This is your desk. You can have a seat.
Garrett: Thank you, What would I have to do as your personal assistant?
Dominick: You would file papers, enter sales data into the computer, make copies, take notes for me at meetings, run errands around the building for me, just little things like that. Usually I will give you a to do list for the day so you will know what needs to be done. My sister schedules all of my meetings and trips so you don't have to do that. She is also in charge of my calendar. Does that sound okay?
Garrett: It sounds great! I'm excited to get started. Can I start tomorrow?
Dominick: You can start next week baby boy. This week we need to get all the paperwork done and I want you to attend a few work trainings to learn more about your position and learn about the company some. That will be on Wednesday and Friday online. You can do that here at your desk. Tuesday and Thursday we will get the paperwork completed. Sound good?
Garrett: Yes daddy. Thank you!
Dominick: Anything for you baby. Daddy needs to work some and get your paperwork done so here is a tablet you can play on until it's time for lunch.

He kisses my head and I go lay on his couch. Who has a couch in their office?!?! For the next few hours I entertain myself on daddy's tablet. I text my brothers to let them know my start date and the plans for this week. They are fine with that and informed me they would be at Connor's house all week. I need to let my daddy know this.

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