Part 1: Reborn

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"God damn it Eugen! Get it through your head! She's gone! She would be back by now if she was alive! Why is it so hard to accept!" 

"She's my sister kommandant! How would you feel if your sister sacrificed herself so that you could live!" 

"Come on Eugen, you're just tired-"

"No! I'm going to get my sister back!" 

"Eugen!- God damn it.." 

Eugen walked swiftly out of the Commander's room, tears running down Her face. "He doesn't know what it feels like to lose a sister damn it!" She yelled to herself, punching a nearby wall. 

"Eugen.." Mainz stepped behind her older sister, putting her hand on the crying woman's shoulder. "The Wolfpack recovered her body." Euegn turned and looked at Mainz "They want us to look at it.." Mainz said "A-alright.. let's go.." Mainz nodded and walked off, Eugen following.

As they walked into the med bay, Bismarck, Tirpitz, Weser, and even Tallinn were there, all looking at the body of Hipper. The Wolfpack found the cube about three nautical miles away." Bismarck stated, looking around the autopsy table. 

"Usually, dead ships' cubes would just be dull.. but Schwester's cube isn't completely dull, it still has a faint glow." Tallinn spoke, looking at the wisdom cube. "T-Theres a chance she can come back..?" Eugen suddenly spoke.

"Why would we want her back, Eugen?" Mainz asked, looking at her older sister. "You know how she was! She said that if she died, she would be happy to!" Tallinn shouted, balling her hand into a fist. "You don't even spend as much time with her as I do! You're too busy up in the north getting drunk every fucking day! Why do you care about her now?!" 

Euegn shouted at Tallinn, the woman now going silent "Eugen, please calm down." Weser said quietly "I want her back." Eugen looked over at the group. "I don't care what any of you say, she was the only thing I had. You all don't even talk to me! She was there at the lowest of the low! You all just pushed me away!"

Mainz started to speak. "You never even tried to talk to us-" Eugen cut her off. "You know damn well that's a lie! When Hipper was injured, I tried to talk to you! But no, you were too busy making coffee for the god damn commander!"  

"You you have a fucking clue what you are saying Eugen!" Weser walked over to Eugen grabbed her shoulders "You are letting your emotions get the better of you! Hipper wanted to stay dead if she ever did die! She never wanted to be in this war in the first place!"

Eugen just stood there, continuing to get yelled at "She said she was a horrible sister during the war! Letting her sister's die during the war was one of her biggest mistakes!" 

"It's not like you were even fighting! I got nuked damn it! Twice! Do You know how much that fucking hurt! You didn't see the front lines. I did. Hipper did. We spent minimal time together but that time we spent together was special to me. Once I found out she sank, I was devastated. Now I have to go through it a second time! But if there's a chance to get her back. I'll take it." 

She pushed Weser off of her, walking over towards the two Flagships. "Please.. I just want Hipper back.. Please.." Eugen looked at the two, starting to tear up. "Sorry Eugen, I do-" 

"Alright. Let's see what we can do." Bismarck grabbed the cube from a side table, placing the cube onto Hipper's chest. "Sister, what in the hell are you doing?! Did you not hear the others?" Tirpitz shouted, looking at her older sister.

"Do you see how much emotion she's showed? She's never been this emotional about anything Tirpitz.. let's just give it a chance." Bismarck looked at Eugen with a soft smile. "Thank you so much Bismarck.. Thank you.." 

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