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Hi 😘 so this is the second story i have written the first was a complete flop so lets hope for the best 😅

Pls don't copy my ideas i have worked hard for them and if i have copied somebody else i will gladly give credit also any similarities to any other books are just a coincident❤

So this story is completely imagination and real life with a twist 😊 i do not mean to harm or offend anyone and im not sure but there may be mature topics i will put a warning

Also lets all use our imagination and imagine one direction is still together including zaddy zayn😘

I know that luke as if right now is engaged and i wish him and sierra nothing but the best ❤ (i wish that could be me😭)

By the way i will not be taking suggestions unless i run out of ideas or you guys want something new or different.

I know there will be grammar errors so pls point them out thanks luvs 😘

My comment section is not something to be messed with i will not tolerate any hate or racism or discrimination against anything i will block and delete

So next chapter is DETAILS im sorry if its boring but you need to read it to make your life easier reading this book we are related to somebody famous but changed the names😳

Little side note but i think its important mental health is a real thing and i myself have suffered through it so if you want someone to talk im always here luv you guys ❤

R.Q (random question)
Have you hear youngblood with calum's solo?

My answer: love it probably better that the original sorry not sorry

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