Chapter Six

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Ethan's bedroom in the picture
Cody's POV

I wake up with my baby brother snuggled in my arms. He is sleeping so peacefully. Little snores coming out of his mouth. I take the opportunity to slip his paci into his mouth. He instantly starts sucking on it and I can't help by smile. Let's just hope he doesn't freak out once he wakes up and realizes he's sucking on it.

I slip out of bed and leave him to sleep. I'm gonna use the gym this morning and see if anyone else wants to join me. I go to Daniels room first.

Cody: Morning. Do you want to go workout with me? I'm gonna ask Ethan too.
Daniel: Yea sure, give me a few minutes to change.

I head over to Ethan's room next.

Cody: Do you want to go workout with me and Daniel?
Ethan: Yea sure, give me five minutes to change.

I nod and head out to hallway to wait for Daniel and Ethan. I run into Brody and Andrew coming out of their rooms and let them know the plans. They know that Garrett is still asleep in my bed.

Brody: I'm gonna go make breakfast.
Andrew: I will take care of Garett. Y'all have fun in the gym.

We all head our separate ways.

Andrew's POV

I head into Cody's room once all the boys go downstairs. Garrett is still sleeping and sucking on his paci. Cody must have done that without Garrett knowing. No way he would be using it otherwise. I do plan to try to get him to use it more today. I decide to go get dressed myself first and pick out an outfit for little man. I think I will let him wear some of his boxers and one of my hoodies today. He will look so cute in my clothes.

Once I have the needed items I head back in to get Garrett changed. I remove the onesie and switch his underwear. The dirty clothes I will take to his laundry basket when we leave the room. I carefully slip my hoodie over his head and pull it down. It covers his boxers completely. Yikes! I didn't realize I was that big. I also clip a paci to him that says little boy. He doesn't wake up at all as I gently lift him into my arms. We head out of the room and I make a quick stop to discard his dirty clothes.

Brody has made waffles for breakfast and I know the boys will be happy for that. I fix Garrett a sippy cup with some chocolate milk and cut up his waffles. I gently bounce him awake while rubbing his back.

Andrew: Time to wake up baby cakes. Bubba made waffles for breakfast and daddy got you some chocolate milk.

He slowly wakes up and I feed him his food since I don't trust him to sit in his highchair while he is still sleepy. Eating seems to wake him up completely and he yawns and rubs his eyes.

Brody: Did you sleep good little one?

He just nods his head yes and drinks his milk. I eat my own breakfast and let him finish feeding himself. Brody can't keep the smile off his face as he inhales his waffles. Daniel, Cody and Ethan will have to eat theirs once they finish in the gym. I wasn't going to make Garrett wait since I woke him up.

Brody makes the other boys a plate and cleans up the kitchen. I enjoy Garett cuddling into me now that he is done eating. I take the chance and slip his little boy paci back in his mouth since he is still sleepy. He doesn't object as I hold it in place. The other boys walk in at that exact moment.

Andrew: Your food is on the stove boys. What are y'all plans today?
Brody: I'm going to do laundry and I expect you boys to put it away once I put it in your rooms.
Cody: I will help you Brody.
Daniel: I can watch Garett today. I don't have any plans.
Ethan: I can help Daniel with Garrett.
Andrew: Sounds good. I will be cleaning some and doing some work. If any of you need me just text me or come find me.

I give Garrett to Ethan and we all head our separate ways.

Ethan's POV
Ethan: What do you want to do Daniel?
Daniel: We could take him outside to the swing set. He needs to put on some old clothes though.
Ethan: Sounds good. Let's go change him.

Daniel and I head to Garrett's big boy room and find him some old sweats and an old hoodie of his.

Ethan: Do you want to go play outside little man?
Garrett: Yes please!

The three of us head outside after I let Andrew know the plans. I carry Garrett to the swing and strap him in. Daniel gets behind him and pushes him. His sweet giggles fill the air. He has been very quiet since this age play started. Maybe that means he is starting to except it or even enjoy it. I let him out of the swing and let him run around. Daniel and I chase him and he chases us around.

I can tell he is getting tired when he lays in the grass. Daniel picks him up and we head inside to get some water.

Daniel: Did you have fun little one?
Garrett: Yes! Thank you bubba!

He sounds so happy as he hugs Daniels neck. I sneak behind them and steal him from Daniels arms.

Ethan: Where is my hug and thanks?
Garrett: Sorry bubba, thank you for playing with me!

He hugs my neck and I kiss all over his face. He giggles and pushes me away. He starts trying to get down.

Ethan: Bubbs, can you ask to get down instead of fighting me?
Garrett: Can I get down please bubba?!?!
Ethan: Why yes, thank you for asking.

I place him on the ground and he runs inside.

Daniel: I'm gonna go shower now.
Ethan: Sounds good. I'm gonna go find out where little man went.

I find Garrett inside Andrews office telling him about his fun time outside.

Andrew: I'm so glad you had fun baby! We're your brothers nice?
Garrett: Yea we had fun. We played on the swing set and played tagged. I won of course!

His little smile lights up the room.

Ethan: Oh so you won the game of tag??
Garrett: Yes I did!

He sticks his tongue out at me and I can't help but smile. That little stinker.

Ethan: Whatever you say little dude.
Andrew: I think you need a bath baby boy. You do stink.
Garrett: I do not! That was mean!
Andrew: Come on lets go get a bath and then some lunch. Brody texted me and told me he ordered pizza for this afternoon.
Garrett: oh yes! I love pizza!
Andrew: I'm glad you approve cutie.

I watch the interaction and notice the blush on Garrett's face. What a goober. Andrew and Garrett leave the office and I head to my own room to shower and change. I decide to clean my room and put my laundry away before heading to the kitchen for some much needed food.

The rest of the day flys by and before I know it Garrett is asking to sleep with me tonight. It has been a fun day and I hope the rest of this Christmas break continues in the same way.

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