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6 o'clock in the early misty morning at Hogwarts quidditch grounds , The red gryffindore players were jumping and stretching before the real practice start.
" what the hell Ginny and Harry were thinking of? I didn't even have breakfast! " Ron complained as he was riding his broom lazily.
" it's Hermione advice where she read it in muggles health magazine " Jumped Narcissa Avery, Gryffindore chaser , the redhead girl with thick black eyelashes over her hazel eyes ..
" according to the magazine, when you practice in the morning, on empty stomach .. you will have the maximum potential and workout better "
" bullshit , I am drowsy !"
" just wait for a few minutes and you won't! " flushed Ginny
The players rode their brooms after the warm up , and Harry started to guid them for positions.. they fly like birds over their brooms and started to play and score , defend their goal and race each other .. except no beater throw a bludger To prevent injuries.
Narcissa Avery fly like a gunshot with her firebolt broom , Faster than a lightening strike
She scored into the hoop , her ball shot was strong and fast to the level her friends who were ready for it didn't catch it.
" Nice shot Cissy ! They missed it even though they were excepting it ! " Harry said
" Right in their faces " Winked Narcissa
During the training Narcissa was trying to score and the other keepers secured their side , as they fly into a star shape inward when she is coming to score , they managed to lock the hoops after ten failed tries.
The others practice too and managed to compensate for the previous week that went without training. After two long hour of training , Ginny whistled and announced " Stop! Good work everyone ! "

" finally! I could catch breakfast! " Ron rushed inside with his broom hanged behind him.
as they all were motivated and run into her giving her hi-fives as they run into the school , finally Narcissa came to her and rolled her right arm around Ginnys back , and they walked each other inside ..
" All good , Cissy? " Ginny asked
Narcissa nodded , as they were very sweaty although the chilly frozen weather of October. They managed to finally get into the castle and into the hot showers ..
Narcissa relaxed her back at the shower wall , allowing the hot water to slide into her body , relaxing her sore muscles, and washing her very long red hair.
It was the weekend so they are free to wear whatever they want to , she put on her cropped pink shirt and wide legs blue jeans, and her favorite blue star's earrings, magically turned her wet hair into a long thick braid.
"let's go " Ginny followed as she went through the marble stairs into the breakfast
In the great hall ..

In the hall where it wasn't very full of students in the weekend , but there was Professor Snape chatting with Professor Mcgonaglle.
They took their seats and the food was magically heating itself, Ginny chose tracle tarts and coffee , reminds her of her mother, and Narcissa put some sausages and spoonful of butter , on her thick bread slice , added some rosemary and herbs with a big glass of Pumpkin juice.
" You eat too much for a sport girl , Cissy "
Hermione stared at her with owe , " that's plate contain about hundreds of calories ! "
She stared too at Rons plate : " you too Ronald ! "
" it's because of your stupid magazine the training was on the early morning and NO FOOD ! EMPTY STOMACHES ! If you just spare us from your encyclopedia we will be honored ! " Ron flushed at her , with his face almost crying
" I'm 'Ungry ! " Narcissa said with mouth full of food, carelessly
" she is the only girl with an thick body in the team, yet the most talented,so.. ALL athletics with slim bodies .. RELAX ! MY girl 's gonna smash you " Erine Mcmillan joined the Gryffindors table and rolled his arms around Narcissa waist..
" Mornin' babe " said with a smile as she bent over him a little , as they all smiled back at him .. he was very loved and good friend to Narcissa's friends too because she was his crush , then his girlfriend.
After breakfast Narcissa went with Erine to walk outside the yard , they were holding their hands and smiling , finally they stayed under the large tree in the courtyard.
Erine was reading his book silently, where Narcissa was relaxing her back at the tree and opened her calender to organize her weekly plans.. there was a picture slide from the leather calendar pockets
A picture of a man in his fourties, with blond hair and shiny blue eyes .. he was very happy and peaceful looking and holding a redhead babygirl , the magical photograph was moving as he hold her to his arms and point at the camera again.
" How are you holding on after his death, Narcissa? " Said Erine as he was examining the picture of her father , Marius Avery .
Narcissa expressions darkened , but she saw Erine face who was very concerned about her , " My mother is struggling with the business he left behind , but I am moving on .. I can't tell how am I really, it's been two months only since we found his body after the broom accident.. I am still in shock "
Erine wiped his hands on her hair , moving a little strand of hair behind her ears , and kissed her cheeks gently , " I am here for you , anywhere and anytime "

