Chapter Fifteen

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Narrator's POV

The three brothers ran through the woods and they finally reached the place of the opening to the krang's secret lair. They put on their oxygen machines (someone pls tell me what they are called) and they quickly got in the tunnel. Before they knew, the three turtles found themselves in the krang's secret lair.

They ran past the krangs and there suprisingly weren't many of them.

They finally reached the place were they had found Leo. Donnie hacked the door and the three of them got in the room.

Fortunately, for them, there wasn't a single krang in the room.

Donnie headed for the krang computer and turned it on.

"Ok, there should be information about what they did to Leo with that krang ray. Let's see..." Donnie said typing something on the huge computer screen "Aha!"

He found a file that said 'Turtle'. Donnie opened the file and scrolled down the screen, reading whatever the file said, in his mind. He reached the end of the file and his eyes widened to the size of plates. He quickly closed the file, hoping that his brothers weren't reading it.

"What is it, Donnie?" Raph asked raising his non-existing eyebrow.

"Uhh... Nothing! Nothing at all! Everything thing is absolutely fine! There is Nothing to worry about!" Donnie said quickly but his brothers were not easily convinced.

"What's wrong Donnie? What did you read in the file?" Mikey asked Don in a worried voice.

Donnie sighed and looked down.

Should he tell his brothers about this?

He raised his head to look up at Raph and Mikey.

"It's just... I can't find anything to cure Leo..." Donnie said in a sad voice.

His brothers looked at him sadly.

Mikey put his hand on Donnie's shoulder.

"It's ok bruh. We will figure a way out." Mikey said giving Donnie and reassuring smile.

Donnie returned Mikey smile and stood up.

"Let's get out of this lair before the krang find out." Donnie said as his two brothers nodded.

The three turtles safely exited the lair without being spotted by a single krang.

"Don't worry guys. Everything will be just fine!" Mikey said to his brothers with a smile.

His brothers smiled and nodded.

The brothers started walking back to the lair, But there was something that Raph and Mikey didn't know. Something that would probably crush them from the inside.

Something that was written on the file and that the Purple-masked Turtle didn't tell them...

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