I nodded and went over to the dining room where Kara and Jasmine just finished placing everything in the middle, including the few jugs of mocktails we'd made. We figured it would be rude to only make some for us, so we prepared enough for everybody and prepped the glasses with sugar on the rims of them and different slices of fruit so they could have options.

"Don't tell Seth they're virgin," Kara said, "I wanna see how he freaks out when I give Axel a sip."

We all laughed just as everyone came piling in. First Axel, who came speeding and sat beside me on the left. I smiled, "Hey, honey."

"Hi, Ni Ni," he scrunched up his nose as he smiled big at me. I ruffled his hair and turned my head when the chair beside me screeched. The smile on my face fell when William sat down, a smirk on his face as he acted as if it was nothing.

We all went silent as Seth and Alexis took their seats. He was at the head of the table, beside Axel and Kara. Jordan sat beside her, Alexis beside him and Jasmine beside her. There was one more seat on that side where Sinn sat down, leaving the other side of the table or the seat beside William for Callum.

Once Callum came into the room and saw where William had decided to sit, his face fell. He fisted his hands in anger and continued walking until he got to the seat at the other end and sat down, avoiding eye contact with everybody.

He's too scared to say anything.

Jordan punching William, yelling at William and showing his emotions was one thing. If Callum let his emotions get the best of him, Seth would get suspicious and the last thing Callum wants is his brother to be asking questions or thinking he's being unprofessional because of a contract.

But it's not just a contract, Seth. Not even close.

I wanted to burst into tears as Callum discreetly shook his head at Jordan and Sinn, who were watching him closely to see if he'd want them to do anything. He didn't. He'd rather silently suffer than let anybody stand up for him.

I want to do something. I want to help him, but I can't. He still feels like William has control over him, like he could ruin Callum's life if he wanted to. But he can't. Callum only thinks that because he doesn't see how much Seth loves him and he won't let anybody tell him otherwise.

"What the hell are you guys waiting for?" Seth spoke up, "let's eat."

I snapped out of my thoughts as everybody started to dig in, conversations picking up and filling the tension that slowly started slipping away. I sighed and picked up Axel's plate, "what do you want, sweetie?"

"Noodles and garlic bread, please," he replied. I nodded and poured him some, making eye contact with Kara. She smiled and poured herself some of the mocktails.

"Here, Axel, try this," she outstretched her hand. Seth didn't pay any mind until he looked up and saw the glass Axel was drinking out of. It looked like alcohol. Quickly, he snatched it out of Axel's hand as the little boy smiled at the sweet flavour.

"Daddy, that's good," Axel did little grabby hands at the cup, "I want more."

"Are you fucking crazy?" Seth glared at Kara who played dumb.

"Here, Axel, you can have some of mine," I gave him mine and Seth freaked out, snatching that away as well.

Jasmine, Kara and I laughed. Tears formed in Kara's eyes as she smacked Jordan's shoulder while Jasmine snorted, making us laugh even harder.

"What the hell is so funny?" Sinn asked, looking at Jasmine like she had gone crazy.

"Seth, drink it," I told him.

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