Chapter Thirteen

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Dominick in the picture

Garrett's POV
I wake up and get ready for the day. I need to clean and study more before work tonight. I'm hoping I see Dominick again, but I doubt he will come in. After I'm ready I head downstairs and grab a banana for breakfast. Andrew and Brody must have been up late last night since they are not up yet. I wonder if Connor stayed the night.

I finish my food and get started studying. I don't really need to, but I don't want to bomb the finals either. I also start looking at majors online for school. I need to get my application in soon. After working for a few hours Connor, Andrew and Brody come into the kitchen.

Connor: Thanks for having me over! I need to go. Bye Garrett!
Garrett: Bye, see you later!

Connor hugs and kisses my brothers and heads out the door. Eww that was gross.

Garrett: Did y'all ask him out yet?!??
Brody: Yes we did and he said yes!
Garrett: Yay! I'm happy for y'all.
Andrew: Thanks bud. Why are you up so early?
Garrett: Well it's ten now and I needed to get my studying done as well as applying for school and deciding on a major. I still don't know what I want to do yet.
Andrew: You will figure it out. Brody and I will be working in our offices if you need us.
Brody: What time is your work tonight?
Garrett: 4-8pm
Andrew: Okay, I will take you and pick you up.
Garrett: Thank you!

After a few hours I finish my studying and make everyone some lunch. I take it to Brody's office and head back to the kitchen. I start searching majors at the college and find a few that I like. I apply for the college and put down Administrative Assistant/Secretary for my major. It looks like I can get my degree in a few years. I don't want to follow in my brothers footsteps. I think I would make a good personal assistant to someone. Just because I'm smart doesn't mean I want a hard job.

I check the time after I finish and decide to get ready for work. I chose black dress pants, a white button up shirt and my black apron. We can wear any color shirt as long as the pants and apron are black. I shower and do my usual routine. Once I am completely ready I head out of my room to find Andrew since he is taking me to work.

I find him and Brody working in his office.

Garrett: I'm ready when you are.
Andrew: Okay buddy, go start the car I will be there soon.

I leave to go start the car. I get in the passenger seat and turn on the radio. A few minutes later Andrew gets in the car.

Andrew: Here is some cash so you can eat something during your shift. I will get you dinner when you get off.
Garrett: Okay, thank you.

We arrive at work and I get out.

Andrew: Have a good shift! I will see you at 8. Be safe!
Garrett: I will! Love you!

I walk in and spot Dominick already at a table enjoying his coffee. I ignore his heated look and rush to clock in. It's going to be a long four hours.

Beth: Hey Garrett! Your man is already here!!
Garrett: He is not my man. Will you stop saying that please?
Beth: Okay sorry sorry. My bad. Uh oh, he is coming over here.

I look over and notice he is almost to the counter.

Garrett: Can I help you sir?
Dominick: Actually you can, who was that man that dropped you off?
Garrett: Andrew? That's my older brother. Why?

Dominick visibly relaxes.

Dominick: No reason, I just needed to make sure I didn't have any competition. What's your name little one?
Garrett: Garrett. Did you want to order something else sir?
Dominick: (mumbling)I prefer daddy.
Garrett: Im sorry, can you repeat that I didn't hear you.
Dominick: I don't want to order anything else, but I would like to get your number. Give me your phone please.
Garrett: Oh okay, here you go.

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