6. I Like You

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Come on Y/N it's now or never, you've got to tell him. But what if he doesn't like me back? My inner monolog answers. Then play it off as a joke, say MJ dared you, then you can go cry at her house.

I walk over to Peter who's getting stuff out of his locker, getting ready to go home. I tap him on the shoulder and take a deep breath.

"Hey, Pete, I need to tell you somthing."

He turns me and says "oh hey N/N i was just about to go look for you, I have somthing to tell you also."

"Ok you can go first" I say

"No you go" he says, looking a bit nervous.

"Just tell me Parker. "

He gives in

"Ok, ok fine, um, I, I uh-"


"I like you." He suddenly spits out

He starts rambling about it
" I realy like you and I guess I've liked for a while now but just never had the guts to admit it to myself I just didn't want to ruin our friendship. And if you don't like me back I totally get it-"

I grab his shirt collar and kiss him.

He stands shocked for a second then kisses back. Then I pull away.

"I like you too Peter"

"You do?" He asks shocked

I nod, smiling

"Oh thats so great!" He picks me up in a hug and spins me around.

"That's so great" he breaths putting me down.

"Hey, how about we go on a date, we can watch movies and eat pizza at my place"

I say intertwining my fingers with his.

"Your parents?" He asks

"Won't be there all week, the're working nights"

He nods

"Ok how about, tomorrow, Thursday, after school" he asks

"Ok, I'll see you" I say giving him a quick peck before leaving.

Peter POV

"See you" I say as she leaves


I pull out my phone as I walk home.


(Ned in Italics, Peter in bold)

I did it man

You did?

What did she say?

She kissed me!

And she said she likes me too

We have a date tomorrow

Nice job dude, proud of you

Good luck on your date tomorrow

Thanks bro, I'll talk to you later

K bye




When I get to my apartment, I flop on to my bed thinking of what just happened.

"I kissed Peter Parker" I say to myself.

I look at my phone to see a message from MJ, I text her back.


(MJ in Italics, Y/N in bold)

So how'd it go Reyes?

Great actually

So what happened?

I, uh

Kissed him

You kissed him!?

Then I asked him out

So who confessed first?


But then he started rambling on about, stuff like if i don't like him

So i decided to just kiss him

Then i asked him out

So let me get this straight

You kissed him first

Then you asked him out


Y/N im so proud of you!

When's the date?

Tomorrow, after school, at my apartment


Once again so proud of you

Have fun!


I'll see you at school tomorrow



Author's note
So that was the chapter! I decided to write this as soon as possible so you ppl dont have to wait for the confession. I hope you liked it!

By the way, who do you think Y/N's parents are?

Who's your favorite mcu ship?

The first question is just bc i want to know what you ppl think. The second one is for future books.


I'm Not Who You Think I Am- Peter Parker x Y/N(fem!reader) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon