Chapter 14

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Miami, Florida Avery's Hotel Room

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Miami, Florida
Avery's Hotel Room

Miami, Florida Avery's Hotel Room

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Avery : Come in!
Nathan : -walks in- Are you all set?
Avery : Yeah just give me a sec.

-phone call-

Enzo : Si? (Yes?)
Avery : Finally! Enzo it's been days!!
Enzo : I'm sorry love but I have a lot of shit going on over here.
Avery : Missouri?
Enzo : What?
Avery : You said you'd take me to Missouri after the Miami trip.
Enzo : No love I need you to go back to Los Angeles. There's no way in hell you're going alone to Missouri!
Avery : Enzo please! Let me go to Missouri! I'll be fine!
Enzo : No is no Avery!!
Nathan : Let me talk to him.
Avery : -sigh-

I gave my phone to Nathan. I don't think he'll convince Enzo. When Enzo says no, it's hard to convince him otherwise.

Nathan : Bro it's Nathan. What do you say I take her to Missouri. Don't worry about her. I'll take very good care of her.
Enzo : It's not safe Nathan.
Nathan : Dude, all she wants is to go to Missouri. It's her family. Her mother is very sick. Get in her shoes for a sec.
Enzo : ...
Nathan : Enzo?
Enzo : Fine! Call me once you land.
Nathan : Bet!
Enzo : Give the phone back to Avery.
Nathan : Here
Avery : Thank you Enzo.
Enzo : Just a few days.
Avery : I'll be forever grateful with you.
Enzo : I love you. -ends call-

Avery : Thank you!!
Nathan : No prob! I see how much you need it.
Avery : Let's go!!

Venice, Italy
Enzo's House

Luciano : The Dragon hasn't gone on a hit since you got here

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Luciano : The Dragon hasn't gone on a hit since you got here. He hasn't called his guy at all either.
Enzo : Anything on Victoria?
Luciano : Nah she spends her time at the casino.
Enzo : I don't trust her.
Luciano : Why? I don't find her suspicious at all.
Enzo : I don't know. It's just an instinct.
Luciano : She has reason to go against you. You killed her brother.
Enzo : She doesn't know that.
Luciano : Are you sure?
Enzo : Positive!
Luciano : However, she hasn't gone against you in any way.
Enzo : So The Dragon is hiding?
Luciano : Yes
Guard : Boss! I'm getting a phone call!!
Enzo : Quick! Track!
Luciano : On it!

-phone call-

Guard : Boss?
Unknown : I have a mission for you.
Guard : You tell me.
Unknown : Kill Luciano Lombardo.
Guard : That's dangerous...
Unknown : It's an order!
Guard : Yes boss...
Unknown : You have twenty four hours. If by then he isn't dead, then you'll be the one six feet under!
Guard : Yes boss...
Unknown : I will call you in twenty four hours. -ends call-

Enzo : This is an opportunity to get to The Dragon.
Luciano : By killing me?
Enzo : Absolutely not! You...
Guard : Me?
Enzo : If you don't kill Luciano, The Dragon will come at you. That's exactly what we want.
Guard : Let him kill me?!
Enzo : I won't let him kill you. Just do things my way.
Guard : You're the boss....


Avery : I have so many mixed emotions.
Nathan : You must be happy.
Avery : I am happy! I can't wait to see my family.
Nathan : But?
Avery : I'm scared to see my mom. She's very sick and I don't know if I'm ready to see her in such state...
Nathan : It's going to be hard but you have to be strong. You're very strong.
Avery : I don't even want to imagine what my little sister is going through. It hurts to know she's watching everything and going through it alone. My dad must be devastated to watch them both hurt.
Nathan : How long will you be in Missouri for?
Avery : Enzo said a few days. I don't know to be exact.
Nathan : I'll be with you through it all. Don't feel alone because you have me.
Avery : -smile- Thank you for everything. You're a true friend.
Nathan : Anything for you.
Avery : I texted my friend Vicky I'm going to Missouri. She's in Italy but she said she'll fly to Missouri as soon as she can! I can't wait for you to meet her. She's so cool!
Nathan : How are you going to introduce me to your family? They'll be surprised to see me instead of Enzo.
Avery : The truth! That Enzo is working and sent you to protect me.
Nathan : Do they know who Enzo really is?
Avery : No so please don't say anything.
Nathan : Lips are sealed.
Avery : How long is the flight?
Nathan : Three hours.
Avery : Oh not bad.

Venice, Italy

Enzo : Victoria!
Victoria : Yes?
Enzo : Where are you going?
Victoria : To Missouri! My best friend texted me saying she's on her way. I want to see her so bad so I'm going. Are you?
Enzo : No I have work to do here.
Victoria : Oh your loss. Bye! -walks away-

Enzo : You know? It's good to know she's out.
Luciano : Why?
Enzo : Because we're going to investigate the casino. I know something is up.
Luciano : If you say so.


Nathan : Tell me about your family.
Avery : Well, my mom is the sweetest person ever. My dad can be loving but he's very protective of my little sister and I. Evie, my sister is so so sweet but she's also very sensitive and vulnerable. Again, she's only ten.
Nathan : Your family sounds lovely.,
Avery : Your family is also lovely.
Nathan : Because you've only met my mom and Celeste..
Avery : You have another sister right?
Nathan : Yeah but she's in a mental health clinic.
Avery : Aw..
Nathan : And you know my situation with my "dad."
Avery : You should try to fix things with him.
Nathan : It's hard for me to forgive him. He cheated on my mom!
Avery : I understand that but, he's your dad. We only have one dad in life. There's going to be a day we won't have him anymore.
Nathan : ....
Avery : Think about it.


Enzo : Do you know who's in charge?
Luciano : Nope!
Enzo : Let's look around.
Luciano : Alright! I'll hack into the camera system to make things easier.


Nathan : Hey so-

I turned to look at her but the girl is knocked out. She's sleeping facing away from me. She looks uncomfortable.

I wrapped my arm around her and laid her head on my shoulder. She moved a bit but only to get comfortable.

I couldn't help but smile. She's sleeping so peacefully.

Venice, Italy
Casino - Basement

Enzo : So many rooms down here.
Luciano : Enzo...
Enzo : Si? (Yes?)
Luciano : That room in the corner is filled with boxes. The other room is filled with weapons.
Enzo : The fuck...
Luciano : It's hard to unlock. The pin is twenty numbers long.
Enzo : Fucking Victoria...
Luciano : What if she doesn't know?
Enzo : Of course she knows!! She's practically one of the owners of this damn casino!!
Luciano : There's a door that leads us down.
Enzo : Down? There's another bottom floor?
Luciano : Yeah but that room doesn't have a camera.
Enzo : Is Victoria on a plane yet?
Luciano : Yes
Enzo : Fuck...

To be continued.....

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