Narcissa side :
I felt a warmth that is covering my shallow heart when Erine said this , this short phrase but it meant the world to me , after seconds we were interrupted by a dark tall figure , with a silky barton cold tone , " Public displays of affection is forbidden by the law 244 , isn't it ... " and Professor Snape turned at me " Miss Avery? "
I took my dad's photo and hide it inside my leather calendar pocket.
" we didn't do anything! " I flushed at him
" Cissy, stop , come on lets go " Erine tried to calm me down, " Sir, we're sorry ! This won't happen again ! " and he pulled me with him and begged me to stay silence , while Snape was glancing at us with stares full with disgust, he is the real description of the grim ! He just ferret behind our mistakes and takes point from my house! Gryffindore!
" I don't know why he points at you always! I am here too " Erine commented like he was reading my thoughts
" Because we are his least favorite house ! He took 10 points last class because Harry arrived three minutes late "
" beside ! " I turned at Erine " why you are not defending ourselves? You are allowing him to cross his line you know very well we didn't do anything! "
" Narcissa, It's not that I am afraid or something! But I won't give him the satisfaction! Thats all ! " he said while keeping a slight distance and turn to see behind him every few steps.. yeah ! Clearly not afraid.
The week begun and classes were alright, we started to prepare earlier for our OWLs exams so we could save time to practice. It was a good sunny morning, I woke up running for a quick shower , and put on my short skirt and Gryffindor tie and crisp white camisole.,
I wrapped my long copper hair with a black ribbon and put on my long stockings.
I applied some natural color lipstick, hoping the teachers won't notice, and Some eyebrows shade to make them darker.

" let's hope Professor Snape doesn't notice your make up " Hermione said with concerns.
I raised my middle finger at mentioning his name , because he always ruin our happy times , and take points from our house just because we breathed.
We rushed into breakfast, me and my quidditch gang opened our schedule to arrange today's practice, figuring out We have double potions at the first hours and then long break in the middle between potions and history.
I ate my creamy pudding that is full of calories , and a large mug of coffee , borrow it from Hagrid.
After the eating race with Ron because he bit ,
" whoever give up first will pay for the butterbeer ! "
After a heavy meal , He won ! And Ron shouted across the table and rised his hands : " Oh Gryffindors! butterbeers on Narcissa Avery this hogsmade weekend ! "
Professor Remus stared at us with smiling face , he could hear that I lost the bet , and Albus Dumbeldore chuckled appreciativley , nearly everyone was laughing happily, me too ! I don't mind to buy my house butterbeer!
I laughed while cleaning my mouth with napkins, and we ran to Snape's Class.
Me, Harry , Ron and Hermione.. with Erin behind me also stood fixed near our cauldrons..
Snape was writing on the board, he Always ignore the potion books , and write his own ingredients and directions ! Whoever fail to do the potion , means he wasn't paying attention to him ,
He said coldly : " start "
While working, and focusing deeply, and all our purpose was to finish without detention to catch the training.
He stood in front of me and glanced over my face, and said :
" Miss Avery , are you familiar with school rules ? "
I raised my chin and answered, " not all of them "
He rested his arms at my table , Harry moved closer to me and curled his arms and gave him a daring stares, a defensive position it was.
Snape hissed : " you are wearing make up , This will cause your house twenty points, and it's look like you weren't-"
" I didn't know it was forbidden to put makeup, Sir .. as long as I am not aware them I am not considering guilty " I said like it's the last thing I would worry about in life.
He went To grab a towel from the sink hanger , he opened the water and dampened it , he is coming into me ! Oh shit !
the wet towel at my face and roared : " wipe it off , Silly "
" Hey ! Don't you dare to hurt her ! " Harry jumped
Snape wiped his wand and returned Harry to his place, something like the imperius curse but lighter.
" Silent " He said Firmly

Harry hissed something to Snape's , and I couldn't exactly tell what is it , but Snape shrink in his place a little bit and as always , he avoided staring at Harry face like it's the most filthy thing in the world." Resume your work " He ordered.

After the class was almost done, we managed to clean everything and we could hear him say : " class dismissed "
And before I leave , I turned at him and said clearly: " whatever you did to my house, your house going to pay for it in the next quidditch game .. Professor "
He dropped silent, and I left his place with full confidence.

So, that was a normal day.. getting bullied and violence from my potion master, and go to play quidditch like nothing happened at all.


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