1. How We Met

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Ughh I hate the bus! I'm squashed between two other girls,on a seat that's only meant for two people! It's my first day at a new school and I'm not gonna screw it up. It's been 3 years since I've stayed in one school for more than a year, I move around a lot because of my parents jobs. The last few years I haven't really been making an effort to have friends or anything, but this year is going to be different because my Dad said we will be staying a bit longer.

SCREEEECH! The bus finnaly stopped, jolting me forward. I stand up to see a stampede of middle schoolers trying to get off the bus, I dont really know what to do so I end up being one of the last ones off.

As soon as I'm off the bus I walk down the crowded hallway until I see a door that says ADMINISTRATION on it, I walk in to see this lady typing on a computer
"excuse me?" I say.

"Yes?" Says the lady.

"Umm... I'm here for my schedule?"

"Ok, whats your name and grade?" She asks.

"Y/N Reyes, and I'm in 7th grade"

"Y/N Reyes" I hear her mumble as she types my name into the computer.

She clicks a button and I hear the printer next to her. A moment later she hands me a piece of paper with my name and grade on the top and my classes listed below it. The lady tells me that the hallways are numbered by grade.

I go straight to the hallway with a number 7 on it. I find my first period class just as the bell rings and students are walking in.

"Take a seat where ever you want, I'm going to be making a seating chart in just a minute" I hear the teacher say.

With that I put my backpack down next to the farthest seat in the back of the room, sit down and start reading one of my favorite books until I hear the teacher call my name.


"Yes ma'am" I say

"Move one seat to your left" she points to the seat next to me. I move to that seat and continue reading

"Jones" she continues pointing at the seat I was just sitting in. A dark haired girl sits in the seat without taking her eyes off the book shes reading. I decide to talk to her.

"Thats a really good book, I finished the series already." I whisper

She looks over at the book I was reading "that's a good book too." She asks "have you seen the movie?"

"I have" I say "but the book is better."

She gives a slight nod then says "I'm MJ"

"Y/N" I say giving her a small smile.

After class-------------

"Hey, what class do you have next?" I ask MJ

"Uh...science, room 1120"

"Cool I have the same class" I respond

She points to my Ironman hoodie and says, "hey there are two people you should meet, one of them is a big Ironman fan"

We get to class and find our seats, I'm next to a brown haired boy scribbling in his notebook he turns to me with a smile "nice hoodie" he says

"Thanks, I'm Y/N"

"Hi I'm Peter, nice to meet you"

I grab my lunch and start looking for MJ, I see her sitting at the end of a table with two boys sitting on the other end. I walk over and hear MJ say "too late, you guys are losers"

One of the boys ask "then why do you sit with us?"

MJ responds with a simple "because I don't have any friends"

"So what am I, chopped liver?" I say as I sit down next to her

I recognize one of the boys as the kid from my science class
"Hey Peter"

"You two know each other?" MJ asked

"Not really, we kind of just met." Peter says

MJ gives us a confused look

I simply state "We met in science."

"Oh ok makes sense, this is Ned by the way" she says

"Hi I'm Y/N"

Author's note: sorry this chapter was short I promise it will get better. By the way it might take me a while to update because I'm writing this at night and school is starting soon
I hope whoever is reading this will stick around for the next chapter.


I'm Not Who You Think I Am- Peter Parker x Y/N(fem!reader) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin