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I opened my eyes at the luxury creme and gold ceilings.. a red curtains were framing the long french windows where the sun rays irritated my heavy sight..

" Good morning, Love "
A low husk voice called me, I saw Sirius , I was in his room.
Gradually, I started to take back all of the events.. My heart clinched in pain .. I wasn't dreaming.. it was real..
" Sirius , is Harry alright?"

" He is okey " he was looking at me with sad eyes..

" you had a mental breakdown, Narcissa " and my mother showed up and she embraced me , my tears started to fell, and I cried on her shoulders.. with all the regrets.. sadness.. and love I held for Severus ..
" I couldn't help him! He was protecting me all the time and I couldn't do anything! "
My mother was hugging me and cried too ..
I calmed down , I could feel my head is loaded , and pressure is squeezing my eyes..
The last time I cried like this was at my father funeral ..
Sirius stared at me and said " Narcissa, I know going through this is not easy..I want you to know that I am here to help you , by any means .. " he then hold me into his arms , " I know you are sad , you have all the right to ! He protected you .. He was a brave man .. he risked his life everyday for you , and Harry .. and for the greater good .. "
No one know that was not the only things , no one know about my only deep secret I shall take it to my grave .. that I was his Lover , and Loved him more than myself..
The days passed and I was with the Gryffindors company.. I was healing and grieving.. Regretting.. and Smiling at the memories in the same time..
I isolated myself in few nights.. and socialize in the other..
I managed to step a few steps into a new chapter of my life .. thanks to Sirius ..
Who was supporting me , he called healers .. he traveled with me .. he bought to me many jewelry, dresses , a surprise party for my birthday..
but that only made me busy, but never forget him.
I was renewing, by Sirius unconditional love .. it wasnt that intense , hot love at my first months of healing, but by time .. I opened my eyes .. I saw how amazing person he was .. I gave him the chance to love me and compensate me for all the sadness in my heart.
He was funny, handsome, gentleman .. and very caring ..
I returned to a part in me , where it wasn't there since I started my affair with Severus..the fun, adventurous, ambitious part of my soul.
Severus was the virgin love of my life , but in every relationship there has to be a part of you where you give it up , so you can merge with that person.

I happily gave up the active , mischievous teenager for Severus and It was worth it, he lived the best short weeks in his life with me.. and I too ..
But with Sirius , I restored that authentic part again , I went back to Quidditch.. and running through Hogwarts Hallway again after 6 months of healing and School maintenance..
I still drop a small tear at his memory , and every time I went by the potion class.. or imagine his black robes flowing behind my eyes at the dungeons, and realize.. its just a fantasy , as I used to see him ..
I still sleep at his pillow that I stole from his room , where the only scent of him was ever left for me.

𝙴𝚞𝚙𝚑𝗈𝚛𝚒𝚊∙ |𝘚𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘶𝘴 𝖡. Vs. 𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘶𝘴 𝖲. X OC|Where stories live. Discover now