8. I Am Spiderman

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Peter POV

Y/N and I decide to meet at our favorite book store. We've been going there since we were 12, she would go to the novel section most of the time and I would go to the comic section right next to it. Sometimes she'd come and read the Avengers comics with me. I wonder when someone will make a Spiderman comic?

The little bell on the door rings and Y/N walks into the book store, I look up from the Ironman comic I was reading and wave her over.

"Hey" she says walking over to me.

"Hey" I say giving her a hug and a quick kiss.

She lifts my hand, with the comic book in it.

"Haven't you read this one like 50 times already?" She asks, a curious look on her face.

"Maybe..." I say rubbing the back of my neck.

"Mhm, come on lets go to my place, we need to talk."

She takes the comic out of my hand as she takes hold of the other one and drags me out of the book store.

By the time we get to her apartment it starts to get dark. She opens the door and puts her stuff on the couch. Then she drags me to her room, and onto the small balcony.

She leans on the railing and says "so whats your secret Parker?"

"Uhh, what secret?"

"The secret of how you keep your hair so fluffy."

I give her a puzzled look.

"You know wich one, why are you always ditching?" She says turning serious again.

I sigh and lean against the railing next to her, looking up at the stars, it's now or never.

"There is no real easy way to tell you so I'm just gonna say it........" I take a deep breath "I'm Spiderman" I say quickly.


"I am Spiderman"

"Well that explains it" she says chuckling.

"Explains what?"

"Why your always disappearing, why you always wear long sleeves, I bet you wear the suit under your regular clothes half the time. And why you're so ripped for a nerd, dont think I don't notice every time I hug you."

"So your not mad?"

"How can I be mad Peter." She says putting her hand on my cheek "You're out there every day protecting people, I can't expect you to have all the time in the world for me, or Ned, or MJ when you have that much responsibility."

"Thank you" I say.

I lean in and kiss her. Her hands go to my hair and mine to her waist. We stay there for about a minute until we have to come up for air.

We pull away and Y/N says "Then there's something I need to tell you, I haven't been completely honest with you either....."

Author's note
Thats the chapter! I told you secrets were about to be spilled. i just couldn't wait to write this, so I actually wrote it the same day i posted The Date chapter. And it's killing me not to post this but im keeping the schedule i mentioned earlier. Also there's some Peter Parker for you up there for those ppl who are having a bad day (the video is not mine).

Hope you ppl liked it.


I'm Not Who You Think I Am- Peter Parker x Y/N(fem!reader) Where stories live. Discover now