"Room B15" she said quickly, not even looking at Brady.  She was about to pick up her magazine but then she noticed Cassie and gave her a wide smile revealing her yellow teeth. Cassie found it odd how nicely she always acted towards her, she was rude to a lot of people but never her. "Hello Cassie dear."

Cassie rose up her right eyebrow in confusion "How how did you know my name?" she stammered

The lady just kept on giving her a cryptic smile, she winked at Cassie and gave her one last equivocal smile before picking up her magazine which she continued to flip through. A feeling akin to terror washed through Cassie as she looked at the woman in shock. She felt deeply troubled by her uncanny warmness to her.

"I think we should get going," Brady said, equally creeped out by the receptionist. "What was that?" Brady asked frightened as he pulled her towards the elevator.

"I have no idea, she's always so nice to me, I've seen her act nice to some people but she's mostly rude, but with me she's always nice, it's like she knows something about me"

"I'll look into her for you, she makes me feel uneasy" he said. 

Cassie nodded and together they walked to Tamera's new room. Outside her door were two officers who greeted Brady as soon as they saw him. Brady knocked on the door and they faintly heard her reply "come in"

They stepped in surprised to find that she wasn't alone.

"Peter why are you here?" Brady asked in a confused tone.

"Yeah, weren't you just at the station with me and Caleb?" Cassie asked rudely.

"I heard that our witness had woken up and so I came, " he deadpanned

"Are you seriously trying to question her?" Brady asked furiously "she just woke up for chrissake"

"Weren't you going to do the same?" Peter asked impassive.

"Yeah, but I'll know how to do so without putting any unnecessary pressure on her, she's my sister and I'll know how to handle it"

"What's the difference"

"You're very aggressive with your questioning" Cassie shot in "I know that for a fact" she pursed her lips.

"Well I'm only doing my job Cassie, all I want is for her to confirm that your brother is the killer once and for all, and for her to tell us his accomplice," he said pointing at Tamara.

That made her blood boil so much, she tried to plunge forward but Brady held her back "you douche bag" she yelled. "If there's any killer it's you"

"I'm not the one locked up in jail"

"Very soon you'll be, I'll make sure that happens," she said in a deathly tone, releasing herself from Brady's grip.

"Peter please leave, Tamara doesn't need your interrogation right now," Brady said in a frustrated tone.

"I'll be back," he said, before pompously walking out of her room. Cassie kept on glaring at him till he was masked by the shot door.

Brady walked over to Tamara and carefully sat at the edge of her bed.

"I hope he didn't bug you too much," she placed her hand on Tamara's hand that had an IV drip inserted into it.

"No," she replied with a croaked voice "he was just about to question me before you walked in and saved me," she laughed weakly.

"How do you feel?"

"Sore, weak, tired" she replied.

"The doctor said its normal for you to still feel pain for a while, it's a miracle that you're alive, I'm happy to have you back baby sis" he said stroking her hair as he placed a kiss on her forehead. 

THE THIRTEENTH DAY - BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now