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"What is all of this...?" Zephyr said, scrolling through the folders. His face: solemn seeing the date on the name of every folder.

Haydar sat next to him as Zephyr looked through the files before stopping on one named "Those in question 31-12-2005". Opening the file, he saw the names of many mafias in the industry. Zephyr's eyes stared at the names, especially the more known ones: The Vipera, Veleno and Diavolo.

They were big in his world of work, Zephyr knew that. It didn't make sense to him though, why would mafias that they had no affiliation with try attack and succeed in getting rid of his father? All three did sound familiar to him, not just out of recognition from his work life but as if he knew who they were, which was impossible. He had never made contact with them before. He decided to brush it off and carry on looking. There were many names on the list, surely not all of them could've had something to do with it. It felt like someone was playing games with him, watching as he struggled to decipher the truth.

"Haydar, I need you to do something." Zephyr said, still looking through the list of names.

"Just say the word Zeph." Haydar responded, sensing that Zephyr was scheming something.

"I need you to gather all of the names in this file." He turned the laptop towards Haydar. "We're going to have a party." Zephyr said grinning, his investigation had finally begun.

"So, you want me to organise a gathering for all the listed names and tell all of them that it's for creating new alliances but in reality, we're going to fake an attack away from the party and whoever follows us and recognises the situation is going to be our new allies. However, they're not going to be trusted fully because they're still suspects for your dad's death but they may come in handy during the process of finding out what actually happened that day?" Haydar said, gasping for air after saying all of that.

"Well, when you put it like that it doesn't seem like that bright of an idea..." Zephyr said, rubbing the nape of his neck in doubt. "But think of it this way, I get to see what we're dealing with and it gives us a chance to create a stronger backup if we ever need it. Do you remember the saying 'Keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer.'? That's exactly what we're going to do. Plus I want to see if the 'big shots' are really what they're made out to be. I mean, not to brag but we're one of the most influential groups out there. Something also tells me they'll play an important role in all of this." Zephyr spoke out, trying his best to convince Haydar.

Haydar chuckled at his boastfulness. It's true though. They did make quite a big name for themselves, even after the fall of Alvaro. His death wasn't enough to diminish the empire he had built and it only kept growing from there.

"Okay fair, but I'll need a few days to get it ready, there are quite a few invitations that'll need to get sent out. I need to know though, what's this 'something' that's telling you that the 'big shots' are gonna be important?" Haydar inquired, curiously waiting for Zephyr's answer.

"...My gut instinct?" he replied sheepishly.

Haydar sighed, curiosity always killed the cat. "Yeah, your 'gut instinct' is just you being hungry. Get out of my bed and go eat something." Haydar deadpanned, disappointed but not surprised when Zephyr's stomach rang aloud.

"And I thought you loved me?" Zephyr said with fake sorrow as he got up to leave.

"Fuck gave you that idea?" Haydar shouted out from behind him while laughing.

Even though Zephyr had some interesting ideas, Haydar couldn't always disagree. Not after everything that has happened to him.

Zephyr DeNiro

Today's the day of the gathering. Haydar put it together as I had asked. It's an evening event, wine tasting is the main theme for our 'guests' to bond over today. I started buttoning my black shirt in the mirror, pulling a black and blue patterned waistcoat on top. The dress code is expensive-formal but I'm going to be disguised as one of Haydar's security guards anyway. For my sake, Haydar ordered all of the men that were guarding the event to wear masquerade masks to hide their identities. That way I can hide mine while blending in with them. I can't risk compromising myself by not wearing one. After all, someone already knows of my existence.

I continue getting ready. Tying my hair back, half of it still down and then proceeded to pick a pair of cufflinks. I choose the custom black ones that Haydar gifted me, the design being the symbol that represents The Serpiente.

The symbol was made by my father. It consists of a cross, with a snake entwined around it. Its meaning is to 'keep righteous even as animals of temptation, delivered from evil to seek mercy' in simple words, to not betray one another even when tempted and to seek mercy instead of living in regret. Certain people didn't get the message.

Three knocks sounded at my door, Haydar being the source of the noise.

We gave each other a mutual nod before heading out. It was finally starting.

We arrived at the venue, one of the namely buildings previously owned by my father. Now, legally in Haydar's name but in reality, owned by myself. Safety reasons of course.

"Haydar man. Couldn't you have picked a more comfortable mask?"

"Just firm it you pussy." He laughed, "At least it looks good."

"Just say you have a thing for me and leave." I remarked, knowing it would annoy him.

"This is why I don't talk to you."

He fastened his pace, leaving my humour and me behind.

"Slow down Hads." I called out from behind him.

"No. Tonight I'm Haydar, leader of The Serpiente to you and you're my most trusted guard. You're always supposed to stay a step behind me."

"Yeah, yeah." I laughed at his newfound arrogance.

Cocky bastard

Haydar was the only one I would ever be open with, vulnerability isn't a good look otherwise.

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