Chapter Ten

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Laundry room in the picture

Brody's POV

I wake up and head to Andrews room. He is checking our account. I sit beside him and make sure I don't bump a sleeping Garrett.

Brody: Looks like we got a message
Andrew: Let's see what it says.

Babyboy21: Hi, I saw your profile. Can we chat?
Brody and Andrew: Sure, how old are you and what's your name?
Babyboy21: I'm 21 and my name is Connor. Are you Brody and Andrew?
Brody and Andrew: That's us. Brody is the blond one and I'm the dark haired one. Brody is 23 and I am 25. We are looking for a submissive to share. We are both doms. Does this interest you?
Babyboy21: Yes! I'm new to this though.
Brody and Andrew: That's okay. Do you want to text?
Babyboy21: Sure, my number is 402-566-2320
Brody and Andrew: Okay, We will text you later. Have a great day hun!

Brody: He seems sweet. Did you check out his profile yet?
Andrew: Not yet. Let's look.

Babyboy21 Profile
Age: 21
Location: Georgia(let's say they are from Georgia, not sure I ever said a location)
Height: 5'5
Hair color: Blond
Eye color: Green
Role: Submissive
Orientation: Gay

Babyboy21 Profile Age: 21 Location: Georgia(let's say they are from Georgia, not sure I ever said a location)Height: 5'5Hair color: BlondEye color: GreenRole: Submissive Orientation: Gay

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Brody: Damn he's cute!
Andrew: Yea he is! He's small too! Just what we wanted.

I close the computer after Andrew adds Connor's number in his phone. I do the same to mine. We wake up Garrett and get ready for our talk.

Brody: Morning buddy, can you be big for us for a few minutes.
Garrett: Morning, yea what's up? Is everything okay?
Andrew: Everything is fine, Brody and I have decided to look for a submissive to share. We need to start dating so we wanted to let you know.
Brody: We still want to take care of you, but more in a big brother role, we want you to have your own daddy or mommy one day if you want it.
Garrett: I understand, I am happy for you guys! Do I get to meet your sub?
Andrew: Of course baby, but we don't have one yet. We just started talking to one today actually.
Garrett: Oh cool. Is he nice?
Brody: How do you know it's a he?
Garrett: (smirking) I'm pretty sure both of you are gay. I'm just saying.
Andrew: You aren't wrong. Are you gay little brother?
Garrett: I like both.
Brody: Interesting
Garrett: What? Don't judge me! Can I see the potential sub?
Brody: Sure!

I pull up Connor's profile and let Garrett see.

Garrett: Aww he's cute!
Brody: We thought so, he seems nice. We will see. We exchanged numbers.
Garrett: Yay! Can I go play now?
Andrew and Brody: Sure! Be safe!

Garrett's POV

I head to my playroom and decide to use the slide. It will be weird if my brothers start dating, but I know they will still take care of me. I wonder how my other brothers are doing. I still miss them, but they need to experience life some. I continue to play and get lost in my own thoughts once again.

Andrew's POV

Brody and I do some chores and get some work done. We decide to text Connor in a group message.

Andrew: Hey Connor, how are you?
Connor: I'm good, how are y'all?
Brody: Good, just working and doing some chores. Do you want to come over this weekend and meet us?
Connor: I would love to! Just send me your address please.
Andrew: Just so you know we have several little brothers and are brothers ourselves. We aren't into each other though. Only our baby brother lives with us. He is 16 now. The other 3 moved out a few days ago. You will meet Garrett if you come over.
Connor: That's cool. I have an older sister and an older brother. They are twins and are 25.
Brody: Nice, our brothers are 16, 18, 20, 22 and I will be 24 soon and Andrew will be 26 soon. The 18, 20 and 22 year old are the ones who moved out.
Andrew: Our little brother is Garrett and he is a little. Do you know what that is?
Connor: Wow that's a lot of siblings, I do know what a little is and I can't wait to meet him!
Brody: He is excited to meet you too! Just like Andrew and I are! Let's plan for Friday around 5pm you can have dinner with us and hangout.
Connor: Sounds good, see y'all Friday!
Andrew: See ya! Our address is 123 Summer circle
Connor: Thank you!

I go get Garett and have him catch up on his school work, he has been slacking lately due to being in little space. He had good grades, so I'm not worried. He will actually graduate his junior year since he is ahead. I'm going to let him get a job this year if he wants to. Maybe he will meet someone or make some new friends at least.

The rest of the work/school week flys by and soon it is Friday around 4pm. Brody is making dinner and I'm cleaning.

Andrew: Garrett is your room and play room clean?
Garrett: Yes bubba!

Did I mention he doesn't call me daddy anymore even in little space, which is a good thing.

Andrew: Good, because Connor will be here soon! He knows you are a little, so you can be little or big. Your choice.
Garett: Otay, thank you bubba.
Andrew: Anything for you!

The doorbell rings and Garrett runs to answer it.

Andrew: No running!
Garrett: Sorry bubba!

He doesn't open the door until I'm behind him. He listens to something at least! Connor is standing on the other side looking really shy, but really cute!

Andrew: Come in. Don't you look nice!
Connor: Thank you.
Andrew: I'm Andrew and this little dude is Garrett.
Garrett: Hi!
Brody walks over.

Brody: I'm Brody! Nice to meet you.
Connor: Nice to meet all of you as well.

Garrett grabs Connor's hand and try's to drag him inside further. Even though he is a lot smaller than Brody and myself, Connor is bigger and apparently a lot stronger than little man. I laugh at his antics and give him a look.

Andrew: Let Connor go. Maybe he doesn't want you touching him.
Garrett: Sorry Connor
Connor: It's okay.
Brody: Let's go eat, dinner is ready.

I let Garrett sit in a big boy chair, but I fix his plate. We are having chicken, mashed potatoes and green beans. I cut his chicken up and fix him a sippy cup of water. Once everyone is seated we say grace and eat.

Brody: What have you been up to this week Connor?
Connor: Just working, I am a bar tender at the bar down the street.
Andrew: Oh nice! We will have to come visit you there one night.
Connor: I would like that.

We continue dinner and get to know each other better. Garrett is quietly eating and I wonder if I embarrassed him earlier. He has to learn he can't just touch people without their permission. We all finish and Garrett heads to his room. We let him go and head to the living room to watch a movie.

Garrett's POV
Connor seems nice, I just hope my brothers don't forget about me. Three already left me and now the other two might have a boyfriend. I need to find myself a boyfriend so I'm not alone. I decide to apply to the coffee shop down the street since Andrew said I could get a job now that I'm 16. Maybe I can meet someone there. I am too young for online dating. Cringe!

I go to the coffee shop website and find the application. I fill it out and submit it. I hope they email me back. I applied for the cashier spot. I decide to go to bed early and check my email in the morning. Fingers crossed they ask me to do an interview. I need something to do especially since I'm almost done with high school. I don't know if college is for me or not yet. Maybe I can take some classes eventually. I grab my pjs and change quickly. I usually can't sleep without my paci so I grab one of those too. I hope my dreams are sweet tonight.

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